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"Peonnies and Roses"

They still seeing each other. Jeong Hyeok make sure that it will always be memorable to Seri whenever they had a date. She's his top priority and just like him, Seri also make time for Jeong Hyeok. They still had no any label but they both enjoying this moment on their lives. The more they get to know each other the more they fall harder. He didn't want to compare Dan to Seri but he observed that Seri is far different from Dan. She's so simple and appreciate even a small things and that's what makes her a plus. His grandmother is right, she's a treasure to be kept, and that's what he's trying to do... To be she's officially his.

Seri is with her car as she went to their company. She's parking her car when her phone suddenly ring. She smile when she saw Jeong Hyeok's name on her screen.

"Waeyo?" She said.

"Where are you?" Jeong Hyeok said over the phone.

"I'm here at my father's company. He wanted to talk to me about some matters. Waeyo?" She said.

"Oh, I see... Nothing, I'm just missing you..." He said.

Seri smile and her face blushed.

"Yah, Hyeoky... You really know how to make me speechless..." She said.

Jeong Hyeok laugh and she hear it.

"I'll call you later... I'm walking now at the hallway. Take care.." She said.

"Arasso... I'll wait you..." He said.

Seri smile and ended their phone call.

As she wait on the elevator, Bora saw her, she's her supervisor before when she's work at his father's company as a junior staff. "Oh, hello Ms. Yoon... Long time no see.." She said. Seri smile, "Annyeong Haseyo, Ms. Bora..." She said. "Yah... You had a thick face to be back here... You disappeared without informing your superior." She said. Seri let out a force smile. "I'm sorry... I know it's rude of me that I never pass my resignation before I left." She said. Bora smirked. "Your apology is too late now... I will talk to Mr. Kim that make you a report of being a bad employee... So the other companies will know how rude you are, Ms. Yoon." She said. Seri try to control herself.

"Ms. Yoon Seri you're here..." Mr. Kim said. Seri smile to him. "Annyeong Haseyo, Mr. Kim... How's my father doing? Is he done on his meeting?" She said. Bora got confused. "Yes, Ms. Yoon. Infact Chairman Yoon waiting on you at his office with some staff of JL Homes." He said. Bora's eyes got widen and her face look so pale. Seri let out a small smile and tap Bora on her shoulder. "Don't worry Ms. Bora... I have no plan to tell to my father how you treated me here..." She said. "And but I guess, I think that I don't need to make a report, right Ms. Bora?" She said. Bora nodded, "I-Im sorry... Ms. Yoon.." Bora said. Seri smile, "apology accepted... But next time don't make fun a junior staff just like what you did to me before, Arasso?" She said. Bora nodded. "Let's go, Mr. Kim.." She said and walk passed through her. When Seri left, Bora knees are shaken. "Omo! She's the heiress of this company... Aigoo... What did I do? Aishh!" She said.

Mr. Kim knock and announced that Seri is already here. "Good morning, Chairman Yoon.." She said and her eyes got widen when she saw Jun Jae seated next to her father. "Oh! Heo Jun Jae..." She said. Jun Jae smile and stood up to greet her. "Annyeong Haseyo, Yoon Seri." He said. Mr. Yoon look at the two. "I think you both know each other." Mr. Yoon said. Seri nodded. "Have a seat.." Mr. Yoon said to Seri. Jun Jae stand up and move the vacant chair next to him. "Thank you.." Seri said. "You have a lovely daughter, Chairman Yoon." Mr. Heo said, he is Jun Jae's father. "But I feel sad that she was already the girlfriend of Mrs. Ri's grandson." He added. "They're not dating... Mrs. Ri misunderstood their closeness.." Mr. Yoon said. "Appa!" Seri said. Knowing her father reaction, he still mad to Jeong Hyeok because of that incident. Jun Jae look at her. "I'll only tell the truth Seri..." Mr. Yoon said. "But it's my private life... I don't want to talk about it, I'm sorry..." She said. Mr. Heo smile, "I'm sorry Ms. Yoon... We'll you and my son look good together, what do you think, Chairman Yoon?" Mr. Heo said. Seri didn't speak she also didn't look to Jun Jae. "Appa... Please stop... We're here for business." Jun jae said. Mr. Heo let out a small laugh. "I'm sorry... I'm only admiring Yoon Seri. I hope you understand, Ms. Yoon." He said. Seri let out a force smile. "Ofcourse, Mr. Heo.." She said.

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