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Seri is so happy when she get hired as store Manager in a coffee shop. "Tomorrow is my first day.... Yoon Seri! You starting to live just like ordinary lady here in the country." She said and smile while walking at the side road. While she's waiting for the bus on the bus stop, a red car suddenly stop infront of her. "Yoon Seri!" Jun Jae called and wave his hand. Seri look who is he and she's trying to recall where she saw him. "I'm Jeong Hyeok's friend, the man standing infront of his door remember?" Jun Jae said. Seri suddenly recalled that night. "Oh, Annyeong! The dancing Goddess?" She said. Jun Jae let out a small Laugh. "Get inside... I'll send you home..." He said. "It's okay... I'll take a bus..." She said. "No I insist, I'll also go to Jeong Hyeok... Get in..." He said. Seri smile stood up and went inside. "Arasso... I can save money thanks to you." She said as she chuckled. Jun Jae couldn't look at her now she's seated next to him. "Waeyo? Are you having a fever? Your face is all red..." Seri said. Jun Jae look away, "Ani... It's hot..." He said. Seri look at him with puzzlement because it's snowing outside. "Ah I mean... Maybe I had a fever..." He said. Seri nodded and pick a medicine on her bag. "Take this... It will help.." She said and she smile. Jun Jae blushed and take the medicine on her hand. "Kamsahamnida!" He said.

"Are you okay on your set up? I mean, in your agreement with Jeong Hyeok?" Jun jae said without looking at her. Seri smile as she nodded. "Im glad there's someone knew about our set up aside from us." She said. "Waeyo? He asked. "I can freely express myself... I mean no need to pretend infront of you that I'm his girlfriend... "She said. Jun Jae smile. He thought that she's cheerful and bubbly.

They're were walking at the hallway with Seri's laughter and giggles filled the entire place. Jeong Hyeok went outside the elevator and saw them walking towards to their units. He frowned when he heard her laughing at Jun Jae jokes. "Heo Jun Jae!" He called. Seri and Jun Jae turn around to face him. "Oh, Jeong Hyeok... What a surprise that you go home early." Jun Jae said. "Waeyo? Is he a workaholic?" Seri said. Jun Jae move closer to her as he whispered, "Yes he is... I thought he will get marry to his job as Vice Chairman." He whispered. Seri chuckled. Jeong Hyeok didn't want the sight infront of him. "Yoon Seri... Let's go inside... I have something to discuss with you." He said. Seri look at her, "Yoon Seri?" She said. Jeong Hyeok walk passed through them as Seri follow him. Jun Jae also follow them. Jeong Hyeok open his door and lead Seri to went inside first. Jun Jae is about to follow Seri but Jeong Hyeok stop him. "Yah!" Jun Jae said. "It's confidential, this is between our agreement." Jeong Hyeok said. Jun Jae let out an awkward laugh. "Yah! Ri Jeong Hyeok... I also know about your agreement so it's okay that I stay here while you two can talk about it." Jun Jae said and he try again to enter but Jeong Hyeok gave him a death glared. "What's up with you?" Jun Jae said. Jeong Hyeok immediately close the door and Jun Jae got shocked. "Yah! He did it? He close the door and not let me in?" Jun Jae said (in his funny act).

"Oh, Where is Jun Jae? I thought he's hungry... So i told him that I'll cook some food when we got here." Seri said. "You what? You will cook for him?" Jeong Hyeok said. Seri nodded and she start to look at his fridge. "Yes, as my thank you for giving me a ride earlier."She said while putting out some side dishes out of the fridge. Jeong Hyeok is looking at her and Seri met his eyes. "Waeyo? Why are you keeping frowning since we saw you?". She asked. Jeong Hyeok didn't speak. "Bad days? Ah... LQ?" She said. Jeong Hyeok let out a deep sigh and walk towards the door without answering her questions. "Yah! Mr. Ri... I'll cook some food before I went back to my unit. Make sure to eat it, Arasso?" Seri shouted. Jeong Hyeok slammed the door. Seri tilt her head and trying to guess why Jeong Hyeok seem in  his bad mood. "Maybe... He had fight with his girlfriend... that's why he's like that." She said and she let out a small laugh.

On the other hand, Jeong Hyeok throw his suitcase on the bed. "That girl! She'll cook for Jun Jae using my kitchen and food." He said. "Yah! She told me that side dishes made by her is for me and now, she will give it to Jun Jae... Yah! Yoon Seri..." He said. His phone suddenly ring and he saw Dan's name registered on his phone. He pick it up and answer it.

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