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"New Home"

Side Story

Jeong Hyeok and Seri are dancing sweetly, her hand is resting on his shoulder while his arms is wrapping around her waist. They looking at each other eyes without even care at their surroundings. Seri let out a sweet smile when Jeong Hyeok whispering sweet word to her. "You look so beautiful, Babe?" He said. Seri chuckled. "I know, that's why I got you, Babe..." She said teasingly. Jeong Hyeok kiss her on her lips. "I'll get addicted to your soft lips, Babe...." He whispered and kiss her again. Seri laugh and cover her lips. "What?" Jeong Hyeok said. "Yah! They're all looking at us..." Seri said. "I don't care... I'm looking and kissing at my wife right now..." He said. Seri chuckled and kiss him back. "I love you... I couldn't believe that we're married now, Mr. Ri..." She said. "You never failed to surprise me..." She added. Jeong Hyeok pull her closer to him as they continue dancing sweetly.
"Did I surprised you that much?" He said and Seri nodded. "I love you, Babe... You make me so happy when you said I Do earlier.... You're my wife now and this contract is legally valid than the contract we made before..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri let out a peel of Laughter. "No more rules number five?" Seri said. Jeong Hyeok laugh as he nodded. He hug her tightly as he close his eyes and smell her sweet yet flowery scent, "I love you so much, Yoon Seri..." He whispered. Seri close her eyes and feel his warm embrace. His arms is so peaceful and it brings her joy whenever it wrapped on her.

They greet and thanks all their guests while the party continue. "Congratulations, love birds.... We're so happy for the both of you.." Chan Young said. Seri hug her friends including Seo Woo. Jeong Hyeok smile as he see her happy. Seri couldn't help but to cry because of the happiness she felt right now. "No more tears, Seri... Yah! You will ruin our make up..." Joo Hee said. And they all both giggles and laughing. "Thank you guys for helping my Hyeoky to plan this special day on our lives..." She said. Joo Hee, Chan Young and Seo Woo look at them as they smile. "Yah! We love to see you happy with the man you really love. And thanks to your husband for preparing this kind of secret wedding." Chan Young said. "He made all the efforts here and we only help him." Seo woo said. Seri look at to Jeong Hyeok and then she smile. Jeong Hyeok hold her hand.

They also went to Mrs. Ri and Mr. Yoon who are seated at one table. Seri hug her father and Jeong Hyeok's grandmother. "Appa.... Thank you supporting us..." She said. Mr. Yoon smile and hold her hand. "I want you to be always happy, Seri... And If you're mother was still alive, this is also she wants, to see you happy with Jeong Hyeok." He said. Seri smile and hug her father. "I love you, Appa... You made me so happy when I saw you at the aisle earlier..." She said. Mr. Yoon smile and tap her back.

Mrs. Ri is looking at them smiling. "Jeong Hyeok, I'm so happy that my dreams for you are now finally came true..." Mrs. Ri said. "And I thank you for that, Halmeoni... Thank you for always supporting me..." He said. Mrs. Ri smile and tap his shoulder.

"Aigoo... Look at you together, so lovely. And I'm so excited to see your twins holding with your arms." Mrs. Ri said. Seri and Jeong Hyeok let out a wide smile. He hold her hands under the table while they're still chatting to Mrs. Ri and Mr. Yoon. Seri suddenly felt dizzy as she sudden hold Jeong Hyeok's hands tightly. "Are you okay?" Jeong Hyeok asked. Seri look at him and let out a force smile as she nodded. Seri couldn't understand what they're saying and she felt her body weaker. She felt extremely fatigue and her heart beat faster. She look at her surroundings and it seems so blurry. She manage to stood up but her knees are shaken. "Yoon Seri!" Mr. Yoon said. Jeong Hyeok hold her to her waist and saw her face is sweating. "Babe..." He called. "Babe... I want to rest..." She soflty whispered. Jeong Hyeok carry her. "Excuse us, Abeonim, Halmeoni and Auntie... We'll go upstairs. Seri needs to rest now." He said. "Sure, take care of her and we take care of your guests here... Don't worry..." Mrs. Ri said.

Jeong Hyeok walk with Seri on his arms. "Babe... You want me to take you to the hospital?" Jeong Hyeok ask while his walking. "aniyo, I'm fine... I'll take my medicine and have some rest." She said.


Seri woke up that her clothes are already changed. She slowly seated up  and look at her surroundings. Her eyes widen when she saw their pictures on the wall. Jeong Hyeok smile when he saw Seri is up already. Seri look at the clock and saw four o'clock in the morning. "I'm sorry, If I sleep on our wedding night." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and gave her some warm milk. "It's okay, you need to rest. I think our twins is already tired last night." He said and touch her tummy. Seri smile while looking at him. "By the way, Babe. Why our pictures displayed on this house?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at the pictures and return his eyes to his wife. "Because this is our room..." He said. Seri look at him with puzzlement and then he smile. "I bought this house while I'm in Hongkong. Halmeoni help me to bought it." He said. Seri didn't speak. "Because I plan to marry you when I return here to Seoul from Hongkong." He said. Seri got surprised. He never gave her a hint on his planned. "Did I startled you? I told you I won't let go of you..." He said. Seri chuckled. "Yah! I really love how you surprised me, Babe..." She said and she let out a sweet smile. Jeong Hyeok kiss her and Seri close her eyes as she return a kiss. Jeong Hyeok felt that their kiss is deepened and he immediately release her from his kiss. "Waeyo?"she asked. And caress her face. "I need a very cold shower tonight, Babe..." He said. Seri laugh. "You're laughter is so damn sexy, Babe... Don't teased me like that." He said. Seri try to hide her Laughter. Jeong Hyeok kiss her again and look at her eyes. "I'll be back... Make sure you drink your milk." He said. Seri nodded.


Days had been passed when they live on their new home. Seri is always on the garden looking at the flowers. Jeong Hyeok put a swing for her so she can relax while enjoying the view outside. She imagining her twins playing and running at the area.

Jeong Hyeok approach her and seated next to her. "Are you okay?" He asked. Seri nodded. "Babe... I'm so excited to see our twins playing here while laughing." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and kiss her on her forehead. "Me too... And I'm sitting here like this with you while they're playing and running." He said. Seri rest her head on his shoulder. "I hope we can have that dreams, Babe..." She whispered. Jeong Hyeok kiss her on her head, "We will, Babe... Don't think any negative... I know you're strong and I'm here just make me your courage whenever you're in pain." He said.

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