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"Little prince and Little princess"

"You can't undergo by a normal delivery, Seri... Your heart is weak so may I suggest that we do Cesarian delivery..." Dr. Bong said. Seri and Jeong Hyeok look at to each other while their holding each other hand. "Can you assure us that it will be safe for both of my wife and my twins?" Jeong Hyeok said. Dr. Bong didn't speak for a second and look at them. Seri observed her and trying to guess what's on her mind. "Waeyo? Is there a small chance that I can survive?" She asked. "Yah! Seri!" Jeong Hyeok said and got annoyed on her questions. Seri look at him. "Babe... We also need to know and to prepare on the worst case scenario..." She said. Seh return her eyes to Dr. Bong. "Do what you need to do, Dr. Bong. Please, I'm begging you... Save my twins first. If that's the only way to save them first, do it, Dr. Bong..." She said. And her eyes started to filled with tears. "Please... Their life is more important than mine..." She added. "Yah! Don't say that..." Jeong Hyeok said. This time his voice slightly louder. Dr. Bong take a deep breath before she speak. "Seri is right, Jeong Hyeok... We need to prepare on what might happen." Dr. Bong said. Dr. Bong hold Seri's hand. "Yes, you're right... There's a higher risk that you can't wake up after the surgery. Just like what happened to your mother. Her heart suddenly stop when I took you outside to her womb." Dr. Bong said. Jeong Hyeok started to get worry and he try to control his tears. Seri couldn't hold her tears back, and she let it flow on her cheeks. "I'm ready... Please save my twins first..." She said. Seri look at to Jeong Hyeok and hold his hand. "Babe... Whatever happens, promise me that you will choose them over me, Huh?" Seri said while her tears continue to flow. Jeong Hyeok didn't respond but he hug her tightly. Jeong Hyeok cry and close his eyes.

"But Jeong Hyeok is right too, Seri... Don't let any negative thoughts control you... You need to keep strong and be brave for the sake of your twins... I know you're brave enough to surpass this..." Dr. Bong said. Seri let out a small smile. "I will give my very best for them... I'll trust you too, Dr. Bong... I know you will take care of me and my twins..." She said.

Dr. Bong let them went home while waiting for Seri's schedule for Cesarian section. Jeong Hyeok didn't speak and keep silent on their way home. Seri notice it and she try not to talk to him to gave him some space. When they got home he immediately assist her on their room and Jeong Hyeok is about to leave when Seri stop him. "Babe..." She called. Jeong Hyeok look at her and took a deep Breath. "Let's talk..." She said. Jeong Hyeok sit at the side of the bed next to her. "You're so quiet the whole time and I'm not used to it, Babe.." She said. "I'm sorry... I was just so worried and it's hard to hide it..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri hug him as she close her eyes, she thinks that this is the only way to comfort him. No words can take away his worries. Jeong Hyeok felt her warm embrace and kiss her on her hair.

They spend time together while waiting for her schedule. Jeong Hyeok always make sure to spend their days memorable for Seri. They went to a beach near at Seoul one morning. Seri is sitting on the picnic mat while Jeong Hyeok is grilling barbecue and hotdogs.

"Babe!" Seri shouted. Jeong Hyeok startled as he immediately went near to her. "What's wrong?" He said. Seri smile and look at her tummy. Jeong Hyeok look at her with puzzlement. Seri reach his hand and put it on her tummy. Jeong Hyeok got surprised when he felt something moving on her tummy. Seri let out a peel of laughter because of his reaction. "Yah! " Seri said as she is laughing so hard. Jeong Hyeok put his another hand on her tummy. And he feel again his twin's movement. "Maybe our twins are playing inside... Jeong wu and Min Jeong are so happy right now, Babe..." Seri said. Jeong Hyeok smile widely and adjust his head towards to her tummy. "Jeong Wu... Min Jeong... Did you hear me? It's me, Appa is here with Eomma..." Jeong Hyeok whispered. Seri smile while watching her husband talking to their twins inside her. "We're excited to meet you... I'm so excited to hold you both... I love you both... Please hold on and please help your mother to have a safe delivery..." He said. He kiss her tummy and lean slightly and rested his head on it.

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