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"Her Condition"

Side Story

"I don't want to, Appa... I'll stay here..." Seri said to her father. Mr. Yoon let out a deep sigh. "Why it's hard for you to believe him that he'll never cheated on me? Or why it's hard for you to gave him a chance to prove it?" She said and her tears started fall from her eyes. "Seri, your battling with his first love! Do you get what I mean? I want to protect you and your baby as well. I'm your father I know what's right for you..." Mr. Yoon said. Seri look at her father. "Dan is already his past now, he loves me I know because I feel it.." She said. "And I know he will love me more when he heard about my pregnancy... Appa, just give us a chance to fix what's ruined by that girl..." She said. "How can you be so sure that he totally forget about that girl? To think they slept together, are you still going to believe him that he loves you?" He said. "Seri...please, I don't want to loose you just like what happened to your mom..." He said. He hold her hands. "Please, just listen to me..." Mr. Yoon said. "I love him, Appa... And it's hurt to see you against us..." She whispered. Seri look at his father. "Appa... If I'm going to die while giving birth to our child just like what happened to Eomma... It's okay with me as long as I'm with him." Seri cried. "Just like Eomma, she managed to stay with you even in her last breath... Knowing that she's hurting inside to know that you still love your first love... And this time, I want to be just like her, staying with his side because he's my happiness..." Seri said. Mr. Yoon got shocked. "Seri.. You knew?" He said. Seri nodded. "I knew, I saw and read Eomma's diary... And I saw how you still kept your first love photo." She said. Mr. Yoon hug her.

The day when Seri's born, that day he realized how he really love his wife. He regret the days not to realized it sooner and not show his feelings for her. Mr. Yoon blinded by the love for his first love and he didn't saw how precious his wife is not until she died. Seri's mother has a  heart condition and it's risky for her to bear a child but she took that risk for him, to make him happy. That's why when Seri's born, he couldn't watch her and look to her because of guilt and regrets and try to focus himself to the company. And now he's so afraid that Seri might 

nd up being miserable just like what happened to his late wife. Then he felt the  anxiousness more when he found out that she's pregnant.

"Appa.... Let me be happy with him and let me love him so If  I can't make it just like my mom, just like her.... I'm going to die happily because I know he will be at my side." Seri said. Mr. Yoon cried and caress his daughter's face that reassemble of her mom. "I don't care If he has  still have feelings for Dan... As long as my heart beats only for him, I'll still choose and love him., So please... Appa... Let me choose my own happiness this time..." She cried. Mr. Yoon cry and hug her daughter tightly. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being selfish the time when your mom is still alive... I'm sorry..." Mr. Yoon said. "Thanks to your mom, because she gave me you so I can still show how I really grateful to have her and to be love by someone like her." Mr. Yoon said.  Seri let out a small smile but she suddenly felt tightness on her tummy and on her chest. "Seri..." Mr. Yoon called. "I'm fine... I just need some rest... Appa" She said and she let out a force smile so his father will not worry about her.


Present days

Jeong Hyeok is driving so fast to reach the hospital. Mr. Yoon called him and he told him where is Seri. He try to relax himself but aside from being excited to see her, he also got worried that might something happen to her.

When he reach the hospital he saw Mr. Yoon at the lobby waiting on him. "Annyeong Haseyo, Abeonim..." He said. Mr. Yoon just nodded. "Let's talk can we?" Mr. Yoon said. Jeong Hyeok smile, "Yes, Abeonim..." He said.

Mr. Yoon and Jeong Hyeok went to the rooftop of the hospital to talk. Mr. Yoon gave him a cup of coffee, "Kamsahamnida, Abeonim.." Jeong Hyeok said. Mr. Yoon look at him and he let out a deep sigh. "Honestly, I didn't want you to know Where's my daughter is. But Seri kept insisting that she wants to see you." Mr. Yoon started. Jeong Hyeok is silently listening to him. "I want your honest answer, Jeong Hyeok." Mr. Yoon said and look at him. "What is it, Aboenim?" He replied. "Are you really love my daughter?" He asked. Jeong Hyeok look at his eyes. "I am... I really love Seri, Abeonim... To think that I might lose her because of just stupid mistake, it's killing me..." He said. "Then why you cheated on her?" Mr. Yoon asked. "I swear, I'm not cheating on her..." He said. Mr. Yoon gave him the photo of him together with Dan. "How do you explain this, Jeong Hyeok? My daughter suffer and hurt because of that..." He said. "Abeonim...  I was drug that time... I swear I couldn't remember what happened that night." He said. Mr. Yoon look at him with shocked on his face. "What?" He said. "I can prove it you and to Seri... Abeonim... I have the evidence, I'll only wait for the testimony of the other witness." Jeong Hyeok said. "Abeonim... Please gave me a chance to prove my love and faithfulness to your daughter... Please let me see her and let me talk to her." He said. Mr. Yoon look away from him. "Did you really forget about that girl? I mean, your first love?" He asked. Jeong Hyeok look at him. "I want an assurance that my daughter is will be happy to someone who she chose... please... Leave my daughter, Jeong Hyeok..." Mr. Yoon said. "Yoon Seri is the only woman who I love just like now. Maybe Dan came first to my life but Seri... Seri is the only one who I love just like this... The only one that I'm afraid to lose. The only woman who makes me feel what true love is.. Abeonim, your daughter is my life so please don't take my life away from me." He said and his tears came out from his eyes. "Your request to leave her is too much and it's killing me inside... Abeonim, I respect you but I'm sorry... I couldn't do that... Leaving Seri is just like putting a gun in my head." He said. His emotions burst out. Mr. Yoon control his tears and turn his back on him. "Seri... Is pregnant, Jeong Hyeok..." He said.

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