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Side story

One month ago

"Is it true? That you hired a fake girlfriend, Jeong Hyeok?" Dan said.

Jeong Hyeok got shocked.

"Jun Jae told you that?" He said.

"It's not important who told me about it... Yah! Are you cheating on me?" Dan said.

Jeong Hyeok smirked.

"I'm not, Dan... Maybe you are. ." He said.

Dan got shocked. And her heart feel anxious.

"Yah Ri Jeong Hyeok... Don't try to put the blame on me..." She said.

"Who is she? Tell me, is she good at bed than me that's why you're hiding this so called fake relationship from me??" She said.

"She's not just like any other woman who I knew... " He said.

"What do you mean?" Dan said.

"I know already, Dan... I know your little secret... At first  I tried to hide it and control my emotions to fix our relationship but it happened again, am I right?" He said.

Dan couldn't speak.

"I know it, thanks to your lover... He let me know about it. I try not to confront you because I want you to win at the competition and achieve your dreams. But I think this is the right time to tell you about this..." He said.

He let out a deep sigh.

"Let's break up, Dan..." He said.

Dan got shocked she couldn't believe that she will heard that word from Jeong Hyeok.

"You can't...  You can't break up with me... I'll explain Jeong Hyeok... I'll promise it will never happen again." She said

Jeong Hyeok is now tired of waiting and loving someone that is so self centered.

"I'm sorry... But I couldn't love you just like before... You did it twice, Dan... And I think you didn't love me just like how I love you before..." He said.

He heard Dan is crying

He planned to break up with her after her competition so she can focus on it.  He clear to his mind that Seri is not the reason why he wanted to break up with her but his heart is now tired of waiting.


Seri and Jeong Hyeok walking at the hotel lobby of one of the prestigious hotel in Seoul. Mrs. Ri waiting for them in a Restaurant at the fifteenth floor. They both in silence while walking towards the elevator and Seri manage to not to stand closer to him. A man keeps glaring to her but she didn't notice it while Jeong Hyeok frowned when he notice it. When the elevator door open he hold Seri's hand and pull her inside and he stood infront of him wih his two hand on each side of the elevator while Seri is rested her back on the elevator. The man look at him and to Seri and return his eyes on him but this time he gave him a death glared. Seri felt awkward in their position. She feel her heart beating so fast, Jeong Hyeok standing with his face infront of her as he feel his warm breath. "Uhm.. there's only a few people inside, why don't you stand here at my side, Jeong Hyeok.." She said while avoiding his eyes. Jeong Hyeok look around and he felt embarrassed when he notice that there only five people inside the elevator including them. He stand next to her and try to remain his poker face.

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