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"Pregnancy Journey"

Side Story

Seri hold her chest, Chan Young immediately approach her when it seems Seri is about to fall. "Seri... What's happening to you?" Chan Young said.

"Babe!" Jeong Hyeok said as he approached her. Chan Young immediately make a way for Jeong Hyeok. Jeong Hyeok hold her hand and he feel it as cold as ice. Dr. Bong immediately check on her and give her some first aid medicine. Jeong Hyeok still holding her hands and he Didn't let it go. While Chan Young and Seo Woo are panicking in one corner but they trying to hide it.

Seri  fell asleep after that incident. "How she is?" Jeong Hyeok said. "She's fine now, and it's normal for her situation to feel that but it's worrisome. Because she's having a twins plus on her condition. She will felt extremely fatigue and extreme chest pain. But I gave him some medicine that can lessen the pain and ofcourse safe for the babies as well." Dr. Bong said. "Honestly, I'm worried everyday... I don't know how to help her everytime I saw her in pain." Jeong Hyeok said. Dr. Bong understand him and tap his shoulder. "That's normal, Mr. Ri. Just be brave and strong enough for her. I believe Seri can overcome this, she's brave and she have someone like you that always at her side." Dr. Bong said. "Anyway, the papers are all settled, you can take her home now... But please take notes all my advices." She added. Jeong Hyeok smile as he nodded.


Present days

It's more than two weeks since they went home from the hospital. They went straight at Jeong Hyeok's unit. He make sure that he's always around for her so he  didn't go to the company instead he set up his office on his study room.

He didn't leave her alone and make sure that her vitamins and medicine take on time. Seri is seated on the sofa reading some children books that her father bought for his grandchildren. She also listen to a classical music everyday. She's eating some fruits when the doorbell ring. Jeong Hyeok is on his study room, working.

Seri stood up and slowly walk towards the the door when Jeong Hyeok called her. "Babe, let me..." He said. "Just go back to what you're doing and just relax..." He said and smile at her. "Arasso..." She said and she follow him. She immediately go back to the sofa and read the books.

Jeong Hyeok open the door and got shocked when he saw Jun Jae infront of it. He went outsidenside and close the door. "What are you doing here?" He said. He saw Jun Jae with bouquet of peonnies on his hand. "Seriously Jun Jae! You keep pursuing my girlfriend.." He said. "I'm here to see her, Jeong Hyeok... " Jun Jae said. Jeong Hyeok get annoyed for Jun Jae keep insisting to see his girlfriend. He grab him on his collar and push him at the wall. "Heo Jun Jae! Stop come closer to my girlfriend... I'm warning you! I know you and Dan planning to ruin us... You better stop now while I see you as my friend!" Jeong Hyeok said. Jun Jae smirked. "She doesn't deserve you, Jeong Hyeok! Did you see? All you did to her is  to hurt her... You hurt her feelings and now, you got her pregnant and she's the only one who got suffer..." He said. Jeong Hyeok punch him and grab him to his collar again. "I love her, Jun Jae and accept the fact that we love each other... We're starting to build our family now and soon we're getting married so if I were you stay away from my girlfriend...I'm warning you!" Jeong Hyeok said. He stood up and went inside to his unit. Jun Jae wipe the blood on his face as he clench his fist. He couldn't accept the fact that it's really over now. He lost a chance to Seri plus his relationship to Jeong Hyeok as being bestfriend now are all ruined.

Seri saw Jeong Hyeok frowning when he get inside. "Are you okay? Who's that?" She asked. Jeong Hyeok approach her and seated next to her. "Some tenants, he just sent congratulations to us..." He said. "Why you didn't let him in.." She said. "He said he's in a hurry..." He said. Seri nodded. "How's your feeling?" He asked. Seri smile. "Don't worry, I'm fine... I feel that my body and my heart trying to cooperate in us..." Seri said as she chuckled. "Let's go to the mall after my work and let's buy some baby stuff for our twins." He said. Seri let out a wide smile and hug him. "Really? Thank you, Babe.. I'm so bored... I also want to see the view outside..." She said. Jeong Hyeok laugh and hug her tightly. "Be patience Babe... For our twins.." He whispered. Seri smile and kiss him on his cheek. "I love you.." She whispered. Jeong Hyeok held her chin and kiss her passionately on her lips.


Mrs. Ri with her friend Cheon Seok is on the mall buying baby stuffs for boys and girls. "Oh my god Yeong Ae, you don't even know if the twins are boys or girls. It's too early to buy these stuffs."Cheon Seok said. Mrs. Ri let out a small laugh. "It's okay... This is my happiness now, Aigoo.... I couldn't believe this my wish finally came true..." She said. "Oh, wait Cheon Seok... Let's go to your place after this, and check what is the perfect date for them to get married...." Mrs. Ri said. Cheon Seok let out a small laugh because of her friend's happiness. "Arasso... Let's do that..." She said.

Meanwhile, "I'll take that dress in all colors." Mr. Ri said. He pointed the floral maternity dress. "Arasso, Sir..." The sales staff said. "And this one, please make sure that the clothes are comfortable to wear..." Mr. Ri said. He take the other style of maternity dress. Mr. Ri remember his late wife. 'Yaebo.... This one is your favorite color, Isn't it?...' In his mind.

Mr. Ri still looking around the mall. He also bought some baby stuffs for his grandchildren. He also bought new tie for Jeong Hyeok and a couple shirt for the the couple. "Oh! Chairman Yoon..." Mrs. Ri said and she got shocked when he saw him. They both laughed when they saw each other with baby stuffs on their hands. "It looks like that we're both excited for our litle grandchildren." Mr. Yoon said. Mrs. Ri laugh together with her friend Cheon Seok.


Dan is on her car outside the apartment building where Jeong Hyeok and Seri are staying. She's wearing her black cap and shades. An hour has been passed when she suddenly frowned as she see the two went outside the building laughing and giggling with each other. She got furious when she saw how Jeong Hyeok taking care of Seri.

He carefully assist her to went inside the car. "You're happiness is temporary, Seri... I told you, it's not yet over... Maybe you had his baby but  much better if I'll take you out of the picture together with your baby." Dan said while still looking at the two.

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