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"Surprise event"

"Babe... Did I need to go there with you? Can I stay here and have some rest?" Seri said while seated on the side of the bed. Jeong Hyeok sit next to her. "Why? Are you not feeling well?" He asked. "Ani... But I don't know I prepared to stay here for today..." She said. Jeong Hyeok gave him a large box and a medium box. "I couldn't leave you here all alone, please... Come with me and I'll promise let's go home early."He said. Seri open the large box and saw a white beautiful long dress with pearls and Swarovski on it. And a pair of white heels to be pair on the dress. "What's this? It seems that I'll be the bride and not a visitor..." She said as she chuckled. Jeong Hyeok let out a wide smile. "Did I buy a wrong dress?" He said. "No, the dress is beautiful but I need a simple one for me not to steal the moment of the bride." She said. She was about to stand up when Jeong Hyeok stop her, "Where are you going?" He asked. "I'll try to look for a simple dress just wait here.." She said. "No!" He said. Seri look at him with puzzlement. "I mean, I bought that dress for you and I want it to see you wearing it now..." He said. "Babe..." She said. "Please?!..." Jeong Hyeok said with his puppy eye. Seri smile as she nodded. "Arasso... You win, Your Highness..." Seri said.

All she knew, they will attend the wedding of one of the board of directors of Ri's Corperation.


Mrs. Ri is busy on preparing herself for the wedding. "Chairman Ri, Vice Chairman Ri and Madam Yoon are on the way here..." Her secretary said. "Arasso.... How about Chairman Yoon?" She asked. "Chairman Yoon is already here... He's on the garden already." She said. "Arasso..." She said.

Mrs. Ri smile as she's staring herself through the mirror. She's so excited to see Jeong Hyeok with Seri.

Meanwhile, Jeong Hyeok and Seri is on the car. Seri fell asleep while Jeong Hyeok is driving. He steal a glance to his sleeping fiancée as he took her hand and kiss it. Seri is sleepyhead but because of her pregnancy she sleep more than before. She also a little bit moody, sometimes she get annoyed when Jeong Hyeok smile with his dimples out. She's pretty but she bloom more.

They arrived safe at the venue, he look closer to her before he decide to wake her up. He kiss her on her lips, "I love you... Let's enjoy our day today, Yoon Seri..." He whispered. Seri woke up and look at him and she smile. "Oh! We're here.." She said. Jeong Hyeok laugh. "Maybe our twins are both sleepyhead just like their mother..." He said. Seri laugh and give him a light punch on his chest.

Seri amazed by the ambiance of the house as they're walking towards the main door. "Did you like it?" He asked. Seri nodded and she smile. "Wow, their house is beautiful.. This is what I wanted, to have a beautiful garden where I can plant different kinds of beautiful flowers." She said. "Where our twins are freely running and playing in this huge place like this..." She added. Jeong Hyeok smile and hold her hand and kiss it. "That's also my dream, Babe... To see you with our kids welcoming me from work. Smiling and excitedly hugging me." He said. Seri smile and hug him.

"Annyeong Haseyo, Madam Yoon and Vice Chairman Ri..." The glam team said. Seri look at them and she let out a sweet smile. "Vice chairman, Can we take her now for her to prepare.." The make up artist said. "I'm sorry but I'm only a guest here..." Seri said. Jeong Hyeok let out a small laugh and Seri look at him with confusion. The glam team also let out a small laughters. Jeong Hyeok look at her and cup her face with his two hands. "Babe..." She said. "Babe.... I'm sorry I didn't inform you..." He said. "About what?" She said. "This is our wedding day... And you're not a guest here... You're most important person on this event... You're the bride, Yoon Seri..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri got surprised and look at the garden and saw few people   who is close to them, like Seo Woo Chan Young and Joo hee. "Babe... You surprised me... Yah!" She said and her tears escaped from her eyes. Jeong Hyeok hug her tightly and kiss her on her hair. "So you couldn't escape me.." He whispered. Seri chuckled and she close her eyes. She is the luckiest girl on earth to have this kind of sweet and thoughtful man, Seri's thought.

Jeong Hyeok went to the garden and greet their guests while waiting on Seri. He saw Mr. Yoon with his grandmother chatting. He approached them and greet them. "Where's the bride? Did she already knew that this is her wedding day?" Mrs. Ri said. Jeong Hyeok let out a small laugh. "She's with her glam team right now... Yes Halmeoni, she already knew and she got so shocked earlier." Jeong Hyeok said. And they all laughing. "Jeong Hyeok thank you for your effort on showing how much you love my daughter." Mr. Yoon said. Jeong Hyeok smile, "Abeonim, I love giving  her what she really deserve... Her happiness is more important than anything else..." Jeong Hyeok said. Mr. Yoon smile widely and tap him on his shoulder. Mrs. Ri hug her grandson tightly. "I'm so proud of you, Jeong Hyeok... And at the same time I'm so happy that you found her and please keep her forever.." Mrs. Ri whispered. Jeong Hyeok return a hug to his grandmother, "I will, Halmeoni.." He said.

Meanwhile, Seri is still crying because of the happiness she felt. Until now she couldn't believe it, that this day is her wedding day. Jeong Hyeok always make her heart fluttered. "Madam Yoon, can we start the make up?" The make up artists said. Seri look at her. "I'm sorry if I keep you waiting but I couldn't control my tears right now.." She said. The glam team laugh together. "Did you really not know about this wedding?" The hair stylist asked. Seri nodded. "I thought I'm only a guest here... Now I know why he bought me this kind of dress. Im so worried that I might steal the moment of the bride, I didn't thought that I am the bride." She said as she continue sobbing. "How sweet of your husband to be, Madam Yoon... You're so lucky.." Her make up artist said. Seri look at herself on the mirror. "Yes, I'm such a lucky girl to have him." She said while looking at the mirror.

The ceremony is already started. Jeong Hyeok is waiting on the arch with his best man Seo Woo. "You win her heart, I'm so happy to the both of you... I hope the universe will bless you more times of being together." Seo Woo whispered. Jeong Hyeok look at him and then he smile. "Thank you... I also hoping that fate will be upon us..." He replied.

With a piano tune of 'I give you my heart' by IU, the entourage is already started. Chan Young and Joo hee are both smiling while walking at the aisle. Mr. Yoon trying to control his emotions as he stood on his position to wait for his daughter. And the wait is over when they saw Seri slowly walking entering the garden. Seri stop when she saw all the people who support their relationship are all eyes is on her. She take a deep breath before she start walking again.

Mr. Yoon cry when he saw his daughter. She reassemble of her mother. He's crying because of happiness he felt for her daughter. Seri look at her father who is also looking and smiling at her. As she approached him, her tears started to fall from her eyes. Mr. Yoon reach her hand and hug her. "You're so beautiful just like your mom... It's time for my little princess marry her king." He whispered. Seri close her eyes as she continue crying. "You're always my little girl... Appa is always here to support you... Always be happy, My princess Seri... I love you, my daughter..." He added. Seri hug her father tightly. "Appa.... I love you too... Thank you, Appa..." She whispered. Mr. Yoon release her from his hug and he smile. Seri smile back to her father. "Shall we?" He said. Seri put her hand on his father's arms. They walk together on the aisle. She smile when she saw Jeong Hyeok who is crying while looking at her from a far. Seri cry while smiling and they eyes met.

This is her dream, to walk in the aisle wearing a beautiful white long gown with bouquet on her hand and her man of her dreams is waiting at the end for her. Her dream that she think it will never came true, but now she's marrying the man she really love.

'I will never ever forget the day that I met you, and this day that you captured my heart again... I will bring this happiness until my last breath, Ri Jeong Hyeok...' In her mind while looking at his eyes.

'You're so beautiful... Did you know it? That beauty captured my heart and wake my heart for the real definition of true love... Maybe she's the first girl in my life but did you know that your the very first girl who makes me nervous in different ways?... You're my everything... You're my all... You're my world, Yoon Seri...' In Jeong Hyeok's mind while looking at Seri's eyes.

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