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"Trying to Understand"

Jeong Hyeok is trying to call Seri but she declined his call. He got more worried and anxious because of that. He call Chan Young and he let out a breath of relief when she answered his call.

"Chan Young, it's me... Is Seri is with you?" He said.

"Yes, we're here at her unit.." Chan Young said.

Joo Hee grab the phone to speak to him.

"Yah! Ri Jeong Hyeok! How dare you to hurt our Seri just like that!" Joo Hee said.

She couldn't control her annoyance to that live broadcast because of the alcohol she takes. Chan Young grab the phone from her.

"I'm sorry about that, Joo Hee is already drunk right now so please understand what she's saying now." Chan Young said.

"It's okay... I'll understand... Can I speak to her, Chan Young? She declined my calls..." He said.

Chan Young look at the door of her room. She stood up and walk towards to it. She knock but it's still lock.

"She locked herself on her room... Gave her a little time to think, Jeong Hyeok. I know her... If she gave her trust in you, she will hear you out. But now, she needs to be alone for her to think." Chan Young said.

Jeong Hyeok let out a deep sigh.

"Tell me the truth? Did you lied to her?" Chan Young said.

Jeong Hyeok recalled on their phone conversation about his phone. And he shook his head.

"Yes... But I did it to protect her feelings..." He said.

Chan Young let out a deep sigh. And look at the door.

"That's why she's hurting right now..." She said.

Jeong Hyeok couldn't speak. His lies that he thought could protect her from the pain, now it becomes the reason of her sadness and pain.

"I'll try to talk to her... But for now let her be alone... But you should stay away from that bitch, Jeong Hyeok... Seri is a little sensitive today because of her." Chan Young said.

"Don't worry I will... I love her I will never cheat on her..." He said.

Chan Young feel his sincerity.

Meanwhile, Seri is crying on her room. "Why you need to lie on me?" She whispered. Knowing her personality, she never get easily jealous or intimidated by someone. This is also the first time to feel that kind of pain. She rest her head on her knees and trying to calm herself. "Yoon Seri... Trust him... He will never cheat on you..." She whispered.


Mr. Yoon is worried for her daughter's feeling when he watched the conference. He still trust Jeong Hyeok for his daughter's heart. "Ms. Song... How's my daughter today?" He asked to his bodyguard. "She's on her unit the whole day with her friends, Chan Young and Joo Hee..." Ms. Song said. "Chairman Yoon, I saw her last time crying before the conference release... But I don't know the reason yet." Ms. Song said. Chairman Yoon look at her. "She cried?" He said. Ms. Song nodded. Mr. Yoon let out a deep sigh. Being a father, it's hard for him to know that his daughter is hurting and he didn't know how will he comfort her. Since her wife died, his focus is to provide the needs and wants of his daughter. He's focus is on the company and he forget to build a healthy relationship with his daughter.

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