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"Running Away"

Side story

Seri is continuously crying the whole night with her mother's picture on her hand. She couldn't believe that her father will also take away her freedom on choosing to whom she will get married. She believes in a fairy tale love story eversince. She wants a love that comes like a fire who will melt her heart in second. She wants to be with a guy she really love and build a happy family with him. Ms. Choi always telling her a story about how her mother fall in love to her father when she was a child. That's why she had a dream to have a love story just like to her mother. But now, everything she'll dreaming was all vanished in just a night. Her own father wants her to get marry to the man she didn't know and she didn't love. "Eomma..." She said as she was crying. She seated up and look at the window. The snow continue to fall just like her tears continue to escape from her eyes. "I must do something... I don't want to get married. I already gave up ny dream for you, Appa... But, this time... I need to fight for my freedom on choosing my own happiness when it comes to marriage." She said and she immediately wipe her tears.


Yoon's Residence

"Chairman Yoon!" Ms. Choi called as she went rush inside of his office. Mr. Yoon got surprised when he saw Ms. Choi come in without Knocking at the door. "Ms. Choi, what happened?" He asked. "Chairman Yoon..." She called with her heavy breath. Mr. Yoon look at her. "Ms. Yoon... Seri..." She said. "What happened to Seri?" He said. "She's gone... I think she's went to her work but all her room is messy and... Hyo Joo check the cabinets and drawers, some of her stuffs are gone." Ms. Choi said. Mr. Yoon couldn't believe this, that Seri will run away. He walks fast towards to her room to check on her. To his surprised, his daughter vanished without any trace. "Chairman Yoon... Seri couldn't live a life outside of her comfort zone. What do we do?" Ms. Choi said and she got so worried for Seri. Chairman Yoon remain on his poker face, "Let her... She will come back here when she's having a hard time." He said and walk towards the door to went outside. Mr. Yoon immediately called Ms. Song, the secret bodyguard that he hired for Seri. "Ms. Song, did you know where's my daughter is?" He asked. "Chairman Yoon what happened? Seri is at her room when I checked on her at two in midnight." Ms. Song said over the phone. Mr. Yoon started to got panicked. "What? You didn't know that she's not here?" He said. "Yes, Chairman... I'm on my way there right now.." Ms. Song said. Mr. Yoon end their phone call. 'Seri... Where are you?' In his mind.

Meanwhile, Seri stayed in an ordinary hotel suite somewhere in Busan. She woke up with a sunlight that hitting on her face. She seated up and it all sink it to her that her  situation is far different now than the previous one. She left all her credit cards that her father gave her and all she had right now is her savings. "I need to stand on my own rather than marrying someone that I didn't know who is he." She said. She get up and pick her phone and message her friends through their group chat.


Chan Young is waiting for her boss to arrive when her phone ring. She checked who is it and she saw Seri's name on the screen. She look around to check if Vice Chairman Ri is already arrive before she answered the call.

"Oh, Seri?" Chan Young said.

"Chan Young shhi... Annyeong.." Seri said.

Chan Young finds her weird. She didn't call early just like today.

"Yah! Yoon Seri! What happened?" She said.

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