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The staffs and some customers looking at them. Seri felt embarrassed on what Jun Jae did. She try to release from his hug but Jun Jae insist. "Just one more minute, Seri..." He said. "Please let go... All the people here are looking at us and I don't like that..." She said. "Heo Jun Jae! You're his friend, right? So please you better take off your hand on your friend's girlfriend." Seri said. Jun Jae got shocked and he slowly release her from his hug. Seri turn around to face him. "What do you mean?" He said. "You mean.." He couldn't say the word. Seri let out a deep sigh. "Yes! We're in a relationship now... Ri Jeong Hyeok your FRIEND... Is my boyfriend now... So please... Stop!." Seri said. She saw the pain in his eyes but she didn't want to hurt him more. "Heo Jun Jae... I don't want to be the cause on the gap between you and Jeong Hyeok. But what do I do? I have only one heart and that is already owned by him. Even if I have a multiple hearts... I know... He will also the owner." She said. Jun Jae look away and his eyes widen when he saw Jeong Hyeok standing behind Seri. Jun Jae let out a force smile and look again to Seri. "I'll see you on Jeju this weekend..." He said and with his heavy feet he walk passed through her. He stop infront of Jeong Hyeok. Jeong Hyeok control his anger because Jun Jae is more than a friend to him and also he didn't want to make a scene on the cafe for Seri. "You win... But don't give me an opportunity to have her. Make sure of that." He said and he went outside the door. Seri got surprised when she saw Jeong Hyeok standing and looking at her. "You're here.." She said.

Seri ask permission to her CO Manager so she can went home and take an absent for today because of what happened. She bite her lips as she's walking towards to Jeong Hyeok's car.

Jeong Hyeok is waiting on her inside the car to have a talk. He saw Seri walking towards to him and he immediately went inside to open the door for her. He got surprised when Seri bring her bag.

"Let's go?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her with puzzlement. Seri smile, "Yah! I want to rest... And I know you had a lot of questions on your mind so  I'll take my absent today." She said. Jeong Hyeok let out a small smile and he excitedly start the car engine. Seri hide her laugh and she try to remain on her poker face.


Mr. Yoon is looking at the view of Seoul in the window. He's been thinking of what his daughter told him last night. "I'm here, Chairman.." Ms. Song said. "What did you notice about the two?" He asked while looking at the view outside. "Honestly, they constantly seeing each other, Chairman. But I think they still no romantic  relationship between them. It seems their on the courting stage. Mr. Ri is seems to be a good man and also he always taking care of Ms. Yoon." Ms. Song said. Mr. Yoon let out a small smile and look at her. "Did Seri told you that? Did she tell you to brag Jeong Hyeok to me?" He asked. "No, Chairman Yoon. That's my own observations and that's what I saw with my own eyes." She said. "But Chairman, Heo Jun Jae... Is also like your daughter..." She added. "The son of Mr. Heo Jin Pyo?" He asked. Ms. Song nodded. "How about Seri towards to that man?" He asked. "Ms. Yoon's attention is all on Mr. Ri, Chairman..." She said. Mr. Yoon let out a deep sigh as he looking at Mr. Heo proposal to him, To be their partner  in exchange of his daughter marrying his son.

"Thank you, Ms. Song but for now... Seri didn't want to have a Bodyguard so let her be... And you can back to your original post." He said. "Arasso... Thank you, Chairman." She said and she went outside.

He look at to Seri's photo on the table.


Seri automatically went to the kitchen to cook when they reach the unit. But Jeong Hyeok immediately stop her. "Yah!" She said. "I already ordered some foods for us. Just rest and relax for today...," He said. Seri smile and put back the pan. "you wnat coffee or tea?" Jeong Hyeok asked. "Coffee..." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and make a coffee for the both of them.

Her things is still there. Seri jump on the couch and hug her favorite carrot pillow. "I miss you..." She said to her pillow. Jeong Hyeok smile while watching her. "Hyeoky! Let's make a movie marathon later.." She said. Jeong Hyeok walk towards her and put the coffee on the center table and he seated next to her. "Sure... Choose you want to watch..." He said. Seri look started to browsing what kind of movie they will watch later. "Seri.." He said. "Hmm?" She said. "Is Jun Jae harassing you?" He asked. Seri stop and look at him. "Did you saw it? I mean..." She said. Jeong Hyeok nodded. "Ani... But he confessed his feelings to me before.." She said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, at first I thought he's kidding, the second is on my father's company and then... At the cafe  earlier..." She said. "I know about he's feeling towards you... We've talked about it before... That's why I try to ignore how I feel for you back then." He said. Seri look away, "I'm sorry..." She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "It's not your fault... Jun Jae is a smart one... I know he will understand it and accept it." He said. Seri let out a small smile. "I hope so... I don't want him to be hurt because of me..." She said. The doorbell suddenly ring. "I think that's our order... Wait here..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri stood up, "I'm going to take a warm bath, Babe..." She said. Jeong Hyeok stop from his walk and turn around, "Did I heard it right?" He said. Seri let out a mischievous smile and enter her room. "Did she call me Babe?" He said. "Yah! Yoon Seri wait..." He said but the doorbell ring once again. "Aishh! Bad timing.." He said as he stamp his feet.

Seri wear a oversized sweater and panjama after her warm bath. She immediately went outside when she smell the foods. She automatically went to the kitchen but she didn't saw Jeong Hyeok. She turn around and she got startled when someone grab her on her waist. "Yah! You scared me..." She said and she gently punch him on his chest. Jeong Hyeok chuckled. "You startled me first..." He said. Seri look at him with puzzlement. "Did I? When?" She asked. Jeong Hyeok pull her waist closer to him, "Babe...? Remember?" He said. Seri laugh and Jeong Hyeok got confused. "Why are you laughing?" He said. Seri look at him. "Yah! Why you seem so startled when I call you Babe? You didn't heard what I told to Jun Jae earlier?" She said. Jeong Hyeok trying to absurd it and she pinch him on his cheek, "So cute of you, Hyeoky.." She said and she release herself from his hug and walk towards the dining area. "I thought you only make a way to stop him..." He said. "You mean it?" He asked. Seri smile and turn around to face him, "Waeyo? You don't like it? Babe?" She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and pull her to hug her. Seri chuckled. "You're so slow, Hyeoky... Aigoo..." She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her eyes. "So  I am your boyfriend now, and you... Is officially mine, right?" He said. Seri look at him as she happily nodded. "So let's sealed it to make it official..." He whispered. Seri look at him with puzzlement and her eyes got widen when Jeong Hyeok kiss her for the first time. She close her eyes and feel his warm lips rubbing on her lips. Jeong Hyeok pull her a little bit more closer to him and Seri let him kiss her.

This is her first kiss and luckily she had it on her first love, and It is Ri Jeong Hyeok.

'I don't have any idea about romantic relationship, Hyeoky... This is my first time... But I'll trust you... But for now, I'll let my heart to control me...' In Seri's mind.

'Yoon Seri... I'll promise to you, that you won't regret this... I'll take care of your heart don't worry...' In Jeong Hyeok's mind.


Author's note

Woah! They kiss!!! ❤️🤗💘
Sometimes your comments and ideas help me to improve my writing skills thanks to you guys...

Kindly check your Instagram account ❤️ our BinJin has an update today 😊

Love lot's,

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