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Side Story

"Chairman Yoon... Can I talk to you?" Jun Jae said. Mr. Yoon is on his office when Jun Jae approach him. "What is it, Mr. Heo?" Mr. Yoon said. "Did you know what happened to Seri and Jeong Hyeok in Hongkong?" He said. Mr. Yoon look at him. "Yes, I know... Jeong Hyeok already told me about it. And I'm hoping they will fix it whatever arguement it is." Mr. Yoon replied. Jun Jae clench his fist. "But Mr. Yoon, I don't think they can fix it..." Jun Jae said. Mr. Yoon look at him and trying to observe him. "How did you say that?" Mr. Yoon said. "Look, Mr. Heo... Are you have feelings for my daughter? If yes, forget about her now. I know my daughter, and I witnessed how she love Jeong Hyeok... So I know she will fix it and she will still going to choose him." Mr. Yoon said. He stood up and walk when Jun Jae speak. "But she's the one will suffer, Chairman Yoon. I love her that's why I care about her." He said. Mr. Yoon stop and turn around to look at him. "Jeong Hyeok cheated on her. He couldn't forget about his ex and now Seri knew about it.... I know she's in pain now." Jun Jae said. Mr. Yoon frowned. "Jeong Hyeok couldn't do that to my daughter. His love for her is sincere and I know it." He said. "Chairman Yoon, he slept together with Dan while he's on Hongkong and now, Seri knew about it." Jun Jae said. Mr. Yoon got shocked. "What did you say?" He asked. Jun Jae gave him the photo of Dan and Jeong Hyeok together going inside of Dan's suite. "I care for your daughter so much that's why I'm here for you to show that. Jeong Hyeok still has feelings for Dan and Seri will suffer if she continue to hold on their relationship." Jun Jae said. "Dan is his first love, and I don't believe it that he's easily forget her." Jun Jae said. Mr. Yoon look at the picture and his teeth clenching. "I know, you're the only one who can  stop her, Chairman Yoon." Jun Jae said. Jun Jae smile when he saw Mr. Yoon got affected by the photos.


Present days

Seri is still unconscious lying on the hospital bed and Mr. Yoon seated beside her as he wait for the doctor. He's holding his daughter's hand and he's so worried for her. He observed Seri that she lose some weight and her face is so pale. He recalled what Jun Jae told him.

When the doctor went inside the room, Mr. Yoon immediately stood up and approach her. "Chairman Yoon..." Dr. Kim said. Mr. Yoon smile and look at Dr. Bong. "Dr. Bong..." Mr. Yoon said. Dr. Bong Dal hee is his wife OB gyne Doctor. "Annyeong Haseyo... Chairman Yoon nice to see you again." She said. Mr. Yoon smile. "How's my daughter, Dr. Kim?"He said. "I requested Dr. Bong to explain you about your daughter's condition." Dr. Kim said. Mr. Yoon got confused and look to Dr. Bong. "Chairman Yoon... Congratulations... You're daughter, Ms. Yoon is seven weeks pregnant." Dr. Bong said. Mr. Yoon got surprised but at the same time he's worried. He look at his daughter who still lying on the bed. "Mr. Yoon can I talk to her husband?" Dr. Bong said. Mr. Yoon look at her. "I need to talk to him to discuss her condition." She added. "Why? I'm her father and I also need to know her condition." He said. Dr. Bong and Dr. Kim exchange their glances. "Chairman, your daughter's condition is like to your late wife." Dr. Bong said. Mr. Yoon got shocked. "Her pregnancy is sensitive and her body and heart becomes weaker. She needs to take extra caution. She needs to have a complete bed rest, for the safety of her baby and her." Dr. Bong explain. Mr. Yoon confused on how he will going to react. He's so happy to know that he has a grandchild now but at the same time he's worried and afraid that he will loose her daughter just like what happened to his wife. "Dr. Bong, Is there a chance that she will end up like what happened to her mother?" Mr. Yoon asked. "Apparently, Yes, Chairman if her body and heart continue to become weaker especially now that... I think she's bearing a twins so I also need to talk to her husband to ask his permission so we can conduct an ultrasound to confirm it." She said. Mr. Yoon tears escaped from his eyes and he hold his daughter's hand. "For now, avoid too much stress. Her heart and body  is fragile right now. But she's your little fighter the day she was  born, remember? I know she's strong and she can make it, Chairman." She said and smile on him. Mr. Yoon press gentle his daughter's hand. "Please conduct an ultrasound as soon as possible..." He said.


Chan Young immediately went to Jeong Hyeok office as soon as she heard the news about what happened to Seri. "Chan Young..." Jeong Hyeok called. Chan Young breathless and try to calm.herself. "Jeong Hyeok... Did you heard the news about Seri?" She said. Jeong Hyeok stood up, "What is it?" He asked. "So, I knew it... Uncle didn't inform you but why?" She said. "Chan Young... What happened to Seri?" He asked. "One of the staff of their company called me, Seri collapsed and take to the hospital." Chan Young said. Jeong Hyeok got shocked and worry. "What the name of the hospital? I need to go there now..." He said. "I don't know. Uncle told the staffs not to tell to anyone about the incidents and including the name of the hospital." Chan Young said. "What?" He said. Jeong Hyeok immediately went outside his office and try to call Mr. Yoon but he reject his call.

On the other hand, Seri woke up and try to adjust her eyes on light. She look at the surrounding and she immediately guess that she's on the hospital. She saw her father standing and looking at the view outside. "Appa..." He called soflty. Mr. Yoon immediately turn around and approach her. "Are you okay? Is there something hurt?" He asked. Seri let out a small smile. "I'm fine... I'm just extremely exhausted... What happened?" She said. Mr. Yoon look at her as he caress her face. "Seri... Why you didn't tell me?" He asked. Seri look at him with puzzlement. "What are you talking about?" She said. Mr. Yoon look at her and trying to guess what's on her mind. "Dr. Bong is here earlier. ." He said. "And she told me that you're seven weeks pregnant.." He said. Seri got shocked and her eyes widen. She couldn't believe this. "What did you say, Appa?" She said. Mr. Yoon look at her. "You didn't know?" He said. Seri nodded, "I'm pregnant?" She asked. Mr. Yoon nodded. Seri tears escaped from her eyes and then she smile while looking at her father. "I'm going to be a mother?" She said. And she cry Because of happiness. Mr. Yoon try to hide his worry and hug his daughter. "Appa... Is it true? I'm pregnant..." She said while she's crying. "Yes, but please... Just relax..." He said and look at her. "You need to relax..." He added. Seri look at him. "Waeyo? Is there any problem?" She asked. Mr. Yoon decide to hide from her her situation. "Ani... But ofcourse, you're pregnant now and you need to relax." He said. Seri smile and nodded. "I will..." She said and look and touch her tummy.

"Appa... Where's my phone?" She said. "Why?" He said. "I need to call Jeong Hyeok.. I need to talk to him and ofcourse I need to tell him about this." Seri said. "Aniyo!" Mr. Yoon said. Seri got shocked. "Appa?" She called. Mr. Yoon stood up. "You don't need him to be part of this news." He said. Seri got confused. "Appa... He's the father of my child and he must know it." She said. Mr. Yoon look at her. "I know what happened in Hongkong and it's not right that you try to fix it because of your child." He said. "Appa.... Jeong Hyeok has an explanation about it.. so please let me talk to him. And I'm ready now to listen to him." She said. "Aniyo! He hurt you, Seri... So forget about him and we will raise your child together without him." He said. Seri frowned, "Aniyo! Appa... Please I'll explain to you... But Please let me speak to him..." She said. Mr. Yoon try to calm down himself because of his daughter condition. "Seri... I'm your father please listen to me... And do  what I said, this is for your own good..." Mr. Yoon said. "Aniyo! Appa... Please... He needs to know about my pregnancy..." Seri said.

"Yoon Seri! Stop being so stubborn! He cheated on you and now you still want him? I won't let that happen, Seri..." He said in a serious tone. Seri look at her father. "Who told you that? He'll never cheated on me, Appa... I know he has reason so please let me talk to him. I know he wouldn't do that to me." She said. Mr. Yoon approach her. "Seri your pregnancy is sensitive, if you care about your child please listen to me... My decision is final... He wouldn't know this and we're going to the states together. In that place you can find relaxation and peace." Mr. Yoon said. He will try to do his best for her daughter not to get hurt again. He made a decision after the conversation between him and Dr. Bong. He will take Seri to the States for safety and for the safety of his grandchild. If it's really true that Jeong Hyeok is still had a lingering feelings over his first love, he must do his best to make her daughter forget about him, Mr. Yoon's thought.

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