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"Babe time"

Seri woke up and she was so startled when she's on her bed. She immediately went outside to look for Jeong Hyeok. "Good morning, Babe..." He said. "How I ended in my bed last night?" She asked. Jeong Hyeok chuckled. "I carry you from the couch.  You fell asleep while watching. Don't worry I slept at the couch." He said. Seri let out a small laugh. "I'm sorry..." She said. Jeong Hyeok cup her face with his two hands to kiss her but Seri cover her mouth. Jeong Hyeok look at her with puzzlement. "I haven't brush yet.." She said and she felt shy. Jeong Hyeok smile and take off her hand from her mouth and gently kiss her. Seri smile and Jeong Hyeok hug her. "I love you.." He whispered. Seri smile widely and put her arms around his waist. "I love you too..." She said. She noticed the  two suitcase on his behind. She slightly release herself from his hug. "What's this? Are you going to somewhere?" She said. "Yes..." He said. Seri look at her. "To where?" She said. "To Jeju with you..." He said. Seri got surprised. "Really? You wanna go with me?" She said. Jeong Hyeok nodded. Seri hug her and Jeong Hyeok chuckled. "Yah! You make me so happy, Babe... I thought my weekends will be boring..." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and kiss her on her forehead.

They we're both on the car when her phone ring. She check on it and  saw Jun Jae's name. She look at to Jeong Hyeok and he nodded.

"Yes hello..." She said.

"Where are you? I'm heading at your house right now to fetch you up." Jun Jae said.

Seri look at to Jeong Hyeok who is silently driving.

"Yah! Jun Jae, you don't need to do that and I'm already on my way there with Jeong Hyeok." She said.

"What? You're with him?" He said and he seem so surprised.

"Yes, let's meet there... I need to hang up now.. Bye.." She said and she immediately end their call.

"It's look like Jun Jae try to fetch you." He said. Seri let out a small smile. "Yah! Let's not think about him... I want to enjoy our ride together... Can we?" She said. Jeong Hyeok hold her hand and kiss it. Seri smile sweetly and turned of her phone so they will not got distracted.

Seri's laughter and giggles filled the entire car. Jeong Hyeok is happily watching her laugh. "You look so seductive when your laughing just like that. Carefree and cheerfully." He said. Seri blushed and let out a sweet smile. "Really? So I will always wear this laughter to seduce you..." She said. Jeong Hyeok laugh and Seri look at her. "This is the first time I saw you Laughing just like this. I love you." She said. Jeong Hyeok feel so lucky to have a sweet and caring girlfriend just like Seri.

They arrived at Jeju island safe and full of Laughters. They we're having a chitchat while walking at the lobby of the hotel when Jun Jae approach them. "So this is the first time that Jeong Hyeok become look so possessive and he go with you here." He said. Seri smile faded. "Jun Jae... If you have time let's get a drink just like before..." Jeong Hyeok said. Jun Jae smirked. "How will we do it, If we both inlove to the same girl?" He said and look at to Seri. Seri avoid his gazed. "Anyway, my father book a suite for you Seri... Here.." He said. Seri take it from him the card key. "Your suite will be next to mine..." He said. Seri look at him and look at to Jeong Hyeok who is now clenching his fist. "It seems your father really wants her to be his daughter in law, Jun Jae..." He said. "What do you mean?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her and his conclusion was right, Seri didn't know the proposal of Mr. Heo to his father. Jun Jae look at him but he didn't speak. Seri let out a deep sigh and turn to the receptionist. "Excuse me, can I book two business suites for me and for my boyfriend." She said. Jun Jae heard it. "Yoon Seri!" He called. "Waeyo? My father didn't inform you? That I control  over my life and I don't want someone to dictate what I'm going to do..." She said and she started to get annoyed. She gave back the card key to him. "I'm only here for our company, Jun Jae. I hope it's all clear to you and to your father." She said when she has her instinct that Mr. Heo trying to propose an arrangement marriage between her and Jun Jae. "Babe... I want to be alone for now..." She said and started to walk away from the two guys.

"Jun Jae... If I were you please stop now... And let her  be happy to the one she really love." Jeong Hyeok said. "It's easy for you to say it, Jeong Hyeok because you won her heart..." He said and Jun Jae left him. Jeong Hyeok let out a deep sigh while looking at his friend.


Seri went on the sea shores infront of the hotel. She close her eyes to feel the breeze of the cold winds. All she wants is to be love and to be happy why it seems so difficult to have it, Seri's thought. She feel someone put a coat on her so she open her eyes. "It's cold here... Let's go inside..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri smile and rest her head on his shoulder. "Can I ask you a question?" She said. "Will it be okay to be happy just like this even we knew that there's someone getting hurt because of our love for each other?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "Sometimes in love, we can't avoid that someone will get hurt... We don't control their feelings and they don't control our feelings too." He said. "You deserve to be happy, Babe... And our relationship right now, I know its worth it to fight for." He said and kiss her on her forehead. Seri smile as she close her eyes. "Babe... Please stay like this... Being madly in love... I hope no one of us will change..." Shes said. Jeong Hyeok hug her. "I promise..." He said.

Seri both rest on their own suite. Seri decide to sleep first while Jeong Hyeok take his warm bath before he rest.


Jun Jae is on the bar drinking his beer.   He wants to accept the fact that Seri and Jeong Hyeok love each other but he can't. He still hurting deep inside. He still have hope that Seri will feel how he really feel to her but what now, she's have a relationship with his friend and that's killing him.

At first, He is willing to accept the fact that Seri and Jeong Hyeok love each other But his father promise him that he can have Seri. And now, to see her with her boyfriend here in Jeju, he got so furious and jealous.

"One more martini please..." Dan said. Jun Jae look at her when he heard some familiar voice. "Seo Dan?" He said with surprisement on his face. Dan seem so surprised, "Heo Jun Jae? What are you doing here?" She said. Jun Jae didn't speak and drink his beer. "You seem so depressed, waeyo? Is about that bitch?" She said. "I heard Jeong Hyeok is going here at Jeju. That's why I also here..." She said. Jun Jae let out a deep sigh. "Go back to Seoul if I we're you..." He said. Dan look at him. "He's with Seri right now..." He said. Dan got shocked. "What!? No, it can't be..." She said and she drink her martini in just one drink. "You're a looser Jun Jae... I told you if you play fair you will loose the game..." Dan said. Jun Jae smirked, "look who's talking... How about you? You're a looser too, Dan. They already have a relationship right now..." He said. "But they still not married, so I still have an opportunity to have him back..." She said as she smirked. "If you want, you can help me or let's help each other, what do you think?" She said and she toss her glass on his glass. Jun Jae didn't speak and look at to the Dan.

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