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"Arrange Marriage"

Jeong Hyeok is looking at the window on his place. The snow began to fall, winter is coming. As the whether become so cold, he also miss Dan to be with his side. It's been a week when Dan fly to Milan. They still keep in touch with each other. Dan is always his priority but for Dan her ambition comes first and he understand that. He's waiting for the day that she will return to Korea, and he will introduce her to his grandmother and he think that is the perfect time to propose on her. He smile whenever he thinks that he will going to propose to her. His thought got interrupted when his phone suddenly ring. He check on it and saw his grandmother's number registered on the screen. He immediately answer her call.

"Halmeoni..." He said.

"Jeong Hyeok... Where are you?" Mrs. Ri said over the phone.

"I'm just here at my place, drinking a cup of chamomile tea..." He said.

"Have you eaten, Halmeoni?" He added.

"No, If you don't mind can you go here and let's have some dinner together.. And also I just want to discuss something important to you." Mrs. Ri said.

"Arasso, I'll be there in an hour..." He said.

"Okay, I'll wait you here... Take care... " Mrs. Ri said and end their conversation.

Jeong Hyeok trying to guess what could be his grandmother wanted to say to him. He immediately grab his thick coat and his car key and walk towards the door to went outside.


Seri is looking at the office window and see the snow is started to fall. It's already seven o'clock in the evening but she's still on the office doing some paperwork that Ms. Bora gave her. She needs to finish it now because her supervisor need it tomorrow morning for her presentation. She let out a deep sigh and rest her head at the chair. Her phone beep and she check who is it. Her face frowned when she see his father's number registered on the screen.

'Where are you? Go home and we need to talk..'

From: Chairman Yoon

"Did I do something wrong today?" She said as she trying to guess what  her father want to tell her. Knowing her father, it's either he will scold her or there's something he wants for her to do it. "Aishh.." She said. She started typing on the computer to finish her work before she head back home.

She immediately rush outside the building and try to get a taxi when she finished her work. She texted her father that she's on her way home. She look outside while riding on a taxi and she smile when she saw children laughing together with their family under the snow. Some of them are buying hot potatoes. 'Eomma... If you're alive, will my life will change? Will be there's no sadness? Will Appa will stay the same like he used to when I was a child?... How I wish you're here with us...' In her mind. Without her knowing she fall asleep.

"Miss..." The taxi driver caller her. "Miss... We're here..." He said as he trying to wake her up. Seri immediately seated properly. "I'm sorry... Here..." Seri said and gave the money to the taxi driver. "Thanks, Ahjussi.." She said before she went outside. She take out a deep breath before she went inside their gate.


Ri's Residence

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