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"The waves starting to hit on the shore"

For the past few weeks Jun Jae started to gain Seri's trust for being a good friend to her. He knew that if he'll continue to push his feelings to her, Seri will still put boundaries between them. He think that Dan is right, maybe he needs to change his strategy if he really want to get closer to her.

He saw Seri at the company's cafeteria keep frowning while browsing on her phone. He immediately walk towards to her. "Can I sit here?" He said. Seri look up and she smile. "Sure.." She said. Jun Jae seated infront of her and trying to guess what's on her mind. Seri let out a deep sigh and put her phone back on her bag. "President Yoon, here's your Tteokbeokki and Mandu." The staff said. "Kamsahamnida.." She said. "It seems you had a bad day?" Jun Jae start a conversation. Seri look at him. "Not really, I couldn't reach Jeong Hyeok so I started to get worried." She said. Seri took a small bite of Tteokbeokki. "I miss his home made Tteokbeokki.." She murmured. She put away her chopstick and sip her ice coffee. "Maybe he's busy..." He said. Seri smile. "That's what I thought... I'm just worried that he'll skipping his lunch because of work." She said. "I'm not there to take care of him when he get sick." She said. "Don't worry... I know him he's strong enough to take care of himself." He said. Seri let out a small smile. "Thanks..for listening..." She said. Jun Jae smile. "You also need to eat, Seri.." He said. He pick her chopstick and he about to put it on her hand when her phone suddenly ring. Seri immediately pick her phone and she smile when she saw her boyfriend's name registered on the screen. "Excuse me..." She said and she immediately answer it and she left him alone at the table. Jun Jae smile faded as he clench his fist. "Good timing... Ri Jeong Hyeok.." He said.


In Hongkong

Jeong Hyeok is on the lobby looking on  how the preparation for the conference going. His phone ring and he saw Chan Young's name registered on the screen.

"Yes, Ms. Jeon?" He said.

"Vice Chairman Ri... Is it true that Seo Dan is the new model of the hotel there in Hongkong?" She asked.

"Ms. Jeon where did you get that information? We never tell it openly to the staffs." He said.

"I'm sorry.. I only over heard it... Did Seri know it already?" She said.

Jeong Hyeok let out a deep sigh. He forgot to tell her about it because his mind is occupied by workloads.

"I haven't tell her yet... Please let me tell her directly..." He said.

"It's okay... I didn't tell her... I'm just worried about her reaction when she know it. I'm sorry if I call you Vice Chairman..." She said.

"No, It's okay... Im going to tell her today... I know honesty and loyalty is important to her..." He said.

Without him knowing, Dan heard their conversation. 'So... Honesty and loyalty is the most important to you, Yoon Seri... Let's see how will you react If I'm going to test your trust on him...' In her mind.

Dan saw him that he put his phone on the table when he ended their conversation. When it seems that Jeong Hyeok is busy talking to the staff, Dan immediately went on the table and took the phone. She turned it off and she put it inside her bag. "Ms. Seo Dan you're here..." The staff said when he saw her. Jeong Hyeok turn around to face her. "Annyeong Haseyo... Annyeong Haseyo, Vice Chairman Ri..." She greet him and let out a smile. "Annyeong Haseyo..." He replied. "Are you ready for tomorrow's conference?" The staff asked her. She nodded and steal a glance to Jeong Hyeok. "Yes, ofcourse... I'm really excited about it..." She said. Jeong Hyeok left them and went on the elevator. Dan look at him from a far while she's talking to the staff. 'Ignore me as much as you want, Jeong Hyeok... But I'll make sure you will come back to me when she ended your her relationship with you...' In her mind as she smirked.

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