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Side Story

Dan went inside and ask the receptionist where Seri is staying. While waiting, she saw a nurse went outside from the restricted area. She immediately went there when the nurse staff told her Seri's room number. She went inside and saw a nurse who is preparing for her duty. The nurse get startled when she saw her, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" The nurse said. Dan smile. "Can I borrow your uniform?" She asked. The nurse look at her. "You're not allowed here... And also why you need to borrow my uniform..." The nurse said and she pick her phone to call security but Dan hit her on her head with the vase that she saw at the corner. The nurse fall on the floor and Dan smirked. She hide her body and change her clothes and went outside the room. "Yoon Seri... It's time for you and your baby to leave my man...." Dan smirked.


Dan is looking to Seri who still unconscious lying on the bed. She immediately take out the syringe with poison on it. "Yoon Seri... Don't worry... I'll only help you to continue your rest... Don't worry about Jeong Hyeok, I'll take care of him.. You'll be happy in the after life, you're with your baby." She whispered. She took out and she's about to insert the syringe on Seri's dextrose when Jeong Hyeok grab her hand. Dan startled and her eyes got widen. "You're crazy, Dan!" Jeong Hyeok said. Jun Jae immediately went inside  with police officers on his behind. He called police for back up a while ago when he saw Dan earlier. "Jeong Hyeok! I'm only doing this for you... She doesn't deserve you..." Dan said. "Seo Dan! Wake up to your senses! I couldn't believe that you can harm an innocent people because of your delusion and selfishness." Jeong Hyeok said. "Ri Jeong Hyeok... Because I love you that's why I need to do this.." Dan said. She panicked when she saw police officers on the front door. She try to release on Jeong Hyeok's grip but Jeong Hyeok tighten his grip. "I won't let you escaped from this... You're dangerous, you try to kill my wife and our twins... I'll never let this slide, Dan." Jeong Hyeok said. The police officers come closer to them and try to take Dan. "Jeong Hyeok please don't do this to me..." Dan said but Jeong Hyeok turn his behind on her and check on Seri who still unconscious. Dan frowned and she push the one police officer and she try to inject to Jeong Hyeok the syringe when Jun Jae suddenly appear infront of her. "Oh god!" Hyo Joo said. Jeong Hyeok turn around and saw Dan put the syringe on Jun Jae's shoulder. Jun Jae look at to Dan. "Stop now, Dan... Seri doesn't deserve your anger... Please stop!" Jun Jae said. Dan with her hands trembling she take off her hand from the syringe. The Police officers immediately take her and put handcuffs on her. Jun Jae feel his body weaker and started to paralyzed. Jeong Hyeok catch him when he's about to fall. "Jun Jae!!!" Jeong Hyeok said. "Hyo Joo please call a doctor!" Jeong Hyeok said. Hyo Joo immediately went outside the room to call for help.  Jun Jae hard to breath and look to Jeong Hyeok and he smile. "I'm sorry... I-I was blinded by my love for her... I forgot that... I'm... Hurting my... Only friend..." Jun Jae said. "No, don't talk... Let's talk when you got treated, Arasso?" Jeong Hyeok said. Jun Jae smile. "I'm sorry... Please take care of her and say my apology to her..." Jun Jae said while having a hard time to breath.."No, tell her directly... Jun Jae... Don't sleep.. " Jeong Hyeok said as he try to wake him up.

Dan tears came out while walking at the hospital lobby with two police officers on her both side. She saw the people looking at her and whispering.

Mr. Yoon and Mrs. Ri got shocked when they saw Dan with handcuffs. "What happened? I know her!" Mrs. Ri said to the police officer. "She tried to kill Mr. Ri Jeong Hyeok's wife and a man on room 429." The police officer said. Mrs. Ri got shocked and Mr. Yoon as well. Mr. Yoon gave her a death glared. "How dare you to do that to my daughter?" Mr. Yoon said. Dan smirked, "She steal my man... She deserve to die..." Dan replied. Mr. Yoon is about to hit her but Mrs. Ri stop him. "Chairman Yoon, Calm down let the justice serve what she deserve..." Mrs. Ri said. "I will assure you that you'll rot in jail! You gave my daughter so much pain and now, you try to kill her... So it's time for your karma, Ms. Seo!" Mr. Yoon said. Dan clench her teeth and she still looking at to Mr. Yoon while the police pull her outside the lobby.


Seri woke up and blink her eyes. As she look at the surrounding, she's on the hospital room. She move her hand  a bit and Jeong Hyeok feel it. Jeong Hyeok smile and he immediately stood up. "Babe... Finally you're awake.." He said and he's smiling. Seri let out a small smile. "How's our babies, Babe?" She asked. "Is our twins are both safe?" She added. Jeong Hyeok nodded. "They're both strong and brave just like you, Babe..." He said. "How's your feeling?" He asked. Seri smile. "I'm fine...I'm hungry..." She said. Jeong Hyeok let out a small laugh. "Maybe our twins are both hungry now, what do you want to eat?" He said. "Anything, Babe..." She said. She try to sit but Jeong Hyeok stop her. He assist her and put a pillow on her back. "Thank you..." Seri said. Jeong Hyeok smile. Jeong Hyeok ask Hyo Joo to buy some food and Tteokbeokki and they left alone in the room.

"Babe... I had a long dream.." Seri said.  Jeong Hyeok look at her. "What kind off dream?" He said. Seri look at him. "I see her in my dreams.. for the first time I saw my mother's face closer." She said. Her eyes started to filled with tears. Jeong Hyeok silently listening to her.

Seri's dream

Young Seri is playing on her room with her favorite barbie doll. She was looking on it with her sad face. A beautiful woman, who is look like her approach her. "My Seri why you look so sad?" She said. Seri look up and she smile when she saw her mother. "Eomma? Is that really you?" She said. Her mother smile as she nodded. Seri hug her tightly. "Don't leave me... I want to stay with you forever... My life been so sad without you at my side... Eomma..." She cried. Her mother tapping her back to comfort her. And she cup Seri's small face with her two hands. "Listen to me, Seri...." Her mother said. Seri crying while looking at her mother. "I'm always at your side  even though you can't see me... I'm inside your heart... I know life is tough and when you grow up it will be tougher and hard.... But promise me that you will never give up... Arasso?" Her mother said while wiping her tears. Seri cry louder. "I can't Eomma... Can I be with you forever just like this.. Don't leave me again... I love you.." Seri said while she's crying. "Come here... You have to see this..." Her mother said. They stood up and went outside from her room.

This time She became her latest version of herself and saw a twins sleeping lying on a bed. It is a boy and a girl. Her mother look at her. "You can't be with me for now, Seri... They need you... Your children needs you..." Her mother said. Seri look at her mother and return her eyes on her twins. "Eomma... What do you mean? Are they my babies?" She asked. Her mother happily nodded. "It's time to go back... You must be strong and brave for them... I'm sorry if I couldn't make it the day when you we're born... But I know you can make it because there's someone who's willing to love and to protect you... You must survive for them, Arasso?" Her mother said. Seri crying as she nodded. "Eomma is always with you, I'm peeping at the clouds watching you and your twins... Praying for a good life for your family...   Live happily Seri... Forgive your Appa, Arasso? Tell him I forgiven him and I love him... Tell him to stop blaming himself... This is my destiny but your destiny is far different from mine, Seri... I love you my Seri..." Her mother said. Seri hug her tightly and cry harder. "Eomma... I love you... I miss you..." Seri said. Her mother smiling while comforting her.

"I love you so much my daughter..." Her mother said.

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