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"Jeong Wu and Min Jeong"

Side story

"Where are we going, Babe?" Seri said. Jeong Hyeok is behind her pushing her wheelchair. They're still on the hospital. "Let's visit someone we know..." He said. "Who was it?" She said. "You will see him when we get to his room.." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri tilt her head. They went to last room of the hallway. Jeong Hyeok smile when they accidentally bump Mr. Heo when he went outside the room but Seri got shocked. "Oh! Mr. Heo..." Seri said. Mr. Heo look and smile at her. "Seri... I'm glad you make time to visit him... I'm hoping it will regain his strength when he saw you." Mr. Heo said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. Seri has already had a clue who's inside. Jeong Hyeok push her wheelchair to went inside the room.

"Jun Jae!" Seri called when she saw Jun Jae lying on the bed and reading a book. Jun Jae look at them and he smile widely. "Seri..." He said. Seri look at to her husband and Jeong Hyeok hold her shoulder and he smile. They approach him and Jun Jae try to sit but Jeong Hyeok stop him. "Just lay down... Uncle told me your condition..." Jeong Hyeok said. Jun Jae smile. Seri look at the two. "Did I miss something?" She said. "It seems you two are okay now... I'm glad that you both reconcile with each other..." She said. Jun Jae and Jeong Hyeok smile. "Seri... I let you two talk, I'll buy some drinks for us..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri look at him. "Are you sure? Will it be okay to you?" Seri said. Jeong Hyeok pinch her nose. "Yes, your my wife now... He can't steal you from me, he knows it..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri let out a small laugh. "Yah!" She said. Jun Jae also let out a small laugh when he heard it.

There is a moment of silence between the two when Jeong Hyeok left. Seri smile when he catch his eyes looking at her. "What happened to you?" She asked. Jun Jae look at himself and let out a small smile. He return his eyes to Seri. "Maybe this is my karma, Seri after what I've done to you and to Jeong Hyeok." He said. "Yah! Don't say that... No one deserve to be hospitalised..." Seri said. Jun Jae smile. "You're so kind... That's why I fall inlove with you. Your beauty stand out because it comes from the inside." Jun Jae said. Seri smile. Jun Jae try to reach her hand, "May I?" He said. Seri hesitate first but he let him hold her hands. "Yoon Seri... This is my last confession to you..." He said. Seri listen to him silently. "I love you... My love for you at first was genuinely and sincere.... You're the only girl who captured my heart like what you did. But because of greed and selfishness, I didn't notice that my love will turn to obsession and I cause you so much pain... I cause Jeong Hyeok pain too..." Jun Jae said. Seri saw his sincerity through his eyes that was filled by his tears. "Im so sorry, Seri... My love for you cause you so much pain and sadness... I'm so scared when I saw you fighting for your life because of me... I'm sorry..." Jun Jae said and he cry harder. Seri hold his hand tightly. "Don't blame yourself, Jun Jae... My body and my heart are both weak eversince... This is my fate to fight for my life for my twins, so don't blame yourself..." She said. Jun Jae cry and Seri smile to comfort him. Jun Jae stood up and bend on his knees infront of her. "I love you... This is the last time I'll confess to you, Seri..." He said. "It's time to let go of you... Now, I accept the fact that your happy with my bestfriend, Jeong Hyeok. And both of you deserve happiness." Jun Jae said and release a sincere smile while his tears continue to run down on his cheeks. Jun Jae hug her tightly and Seri hug him back and tap his back to comfort him. "Thank you for your love, Jun Jae... I hope you can find a girl who deserve your love and will love you back... I also want you to be happy..." She whispered. She feel a warm water dropping on her shoulder.

Jun Jae didn't tell to Seri about what happened to him. He didn't want to cause any trouble or stress to her. He smile while watching the two went outside from his room. "I will never forget you, Seri... You will always be in my heart.." He said with a smile on his face.


Chan Young, Joo Hee and Seo Woo are visiting Seri at the hospital. They both Tteokbeokki and Matcha Ice cream for Seri. Seri eat it happily. "I'm glad your okay now..." Chan Young said. Seri smile. "My body is doing fine right now... I don't feel exhausted these past few days but Dr. Bong keep me here in the hospital for monitoring." Seri said. Jeong Hyeok is on one corner peeling fruits for Seri. "By the way, Eomma made your favorite side dishes and also I bought some baby stuffs for the twins. I brought it to your house yesterday." Joo Hee said. Seri smile widely. "Really? I really miss Auntie's cooking... If I feel better tell her I'll visit her..." Seri said. "Thank you, Joo hee..." She added. "Please be strong, and come out  here... Let's go bar hopping when you feel better..." Chan Young said. And they chuckled. "She can drink but not in a bar, Ms. Jeon." Jeong Hyeok said. The three girls immediately look at him. "Yah! Your husband is so possessive..." Seo Woo said. Jeong Hyeok look at him. "But I agree on him, even you Chan Young... You can go to the bar if you let me go with you." Seo woo said. Chan Young pout her lips. "Aigoo... Men now a days  cause us headaches.." Chan young said louder. Jeong Hyeok and Seo Woo let out a small laugh. "That's why I didn't want to have boyfriend..." Joo Hee said. "Wow! Really?" Chan Young said. And they all laughing. Seri laugh with her crescent shape eyes and Jeong Hyeok steal glances on her. He really loves to see her smiling and laughing with her pair of eye smile. He was hoping that his twin's eyes will reassemble to their mother.

When the three left. Jeong Hyeok sit on the side of the bed while Seri rest on his broad chest. His playing her hair while his other hand is on her tummy. "Babe..." He called. "Hmm?" She said. "Did you have names for our twins?" He asked. Seri smile and look at him. "Yes..." She said. "I told you, I dream about them with my mother... Are you curious about their gender?" She said. Jeong Hyeok immediately sit properly. "Did you also see in your dreams their gender?" He said excitedly. Seri let out a small laugh because of his reaction and she nodded. "It's a boy and a girl, Babe..." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile widely. "I'm excited to see them... Now, there's  little Hyeoky and little Seri in our family..." He said. Seri smile. "Then what's name you want for them?" He said. Seri smile and touch her tummy. "Jeong Wu for our little boy and Min Jeong for our little girl... I want to give them a name that comes after you." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and kiss her. "I love you, Babe..." He said. Seri smile and rest her head on his shoulder. "I love you more, Babe... My Hyeoky..." She said.

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