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"To Love is so complicated"

Jeong Hyeok walk towards his car on the carpark of the hotel. "Ri Jeong Hyeok..." Dan called him and grab him on his arms. "Let's talk please..." She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "Why you need to do that?" He said. "Because she's trying to steal you from me... Don't you see... You're hurting me because of her... You don't keep your promise because of her..." Dan shouted. Jeong Hyeok control his anger. "Don't put the blame on her Dan... You knew the truth. You chose to lose me since the day when you decide to had a one night stand with him and it's not just once, you did it twice..." He said. Jeong Hyeok pull his arms from her hold. "No! We're not Breaking up... We'll fix this right? Jeong Hyeok..." She said as she stand in front of him. Jeong Hyeok look at her, and all she saw through her eyes was anger and pain. "Jeong Hyeok please... Don't do this to me... I can't live without you..." She said as she hug him.

"Wait a moment!" Chan Young said to her date when she saw Jeong Hyeok and a girl hugging him. "Vice chairman Ri?" She said. She walk towards to them. "Yah!" She said. Jeong Hyeok and Dan look at her. Jeong Hyeok immediately push Dan while looking at to chan Young. "What's the meaning of this? Where's Seri? And why you're with another girl, Vice Chairman Ri?" She asked to Jeong Hyeok. "It's not what you think, Ms. Jeon..." He said. "So, Seri... That's her name..." Dan said as she smirked. "Who are you?"Chan Young said. "Jeong Hyeok's girlfriend..." Dan said proudly. "Seo Dan! Enough! I'm warning you!" Jeong Hyeok said. Chan Young got shocked and look at him. "You're crazy! How can you be his girlfriend... He has already one!" Chan Young said. "I'm not... That bitch know about me too..." Dan said. "Watch your mouth Dan! And stop!" Jeong Hyeok said. Chan Young got shocked and so confused. "Ms. Jeong... I'll explain it later but please... I need to see Seri right now... Could you help me?" Jeong Hyeok said. "Ri Jeong Hyeok!" Dan called. Chan Young smirked and walk away from them. 'Yah! Yoon Seri...' In her mind.


"Appa just hear me out please..." Seri said. "It's not what you think... I didn't steal him from her I can't do that..." She said. Mr. Yoon frowned and look at her. "Yoon Seri... How many times I'll get embarrassed because of you? I couldn't believe you can do that. Your the future CEO of our company, Seri... Why it's so hard for you to protect our family name." Mr. Yoon said. Seri burst out of her emotions.  "Appa your so unfair.... You already judge me without hearing me out.... Did you resent me that much?" She said. Mr. Yoon turn around to face her. "How will you explain what happened earlier? Tell me? Knowing that he has a girlfriend and you decide to stay on his side, how do you explain it?" Mr. Yoon said. Seri wipe her tears. "You're right, I decide to stay on him even when I know I started to fall on him... But it doesn't mean I'm trying to steal him from her." She said as she was sobbing. "I don't have to explain it... Because you already decide what to believe it." She said and she walk upstairs towards to her room. "Yoon Seri come back here! I'm not done talking to you.." He said.

Seri seated and rest her back on the door and she's crying out loud. Her day was so exhausted and painful. She knew that his girlfriend will returning soon but why she feel hurts knowing that the real girlfriend is finally back. Aside from that, her own father didn't want to hear her explanation and that's killing her inside. Her phone suddenly ring and she saw Jeong Hyeok's name flashed on the screen. She reject her call and turned off her phone. She wants to rest for now, her mind and heart is got so exhausted from tonight's revelation.


Jeong Hyeok knock at her unit but no one open the door. He immediately pick his spare key of her unit and went inside. He didn't saw her. His tears started to fall as he look around. He went to her room and seated on her bed. He pick her pillow and hug it. He still smell her flowery scent. "I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you..." He whispered. His eyes landed on the picture at her side table. He smile when he saw it. The picture of them together when they go hiking.


"Yah! We need to do this? Aishh... You didn't inform me and look what I'm wearing?" Seri said. Jeong Hyeok let out a small laugh as he look at her. She's wearing a white knitted dress and a pair of white heels. "You told me you will treat me breakfast... You didn't inform me that you want to eat breakfast at the peak of the mountain.." Seri said. "I brought you here for you to relax.... I know you're job is so toxic and tiring.." He said. Seri look around and return her eyes on him. "Yah! How can I be relax when you want me to go up on the mountain?" She said. "But I thought you love Mountains?" He said. When he stalk her social media account, it's full of scenery of mountain rather than her selfie. "Yes I do love mountains but I didn't try hiking, I swear... This is my first time, and with heels?" Seri said. Jeong Hyeok smile and pick the paper bag on the back seat. "Trust me... You will enjoy this.." He said and gave her the paper bag. "What's this?" She said. "Change your clothes... I'll bought it few days ago. I hope the size fit you.. and also this one..." He said. He gave her a box of shoes. Seri smile widely. "Aishh! I knew it... You plan this already..." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile with his dimples.

He look at to Seri while she walk towards to him. He smile to see her wearing that perfect smile of her. "Thank you for this... The size fits perfectly..." She said. "Let's go?" He said. Seri happily nodded.

Jeong Hyeok make sure that they're following the trails. Seri laugh in every small jokes he told her. She's easily to get laugh and she's easily get happy even in a small things, In Jeong Hyeok's thought. They reach the second resting area. Where you can build a camping tent if you wanted to.  They seated on the rock while enjoying the view with a hot  coffee that he prepared. "You're right... It's relaxing up here..." She smile widely as she close her eyes. He smile as he watching her.

"Hyeoky!" Seri called him. Jeong Hyeok got shocked and Seri immediately captured that moment. Seri let out a small laugh while looking at their picture. "You're cute.." She said. Jeong Hyeok pout his lips because its a stolen shot that's why his face seem so shocked. Seri laugh when she see his reaction. "Let's take a picture again..." She said. Seri hold her camera. "One... Two... Three..." She said but this time she was the one who get shocked when Jeong Hyeok put his arms around her waist. Jeong Hyeok smile widely. Jeong Hyeok immediately snatch her phone and look at their picture. "You're cute here.." He said. Seri having her hiccups because of that. Jeong Hyeok smile while looking at her. Seri feel her face are now turning red as she avoid his gazed.

End of Flashback


Seri woke up with her eyes swollen because of non stop crying the whole night. She still lying down on her bed. "So, this it! It's game over! Your rule number five, is finally done." She said. Now that Dan is here, she's now automatically out of the picture, She thought. She agreed on this agreement with her expectation that this day will come but she didn't expect how painful it is. She Unexpectedly fall in love with him. She need to cut this feeling right now because this is not right, to love a person who is already taken, In Seri's mind. Seri's tears started to escape again from her eyes and she close her eyes and whispered, "I miss you..." She said.

Meanwhile, Jeong Hyeok fell asleep on Seri's unit. He still lying on her bed while hugging her pillow. He woke up with a heavy eyes because of his cried last night. He miss the bright smile that he Always saw in every morning he wakes up. Seri has a big impact to him. To think that he would never see her, it's killing him inside. "No, this will never be our end... Yoon Seri, I'll show you how much you mean to me... This time I'll do right thing to win you back..." He said.


Author's note

The coldness of this chapter is as cold as the whether this morning... 💔🥺

Now playing: all of my days by Se Jeong (cloy ost)

Love lot's,

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