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"Spending Time with You"

Side Story

Jeong Hyeok woke up with a smile on his face to see his beautiful girlfriend still lying on his arms sleeping. He pull him closer to him and cover her with blanket. It was a cold morning but he didn't feel it because of the warm body sleeping next to him. He look at her and he smile to think that he woke up with this pretty face look like so innocent and sweet. Seri move and turn around but Jeong Hyeok back her to his arms and kiss her head. "I love you so much... Me too.. I couldn't live without you..." He whispered.

Seri smile when she felt his arms wrapping around her waist. She blushed and she smile when she recalled what happened between her and Jeong Hyeok. She look at his face and got mesmerized by him. She slowly touch his nose and his lips. "I love you...Ri Jeong Hyeok..." She whispered and she gently plant a kiss on his lips.


Present days

Seri and Jeong Hyeok went down together at the hotel lobby. They we're both laughing. The people who seeing them smile because of the pink bubbles they saw on them. You can see that they really into each other in their body and in their eyes. Even Jeong Hyeok is fix his eyes to Seri, he managed to protect her from her surroundings. Like, when some men look at her and try to come near to her, he immediately pull her at the other side and put his arms around his waist to show them that she's already taken.

"Let's go to Ski Resorts near here..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri excitedly nodded. "Oh I really want to try it before but Chan Young and Joo Hee didn't want to." She said. "Thanks to you Babe... I can experience it now.." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and he realized that Chan Young is right, she can easily get happy even in a small things. "Let's go... This is also my first time to do this." He said. Seri got happy to heard it. They will share this experience together.

Meanwhile, Dan and Jun Jae is on Dan's car and watching the two went inside the car. "Let's follow them.." Dan said. "Are you really want to get hurt? Let them be... Dan..." He said. Dan look at him. "If you can let her happy with someone else, fine... But me... I can't. Jeong Hyeok once mine and I'll get him back to me no matter what." She said. Jun Jae look at her.


At Ski Resort

Seri laugh contagiously everytime she fall. Jeong Hyeok worried at first to her but he smile when he saw her enjoying. "Let's do try it now... I will count one to three..." He said. They are on the high side of the mountain that filled of snow. Seri nodded excitedly. "One.. two.." He said but he got startled when Seri excitedly Skiing and immediately went down. "Yoon Seri!" He called. "This girl..." He said as he follow her.

Seri chuckled as soon as she feel the cold breeze hitting on her face. She was amazed that she can do the balance but she forgot how to stop. "Babe... I don't know how to stop!!" She shouted. She look at her side but she didn't found him. "Omo... What should I do?" She said as she started to get nervous. "Yah! Yah!! Please go away!!!" She shouted at the people infront of her. "Ri Jeong Hyeok!" She shouted as she close her eyes. Minutes
Have been passed when she felt she accidentally fall to someone. She felt her body fall from someone chest. She slowly open her eyes. "Silly girl... You scared me.." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri chuckled while she's on top of him. "Nice catch! Mr. Ri..." She said. Jeong Hyeok pull her closer and kiss her. "This is my reward for saving you Your Higness.." He said as he let out a mischievous smile. Seri let out a small laugh. Jeong Hyeok stood up and held her hand for her to stand up. "Let's grab something to eat.." He said and hold her hand. Seri smile and follow him.

"Babe... Let's have some drinks... It's so cold today." She said. " Okay, where do you want to go?" He asked. "Anywhere with you, Babe..." She said. Jeong Hyeok blushed.

Seri look got shocked and look at him. "Were drinking here? At the convenience store?" She asked. Jeong Hyeok smile and pay the drinks and snacks they bought. "No... Where heading to somewhere..." He said. "Somewhere?" She said. "Yes... Anything you want to buy before we leave?" He asked. Seri smile and wrapped  her hands around to his one arms. "Tteokbeokki..." She said. Jeong Hyeok pinch her nose and kiss her.

Before he met Seri, his world is full of silence. Although, he has a girlfriend that time but when he's with Dan, Dan is always busy chatting on her phone or sometimes she has more time on her girlfriends than him. Sex is their favorite past time. He's the one who always make an effort to make her please and happy. But now, it feels different and Seri bring new colors in his life. She's a bubbly one. She always smile and laugh. Her Laughter is contagious. He realized that it's not only the sex that can make a relationship happy but even a simple conversation with her, he feel how Seri makes his world alive and full of surprises.

They went on a beach where only few people knew it. "Wow... Where did you find this place, Babe?" She asked and she got so amused by the ambiance. "When  I went Jeju before, I found this place so beautiful and peaceful." He said. Seri smile faded. "Oh, so you went here with her..." She said when she slightly feel getting jealous and  she walk towards the sea bay. Jeong Hyeok smile and hug her from her behind and Seri got startled. "Aniyo.. I went here alone." He said. "I call this place 'My Asylum'. That's why I didn't share this place on my friends including Dan." He added. Seri smile and turn around to face him. "So, why you share this place to me now?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her and touch her face. "Because just like this place, I feel how peaceful and happy my life whenever I'm with you, Babe." He said. Seri smile. "Really? Did I affected you that much?" She said as she chuckled. Jeong Hyeok nodded and hug her. "This is our secret place, Babe... I'm hoping that we can go back here after we got married and have a kids." He said. Seri let out a peel of Laughter. "Arasso... We're going back here I promise..." She said. Jeong Hyeok kiss her. "I want twins, Babe..." He said. Seri laugh. "Yah! Seriously? You think having a baby first rather than. Proposing me?" She said and she let out a small laugh. "why not? If I get you pregnant right now... You will force to marry me and you can't never leave me..." He said. Seri gently punch him on his chest. "You're naughty, Babe..." She said and they both laugh.

They don't care the cold whether outside but they enjoy having a conversation infront of bonfire and drinking beers with Seri's favorite food, Tteokbeokki. Jeong Hyeok make sure that Seri will never feel cold. He put his coat on her even she has her own coat and a heat pack on her pocket.

"Babe..." Seri said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "Waeyo?" He asked. "Look at the stars... Do you know the name of that one? The brightest one?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look up. "Ah... That one..." He said and Seri nodded. " is known as Polaris..." He said. Seri smile, "Polaris..." She said. "You know what? It is known as the guiding star. Polaris is the only star who fix in it's position and it is gives direction." He said. Seri amazed as she silently listening to him. "They say, if you lost... Just look at to it and you will find the right direction." He said. "Woah..." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile on her reaction, just like kids who is listening to her teacher. Seri rest her head on his shoulder. "Babe... I want to be like Polaris..." She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "I want to be your guiding star when you're lost. And I'll promise to stay on my place and my place is you." She said and look at him. Jeong Hyeok smile and he felt her sincerity on her words.  "You're my polaris, Babe... Since the day I met you." He said. Seri look at her with puzzlement. "I was lost without knowing it but when you appear in my world. You guide me on what is the true meaning of love." He said. He hold her hand and look at her eyes. "I was so blind by my love for Dan before and I forgot to see my worth. But you came and you bring a light for me to see that love is for two people who is both willing to give and take." He said. Seri's eyes are now filled with tears. She never expect it. Jeong Hyeok kiss her on her lips. It's a gentle kiss but full of emotions on it. Her tears escaped from her eyes as she feel his love behind his kiss.

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