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Seri is busy on packing her things. She is so excited to see and surprised Jeong Hyeok. Her flight is on tomorrow afternoon. She never tell to Jeong Hyeok about her plan to go there. She's planning to surprise him. She smile when she recalled their video call last time.


Seri is on Jeong Hyeok's unit the whole day. It's been two days since she declined his calls and messages. For Seri, this is his punishment for not telling her the truth. But she admits that she really miss him and she feels like she's also having  a punishment because of that. She let out a deep sigh as she about to call him when her phone suddenly ring. She was startled at first but her face blushed when she saw My Hyeoky registered on the screen. She seated properly before she answer the video call.

"Babe... Finally you answer my call..." Jeong Hyeok said.

"I'm sorry... I really sorry..." He added.

Seri didn't speak but she keeps looking at him through the monitor.

"Babe... I'm sorry, I swear I didn't want to lie to you but I thought it's the best way to protect your feelings.." He said.

"I can protect my own feelings, all I want is your honesty, Hyeoky..." She said.

"I know you're talking about Dan that day. That someone who returned your phone. I was so shocked when you lied to me." She said.

Jeong Hyeok look at her through the monitor and he saw her pain.

"How did you know that It was Dan?" He said.

"She didn't tell you? She answered your phone when I called you." She said.

Jeong Hyeok clench his fist.

"I'm sorry... It will never happen again... Babe please forgive me..." He said.

"Arasso... Apology accepted... But make sure no secrets and lies in the future, Arasso?" She said.

Jeong Hyeok nodded.

"I promise... I love you and I really miss you..." He said.

Seri smile.

"Me too... I really miss you..." She said.

Jeong Hyeok pout his lips and Seri laugh.

"Wae?" She said.

"You didn't told me that you still love me.." He said.

Seri chuckled.

"Saranghaeyo... Hyeoky!" She said.

End of flashback


Jun Jae is on his place and light a cigarette. He's getting annoyed that he couldn't stop Seri to follow Jeong Hyeok at the airport. His phone suddenly ring and saw Dan's name on the screen.

"Hi my friend... Any updates on your status there?" Dan said over the phone.

Jun Jae let out a deep sigh.

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