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"Hurtful Revelation"

Side story

That night at the bar

"Hi... Can you gave this to that handsome man?" She said to the waiter. She gave a glass of vodka to the waiter for him to give it to Jeong Hyeok. "But please don't tell him that it's me who give this. Actually, he's my boyfriend but he's sulking something." She added. The waiter look to Jeong Hyeok. Dan gave him a nice tip and put it on his pocket. "Okay, Mam... I will.." He said.

Dan smirked while watching the waiter walking towards to Jeong Hyeok. Minutes had been passed when Jeong Hyeok drink the alcohol that she gave and her smile widen. "Bingo! Let's see Jeong Hyeok if how will going to avoid this one?" She said. She put a drugs on it and she's waiting for it to effect on him.

"Excuse me, Vice Chairman but I need to take this call. It's my wife..." The marketing director said. Jeong Hyeok nodded, "Sure.." He said. Minutes have been passed when he felt his sweat all over his face and his body becomes a little weaker. He manage to stand up but he suddenly going to fall when someone grab him. "Let's go outside, Babe..." Dan said. Jeong Hyeok look at her but his sigh is a little bit blurry. "Seri?" He called. Dan smirked. And she put his arms on her shoulder and she wrapped her arms on his waist. She saw the waiter and ask him to help her assist Jeong Hyeok until on her car. "Seri... I miss you..." He whispered. Dan frowned while driving.

Dan throw him on her bed and she's breathless lay down beside him because she carry him all the way to her room.  She look at Jeong Hyeok who is unconscious. "Ri Jeong Hyeok... What will you do now?" Dan said and smile evily. She started to kiss him and take off his shirt. Jeong Hyeok is still dizzy because of the drugs. He thought it was Seri so he kiss her back. Dan position herself on top of him. She take off her blouse and throw it on the floor. Jeong Hyeok body is weaker and his sight is is still get blurry. Dan kiss him wildy and she stop when Jeong Hyeok didn't kiss her back. "Yah! Ri Jeong Hyeok..." She said as she try to wake him up. Dan got frustrated and she immediately seat on the bed. "Yoon Seri..." Jeong Hyeok whispered. Dan got annoyed. "Fuck that woman! I'm the one who's with you but you keep calling her." Dan said.


Present day

Seri woke up with her body feel weaker. She notice it every morning but she ignored it and think maybe because of a lot of works and her lack of sleep. She smile when she feel Jeong Hyeok's arms wrapping around on her waist and pull her gently closer to him. "Good morning..." He whispered. Seri smile and turn around to face him. "Good morning, Babe.." She said. "Let's have some ice cream today.. Can we?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "Ice cream in the morning?" He said. Seri happily nodded. "Please..." She said. Jeong Hyeok let out a smile and kiss her on her lips. "Arasso..." He said. "But can we get some exercise routine first, Babe?" He said and let out a mischievous smile. He cover the blanket on them and Seri chuckled. "Yah! We did it for how many times last night, Babe.." Seri said. Jeong Hyeok planted a kiss on her neck. "We can still do it again, Babe..." He said and he slowly untie her robe. "Yah! Hyeoky!" She said.  Seri laughters and giggles filled the entire room.

It's already afternoon when they went down to the lobby. The staffs look at them and some of them whispering about how the two are perfectly made for each other. Seri felt shy but Jeong Hyeok hold her hands to show them how lucky he is to have her.

They went first at the ice cream shop to fulfill Seri's wish. Seri is excitedly taste her matcha ice cream and eat it with gusto. They went to some famous park in Hongkong. They spend their days with laughters and giggles. Jeong Hyeok didn't let go of her. He make sure that her hand is with his hand while they walking. When they walking towards his car, Seri feels extremely exhausted. "Babe..." She called. Jeong Hyeok look at her and got worried when he saw her face look so pale. "Babe, are you okay?" He asked. Seri nodded. "I'm fine but can I wait you here..." She said. "Waeyo?" He said. "I just got suddenly exhausted..." She said. Jeong Hyeok carry her and Seri got startled. "Yah! What are you doing?" She said. "I'll carry you instead to leave you alone here..." He said. Seri smile and her heart fluttered. "Hyeoky, you know how to make me fall inlove with you over and over again.." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and his face blushed.

When they went back to their suite. Seri rest in the bedroom while Jeong Hyeok stay in the kitchen to prepare their dinner. Seri suddenly remember to call Mrs. Ri but her phone was drained and she forgot to charge. She look for his phone but she couldn't find it so she was about to go  outside when she accidentally bumped at the laundry basket. She immediately pick the clothes and return it one by one on the basket when one of his polo catch her attention. Her heart skip a beat when she saw a lipstick mark on his polo. She gulped while looking at the mark. She slowly smell his polo and she got shocked. She smell a woman scent perfume. Her body frozed for a second. She try to remain herself calm and went outside the room.

"Babe, can I borrow your phone? I'll just make a call to Halmeoni..." She said. Jeong Hyeok stop from his doing and he couldn't remember where he put his phone. "Babe, there's a company phone over there.  You can Use it.." He said. Seri look at him with puzzlement. "Where's your phone?" She said. Jeong Hyeok couldn't speak for a second because he couldn't remember where he left his phone. "I don't know where I left it." He said. Seri look at him intently, as she recall the day where Dan answered her call. "Ri Jeong Hyeok shhi... This is the second time that you lost your phone? " She said. Jeong Hyeok avoid her eyes when he guess that maybe he left it on Dan's suite that day. "The last time, you lost it... Seo Dan found it, right?." Seri said. "What are you trying to say?" He said and try to focus on his doings. Seri observed him and she notice his actions a little bit tense. Seri walk towards him. "Is there something I need to know? You can tell me, now?" She said. Jeong Hyeok got anxious and his mind battling if he's going to tell her or not. But the last time he lied to her, they had an argument. Jeong Hyeok approach her and gain his courage. "Babe... I have something to tell you... But please hear my explanation..." He said. Seri feel her body is shaken she has her instinct but she try to ignored it. "I'll listen.." She said. Jeong Hyeok took a deep breath before he speak. "Babe... I... I'm sorry... I.." He said. Seri look at his eyes and waiting for him when the doorbell suddenly ring. They  both look at the door. "I'll check.." Jeong Hyeok said. He got so annoyed because this is the right time to tell her about his mistake but he couldn't because of unexpected visitor.

He got shocked when he saw Dan in front of the door. "Hi.." Dan said. "What are you doing here?" He asked and grab her on her arms. "Ouch!.." Dan said when she feel his grip tighten. "Seo Dan..." Seri said when she peak at the door. Jeong Hyeok face look so tense and  Seri notice it. "What are you doing here?" Seri said. Dan smirked and she see this a perfect opportunity for her. "Dan please leave now... We're in the middle of talk so please go." Jeong Hyeok said. Dan smile and look to Seri. "Im suddenly got curious what your conversation is?" She said. Seri look at her intently. "Anyway, I'm just here to gave your phone., Jeong Hyeok." She said. Seri eyes got widen when she saw his phone on her hand. Dan look at her, "You forgot your phone in my suite, Jeong Hyeok. I thought you will back to pick it but I guess you're not." She said. "What did you say?" Seri said. "Babe, let's talk... I'll explain to yo-" Jeong Hyeok trying to explain his side but Dan interrupt him. "Are you stupid, Seri? What do you think why his phone left at my suite? Okay, Last night after the party... We're slept together in my suite. We had sex, for you to understand better." Dan said. Seri control her tears to fall down. She look at to Jeong Hyeok. "Seri... Hear me out...please... Let's talk inside..." He said. Seri tears escaped from her eyes without her knowing. Dan smirked when she see it. "Why? Is it hurt? knowing that your boyfriend was slowly stealing from you? Now you know the feeling Yoon Seri..." Dan said. "I didn't steal anything from you, Dan... You know that..." She said. "Dan stop you have no rights to talk to her that way... Please go!" Jeong Hyeok shouted. "I have every rights, Ri Jeong Hyeok! This bitch use her fake innocent and her body to steal you from me-" Dan said. Seri slap her. "shut that dirty mouth of yours... I'm not like you, Dan... Please have some self respect for yourself... " Seri said and she was about to go  inside when Dan immediately pull her hair. "Yah! Let me go..." Seri said. "How dare you to slap me.." Dan said. Jeong Hyeok immediately grab Dan on her wrist and push her. Dan fell on the floor. Seri look at her with her fury eyes before she went inside. "Yah! Jeong Hyeok!" Dan said. "This is my last warning, Dan... If you continue to come near to me especially to Seri... I'll sue you!" He said and slammed the door. Dan got frustrated and furious.

Seri walk fast towards the room and locked it. She cry hard enough for her to filled the entire room by the sound of her crying. "Babe... Please let's talk..." Jeong Hyeok said while knocking at the door. Seri close her eyes and trying to control herself. She cover her mouth while she's crying. "Babe... Seri... Please... Hear me out.." Jeong Hyeok said and his tears began to fall from his eyes.

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