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"Can Wait for you"

Side story

Seri is busy on baking some cupcakes when her doorbell suddenly ring. It was Sunday afternoon and it's snowing so she decided not to go outside and stay on her unit. She walks towards the room with her messy face and her messy hair in a buns styles. "Oh, Jeong Hyeok... Waeyo?" She said. She was so startled to see him. Jeong Hyeok immediately went inside with a paper bag on his hands. Seri let him and follow him on the kitchen. "What are you doing here? We had an agreement right? That sundays is our privacy day." She said. Jeong Hyeok unpack the foods he brought. "Let's eat... I bought some food and hot soup for today's whether." He said. Seri look at him. "Yah! Can you please set aside your rules for now... Let's chill together.. both of us can't go outside because of the whether..." He said. Seri got his point. "Why your kitchen seem so messy?" He asked. Seri return on what she's doing. "I'm just get bored so I decided to bake some cupcakes and banana bread for Halmeoni..." She said while continuing her baking. "For Halmeoni?" He asked while looking at her. Seri nodded as she's smiling. "Yes... This is my thank you gift for her... For assisting me at the party last time... And, she told me that she badly miss the banana bread that she ate when she's on paris. And luckily, I know how to bake some bread from that store that she told me." Shes said. Jeong Hyeok smile and amazed by her without her knowing. "I hope I can copy the taste... To make Halmeoni happy." She added. Jeong Hyeok smile because he feel that she's not pretending, she has a sincere heart for her grandmother. "She'll like it, trust me.." He said. "How do you know it?" She asked. "Because it made by you..." He said while looking at her. Seri stop and look at her and they eyes met. Jeong Hyeok put his hands on her face but Seri step one step backward, "What are you doing?" Seri said. He smile and wipe the flour on her face. "You're face looks so messy..." He said and let out a small laugh. "Yah" She said and rolled her eyes as she chuckled. Jeong Hyeok help her and they eat together the foods that he brought while they baking. Seri's laughters and giggles filled the entire unit. "So funny, Hyeoky! Stop... I need to focus on this.." She said. "Hyeoky?" He asked. Seri let out a small smile. "Waeyo? You don't like it? Hyeoky.?" She said without looking at him. "I like you.." He accidentally slip on his tongue. Seri stop but she try not to meet his eyes. "I mean.. Hyeoky... I like it... It's cute.." He said and he felt his face are now turning red. Seri smile and try to control herself. "That's great! I'll call you that from now on, Hyeoky!" She said.


Present days

"This is not right, Jeong Hyeok..." She said and she try to release from his hug. She turn around to face him.

"You had a girlfriend-"
"We broke up months ago.."

Seri look at him as she got shocked. Jeong Hyeok cup her face with his two hands. "But don't you ever think that your the reason why we broke up... Don't feel guilty because you didn't do anything wrong.." He said. Seri didn't know what to react and her knees weaken on his confession as she seated on the side of her bed. Jeong Hyeok bend his knees infront of her and hold her hands. "Seri.. I  try to clear all the issue between me and Dan and to know what exactly what I feel for you that's why I didn't tell you this." He said. "I like you... And to think that I couldn't see you or come near to you... It's driving me crazy, Seri..." He confessed. Seri look at him. "Jeong Hyeok shhi... Maybe your only confused... Because of months were being together. Because she's far away from you."She said and now her tears filled her eyes. "No, I'm not... I know what I feel about you..." He said. Seri pull her hand. "I don't know what to say, Jeong Hyeok.." She said and her emotions burst out. "Honestly, this is new to me. This feeling I felt it's all new to me... And I don't know what to say. I'm getting confused right now." She said. "I'm scared..." She added. Jeong Hyeok feel happy inside knowing that Seri is affected by him. Jeong Hyeok hug her to comfort her. "You don't need to answer it, right now... Yoon Seri.." He said. He look at to her and cup her face with his two hands while looking at her eyes. "Now I confessed my feelings for you... I'll start to court you, Seri..." He said. Seri felt his sincerity on him. "Let's take it slowly... And I'm willing to wait until you feel what I feel for you or until you're ready to face it and admit it." He said. "Jeong Hyeok.. I'm sorry but don't know how I was going to answer..." She said. He rest his forehead on her forehead. "I told you... I'm willing to follow your pace, Seri. Don't worry... Let's enjoy the courting stage... Let me show you how much you mean to me.." He said. Seri tears continue running and he wipes it. "Im waiting patiently for the day you're ready." He whispered.

Because of their talks and their bodies are both tired because of their work. Seri and Jeong Hyeok fall asleep on her bed. Seri rested her head on his shoulder while Jeong Hyeok lying his back on the bed.

Seri woke up when she feel that Jeong Hyeok's body seem so hot. She immediately seated up and put her hand on his forehead. "You're having a fever.." She said. She immediately went down on the bed but Jeong Hyeok pull her again and she accidentally fall on his chest. "Where are you going?" He said. Seri manage to get up but Jeong Hyeok still holding her hand. "I will get a medicine for you... You're having a fever.." She said. "Please don't leave.." He whispered. Seri smile "Wait me here, Arasso? Don't move and just rest... I'll be back quickly.." She said.

She immediately put a basin and towel to wipe him. When Jeong Hyeok seem asleep, she slowly went outside and she went to the kitchen. She's going to cook a soup for Jeong Hyeok.

In the middle of her cooking, the doorbell suddenly ring. "Oh god... I forgot to tell to Ms. Song to go home.." She said. She walk towards to door and assume that it was Ms. Song. Her eyes got widen when she saw Dan standing infront of it. "Yoon Seri...why  You're still here?" She said. Seri couldn't speak. "Where's my boyfriend?" Dan said and she walk passed through her to went inside. "Please calm down.." She said. Dan look at her. "He's on my room and-" She said but Dan interrupt her. "What? She's on your room? You filthy bitch.." She said and grab Seri on her hair. "Let me go..." Seri said but Dan is much taller and stronger than her. "Please stop!" She said. "You flirt my boyfriend!" Dan said while pulling her hair. Seri accidentally hit the vase and fall on the ground. Seri manage to escape but Dan immediately grab her hair again.

Dan got shocked when suddenly a hand grab her hand. "Jeong Hyeok..." She said. "I said let her go..." Jeong Hyeok shouted and tighten his hold from her. Dan slowly release her hair. Jeong Hyeok immediately assist Seri. "Are you okay?" He asked. Seri nodded but she didn't speak. "You better go now.." He said to Dan. "Jeong Hyeok... I was just mad and jealous..." Dan said. "Go now! Before I can control myself Dan." He said. "We're over.. We talked about it already right? So please go..." He said.

"No! I have a right to-"
"No! You don't have a right to hurt the woman I love..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri look at him. "Jeong Hyeok.." Seri try to calm him.
"love? I don't think that's love... Jeong Hyeok..." She said. She got more furious when she's looking at the two beside each other. "Yah! How do you flirt him... You think you win this time? Ani... Maybe Jeong Hyeok is really into you right now but I swear it wouldn't last long..." Dan said. "Fine, I'll go for today but  Yoon Seri... Don't be so secured and happy... You're only just a rebound..." She said and left them alone. Seri let out a sigh of relief and her tears suddenly escape from her eyes. "What's this... We're not started yet but why I feel it's all getting more complicated?"Seri said. Jeong Hyeok hug her. "I'm sorry... It's all my fault.." He said.

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