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"Game over?"

It's been four days since that day happened. Seri needs to go back to her work after her three days leaves she requested. She Didn't take any calls instead from her work. "Ms. Yoon you lose some weight.... I'm just worried that you might get sick because you didn't eat well since you stay here..." Hyo joo said. Seri let out a small smile while looking at her through the mirror. "Don't worry I'm fine... I used to have intermittent fasting before..." She said. Hyo Joo frowned. Seri eyes got widen. "Yah! You keep Frowning at me?" She said and turn around to face her. Hyo Joo suddenly hug her. "I miss you..." She said and Hyo Joo started to cry. Seri smile and hug her tight. "I know it's been so hard for you right now... But please... Can you choose your self first and your own happiness this time, huh?" Hyo Joo said. Seri eyes are now filled with tears. "How can I do that? Even I want to fight for him... I can't.." Seri said and her tears started to escape from her eyes. Hyo Joo look at her. "I can't, Hyo Joo... Before I met him, he's already had a girlfriend..." She said. Hyo Joo got shocked. "I know what you think... Am I cruel? To love him even when I know he's belong to someone else... That's why my father is so disappointed on me..." She said and let out a small smile while her tears couldn't help but to continue to flow from her eyes. Hyo Joo hug her and tap her back to comfort her. "No, I know you're not bad as they think.. I know you, you had a reason... You can't control your heart who's you gonna love, Ms. Yoon..." She said. Seri cry out loud. "Hyo Joo... It's hurt... If this is love, why it hurt so much... I feel like I'm dying inside everytime I think he's at her side." She said. Hyo Joo cried as she heard her. "That's what love is, Ms. Yoon... Not all time is being happily inlove... Sometimes you need to go through painful moments." She said.

Even though she's a Princess of Yoon's empire, she live with a grateful and kindness in her. She treat all the staffs and housemaids with kindness and friendliness. She treat Hyo Joo as her baby sister and Ms. Choi as her second mother.

She went downstairs without looking at the dinning area where her father is. "Ms. Yoon... Good morning... Eat some breakfast first before you go." Ms. Choi said. Seri smile, "I need to go Ms. Choi.." She said. "Where are you going? Why don't you eat first." Mr. Yoon said. "I have to go to my work... Don't worry... I won't do anything stupid this time so relax, Appa.." She said and make a bow to him before she went outside but her father called her. "Yoon Seri..." He called. Mr. Yoon approach  his daughter. "Waeyo?" She asked. "Starting today you will have your bodyguard. Ms. Choi kindly call Ms. Song to go here." He said. Seri got shocked. "Appa! I'm not a kid anymore.." She said. "This is for your own good, Seri... So don't try to do anything stupid again.." Mr. Yoon said. "Appa... You really don't trust me? You believe that I can stole someone?". She said. Seri rolled her eyes and turn around to walk outside. "She's just like you Chairman Yoon when you still like her age." Ms. Choi said. Mr. Yoon look at his daughter. "That's why I got so worried... I got so anxious that she'll be hurt." He said. "But you need to let her face it alone. Chairman Yoon, I know her and I believe her... I hope you too as her father." Ms. Choi said. Mr. Yoon let out a small smile. "I believe her... But I need to be strict on her so I can protect her." He said. Ms. Choi smile, "Chairman, I know I'm not a parent and  don't have a kids just like you but, sometimes you can also protect her by listening to what she really feel

eri... I know she's a lot of pain right now..." Ms. Choi said and make a bow before she left. Mr. Yoon let out a deep sigh. He's been grateful that there's a lot of people love his daughter.


Jeong Hyeok is waiting infront of Seri's workplace. He's inside of his car waiting for Seri to arrived. He's always there for three days since the day the incident happened. He hope that he will see her today. Chan Young didn't told him her address while Joo Hee told him that Seri didn't answer their calls.

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