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"Friendship above all"

"Vice Chairman Ri... Can I go for a while?" Chan Young said. Jeong Hyeok  look at her. "Why?" He said. "I'll just go down to the lobby,  I asked Seri to pick this and she's at the lobby right now." Chan Young said. Jeong Hyeok got surprised and look at the box that Chan young holding. "What's that?" He asked. Chan Young smile, "This day is her first day of work as a Manager in a coffee shop. So, I bought her a pair of heels. I forgot to gave it yesterday." She said. "What? She apply as Manager and now it's her first day?" He said. Chan Young look at him as he seem so surprised. "You didn't know? That girl! How rude is she... Why she didn't tell you about it. You're her boyfriend..." Chan Young said. Jeong Hyeok got shocked on Chan Young's reaction. "It's okay... Oh... I remember she told me about it.." He said. "Sure, go ahead... You can go and give that to her." He said. Chan Young smile and bow before she left him alone in his office. Jeong Hyeok got curious on why Seri want to work as a Manager. Why she didn't tell him about it. He pick his phone and he was about to call Seri but he remember her rules. 'Its her privacy, Ri Jeong Hyeok...'  In his mind.

"Seri!" Chan Young called her. She smile and walk towards to her. Chan Young gave her the box she was carrying. "What's this?" She asked. And her eyes got widen when she open it. "Yah!" She said as she's smiling brightly. "Wear it today... And goodluck Manager Yoon! Fightin'." Chan Young said. "Fightin'." Seri said and let out a small laugh. "Thanks for this... You're so sweet, Jeon Chan Young.." Seri said and hug her. "Yah! Stop it! What if someone saw us here and think we're having an affair." Chan Young said. Seri hug her tightly as she chuckled. "Let's have a drink Tonight... My treat!" Seri said. Chan Young smile widely. "Oh! I like that! I'll give a call to Joo Hee and Seo woo..." She said. Seri smile faded. "Is he okay now?" She said. "He never answered my call and it's awkward that we're still like this and we saw each other tonight." She said. "Yah! I think he is. He's been used to it. You've reject him many times, remember?" Chan Young said. "Don't worry... I'll talk to him.." She added. "Arasso... Oh! I have to go..." She said. "Wait! Are you not visiting your boyfriend?" Chan Young said. Seri look at her with puzzlement and she sudden remember Jeong Hyeok. "Ah... Maybe next time... But for now, I need to go... I don't want to be late in my first day..." She said. Chan young nodded. "Arasso... Just go.... Take care.." She said. Seri smile and wave at her and she immediately went outside the main door. 


"I really saw her?" Cheon Seok said to Yeong Ae. "You mean this girl?" Mrs. Ri said and point it the picture on her hand. Cheon seok nodded. "maybe you just mistaken... She's out of the country for a while. Her father told me." Mrs. Ri said. Cheon Seok shake her head. "Aniyo! I know she's her... I saw her face she's prettier personally and I told you she's perfectly fit to your grandson. Are you sure you will cancel your agreement between you and to her father?" Cheon Seok said. Mrs. Ri got confused. "Honestly, I want her to be my future granddaughter but... Jeong Hyeok already had a girlfriend and I will meet her this weekend." Mrs. Ri said. Cheon seok let out a deep sigh. "If I had a son or grandson just like you. I will pursue that lady to be with him. Sadly I'm single..." Cheon seok said. Mrs. Ri let out a small laugh. "If you see her at the grocery store... And she's really that girl, why her father didn't tell me that she's return here in Seoul? It's odd?" Mrs. Ri said. "Maybe he finds another man he think that perfect for her daughter." Cheon seok said. Mrs. Ri tilt her head. "Ani.. knowing him, he's a person that keep his words." Mrs. Ri said.


"Jeong Hyeok! Dan call me and asking about you?" Jun Jae said. They're on the resort garden. "I also got curious... This is the first time that you never mentioned Dan in all our conversation this past few weeks..." Jun Jae said. Jeong Hyeok drink his ice coffee. " Yah! What do you mean?" He asked. "Are you two fight?" He asked. Jeong Hyeok look at him and recalled his conversation with Dan.

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