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"Having His Blessings"

Side story

"Yoon Seri..." Mrs. Ri said and she hug her immediately. Seri feel happy from Mrs. Ri's warm welcome for her. They go straight to Ri's Residence after they went back from Jeju. Seri bought some fresh seafoods and some medicine herb for Mrs. Ri. "Halmeoni... I miss you.." She said and her eye smile appear. Mrs. Ri caress her face. "I was so extremely happy when Jeong Hyeok told me that you're his girlfriend now..." She said. "Is this for real or you still pretending?" Mrs. Ri said jokely. Seri let out a peel of Laughter. "Aniyo... We're inlove for real, Halmeoni... I cast some magic spell to him to make him mine." Seri said jokely. Mrs. Ri laugh and look at her. "By the way, this is for you, Halmeoni.." She said. Mrs. Ri take it. "You don't need to buy me this. Your presence is enough for me." Mrs. Ri said. Seri smile widely. "Jeong Hyeok told me that you love seafoods that's why I bought some fresh seafoods from Jeju for you. And some medicine herb for your health, Halmeoni..." She said. Mrs. Ri smile and happy to have a future granddaughter in law that is so sweet and kind.

After their lunch, Mrs. Ri invite them to have some tea time on the balcony. "Oh!" Seri said with surprisement on her face. She immediately went to Mrs. Ri's mini garden on her balcony. "She loves peonnies, Halmeoni..." Jeong Hyeok whispered. Mrs. Ri enjoy watching her smelling peonnies. "Wow... You have peonnies at your home, Halmeoni..." She said. Mrs. Ri approach her. "So, you do love peonnies..." She said and Seri nodded. "Yes, I really love it's smell when it's full bloom." She said. Mrs. Ri smile.

They conversation are full of Laughters. Mrs. Ri is so happy that her house is finally filled with laughters and giggles. "Seri..." She called. "Can I ask you something?" She said. Seri nodded, "Sure, Halmeoni... What is it?" She said. "Are you aware that Mr. Heo proposed an arrangement marriage between you and his son Heo Jun Jae to your father?" She asked. "Halmeoni..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri got startled. "It's okay Babe..." She said and smile to Jeong Hyeok. She return her eyes to Mrs. Ri. "I'm not, Halmeoni... But I have my instinct that Mr. Heo is planning something." She said. "I'm sorry if I told you about this. I'm just worried that... You know.." She said. Seri smile and hold her hand. "Halmeoni... Don't worry I assure you it will never happen... I won't allowed it to happen." She said. "I believe in the sacred of marriage. And. i do believe that love bind two people when it comes to marriage." She said. Mrs. Ri smile and Jeong Hyeok is happy to her answer.


Present days

Two months later

Seri and Jeong Hyeok both busy on their jobs but they manage to spend quality time together mostly in Jeong Hyeok's place. They did what a normal couple did but they still didn't do sex but they had an intimate moments together.

"I heard that You're looking for a place to stay in." Mr. Yoon said.  They having their breakfast. "Yes, Appa..." She said. "Waeyo? Our house is to big for me to live here all alone. Why you need to move in another place?" He asked. Seri smile and sip her coffee. "I just want to... Yah! Chan Young and Joo Hee is both living independent life and I also want it, Appa...." She said. "Besides, I'm a grown up lady now... I think it's time for me to live on my own." She said. "Is that all the reason, Yoon Seri? I know you're always sneaking out..." He said. Seri choked. "Appa.." She said. Mr. Yoon look at her. "Tell me... Is Ri Jeong Hyeok is your boyfriend now?" Mr. Yoon said. Seri avoid his eyes. "That's why you want to move out here because you think he can't visit you here? Am I right?" He said. "Appa... It's not like that... " She said. "So, he's your boyfriend now?" He asked. Seri let out a deep sigh as she nodded. "Why you keep it secret from me?" He asked. "Because I know you hate him... But Appa... He really loves me...I swear I feel his sincerity towards me." She said. Mr. Yoon drink his tea but didn't speak. "Appa..." She said. "Go... If you really want to move out.. I let you but stay on a place that near him so I may not worry about you living all alone in a place where far away from me." He said. Seri jaw dropped for a second. She didn't expect this from her father. "Appa? Did I heard it right?" She said. Mr. Yoon stood up and bring his suitcase and walk passed through her. "But before you move out, tell him to come here..." He said and he left her alone. Seri turn around to look at his father. "Yah! Did he gave us his blessings?" Seri said. Seri chuckled. "Did I heard it right, Ms. Choi?" She asked to Ms. Choi who is standing beside the table. "Yes, Ms. Yoon and thanks to Mr. Ri for not giving up.." She said. Seri look at her with puzzlement. "What do you mean?" She asked. But Ms. Choi didn't answer her.

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