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Side Story

Jeong Hyeok pick the spare key of his room when it seems Seri is locked herself for almost two hours in his room. He immediately open it and he saw Seri packing all her belongings. "You're leaving?" He asked. Seri didn't speak and continue to her doings. Jeong Hyeok hug her from her behind. "Babe... Please... Let's talk..." He whispered. "I won't allowed you to go... Let's talk first." He said. Seri take off his hand from her. "Seri..." He soflty called. Seri look at him. "I want your honest answer this time, Ri Jeong Hyeok... Tell me, is that true that... That you had a sex with her?" Seri said. Jeong Hyeok hold her hand. "To be honest, I really couldn't remember what happened that night... I swear..." He said. Seri rolled her eyes. "Babe... Believe me, I'm telling you the truth... I'll never cheated on you, I swear.... I don't know how I ended up there.. I woke up that... We're sleeping next to each other.... Seri please... Listen to me..." He said as his tears continue to flow from his eyes. He's now afraid that any words will says and any actions he make, he will lose her. He hug her tightly, he's so afraid that she will leave him. "I love you, Babe... Please... Don't go..." He said. Seri close her eyes, she really loves him but she's hurting. "If you really love me, then why you let her near you and get closer to you, Jeong Hyeok?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her eyes and he saw her pain in her eyes and the way she call him. "You wanna know what I'm thinking right now?" She said. Jeong Hyeok didn't speak. "I want to believe you, I really do.. because I love you, I want to take your side... Because I'm afraid to lose you... But, it's hurt to know that you didn't put enough boundaries between you and her to protect my feelings, to protect our relationship..." She said. Jeong Hyeok hold her tightly, "Seri... I'm sorry.... Im so sorry..." He said and his emotions burst out. "You ignored my feelings since the day you hired her as your model, and you chose to hurt me for lying to me about the phone incident and now, you're the one who caused my first heartbreak for letting her to ruined us..." She said. Seri push him and pick her bags and wipes her tears before she went outside the room. Jeong Hyeok follow her and stop her from leaving. "Babe.. please... I'm sorry.... Let me fix this...." He said. Seri look at him, "Move!..." She said but Jeong Hyeok insist. "Babe, I'm sorry... Let's fix this..." He said. Seri wipes her tears that continue flowing from her eyes. "let's give each other space for now, Jeong Hyeok... My heart couldn't handle what I learned today so please..." She said. Seri walk passed through him. "Seri..." He said and grab her arms to stop her and hug her from her behind. Seri cry, whe didn't want this. But she think this is for the better. She really love him but the pain she's feeling right now is unbearable. She take off his hand and she continue to walk towards the door.


Present days

Seri return to Seoul but she book a  suite in a hotel rather than returning to her unit or to their house. She needs space to be alone. She Didn't inform her father nor Mrs. Ri about of her arrival. Her phone has been turned off since the day of what happened until today. She continuously crying every night. She's spending her day inside of her suite, sometimes Staring blankly ahead in the sofa but mostly she's sleep a lot. Not only her heart feel the pain, she notice that her body feels weaker. She's also a little bit sensitive in food she take. The smell of rice irritated her and cause of her nausea. She's also suffering from extreme fatigue even she doesn't do anything.

This morning, all she wanted is to stay on her bed because of dizziness whenever she stood up. "What's happening to me? Is it because I'm so stress lately?" She said to herself. She cover the blanket on her and close her eyes  for her to rest but she feel she is about to vomit again. She immediately went to the bathroom.

On the other hand, Jeong Hyeok got more and more worried because he couldn't contact Seri. When he knows that Seri was not in Hongkong and already returned to Seoul, he immediately book a flight to Seoul. He went straight to their unit but he didn't found her there. He ask Chan Young if she knows where Seri is but they didn't contact her because of her phone has been turned off. He also call his grandmother but he guess she still doesn't know what happened to them at Hongkong even Seri's arrival.

And now, this is the only place he knew that maybe Seri is staying. Yoon's Mansion. He gathered his courage before he pressed the doorbell.

Mr. Yoon got surprised to see him. "Jeong Hyeok... What are you doing here?" Mr. Yoon asked. "I thought you're in Hongkong with Seri, where is she?" He asked. Jeong Hyeok look at him with confusion. Mr. Yoon observed him. "I'm sorry, Abeonim... But we had an argument when we're in Hongkong and now I couldn't reach her." He said. Mr. Yoon look at him and he seem so shocked. "What?" He said. "I went here to see her and talk to her, Abeonim..." He said. "She's not here.." He said. "Ms. Choi please call Ms. Song tell her that I need her today." Mr. Yoon said. "Yes, Chairman.." Ms. Choi said. Mr. Yoon look at him. "I don't know what happened between the two of you but one thing is for sure, Seri got hurt so much for her to hide herself from you." Mr. Yoon said. "It was all my fault, Abeonim... I'm sorry if I caused pain to your daughter." Jeong Hyeok said. "Are you cheated on her?" Mr. Yoon said. "I'm not... I will never do that to her... I love her and I don't want to lose her " He replied. Mr. Yoon look at him. "Then try to fix it... I hope you said was true... I don't want her to suffer because you cheat on her." Mr. Yoon said. "I like you for my daughter, Jeong Hyeok because she loves you and she trust you. I saw in her eyes the joy because of you. But if my daughter get hurt because of you being unfaithful, I'll do everything to separate her from you and that's a warning." He said. Mr. Yoon walk passed through him. "Abeonim... I'm sorry because I hurt her for ignoring her feelings. But I swear, I'll never cheat on her. And I have no plan to cheat on her in the future... Let me fix the gap between us, Abeonim..." He said. Mr. Yoon stand but his behind is still on him. "If you find my daughter, just inform me." He said and walk upstairs.


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