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"Mom And Dad"

"Ms. Yoon, are you ready? We will conduct an ultrasound today?" Dr. Bong said. "Can we do it later or maybe tomorrow... I'm waiting for someone, Dr. Bong.." Seri said. "But Chairman Yoon told us to conduct today..." Dr. Bong said. "I'm waiting for my fiance, the father of this little life inside me, Dr. Bong... I hope you understand..." She said. Dr.Bong smile. "You know what... You remind me of your mother." Dr. Bong said. Seri smile. "Really? I'm glad to hear that... Dr. Bong can I ask you something?" She said. Dr. Bong smile and she nodded. "My father told me that my condition was just like to my mom... Dr. Bong, can I know if is there a chance that I can safely deliver my baby?" She said. Dr. Bong smile faded. "It's true... Your body and your heart are weak and it's risky to get pregnant... You inherit it to your mother, Seri. Everytime that  your baby will grow inside to your tummy... You will experience what your mother had been experienced." Dr. Bong said. Seri felt worry and at the same time she's scared that what if she can't have a chance to hold her baby when he get birth. Dr. Bong hold her hand. "Seri, your mother was brave and I know you too..." She said. Seri smile, "I will do my very best to help you and to make sure you will have a safe delivery. So relax and you need to avoid worries and stress that's the first thing you need to do, Arasso?" Dr. Bong said. Seri let out a small smile. "I will... Dr. Bong thank you for taking care of me and my baby as well.." She said.

Jeong Hyeok is walking at the hallway towards to Seri's room. He didn't know what he's going to feel when Mr. Yoon told him about Seri's condition.


"Seri is pregnant, Jeong Hyeok." Mr. Yoon said. Jeong Hyeok got shocked and he couldn't believe on what he heard. "Abeonim..." He said. Mr. Yoon look at him. "My daughter is pregnant to your child... And she really needs you now..." Mr. Yoon said. Jeong Hyeok  let out a wide smile and his tears burst out. "Am I going to be a father?" He said and he is so happy. Mr. Yoon let out a small smile. "But you had one thing you really have to know, Seri's condition." Mr. Yoon said. Jeong Hyeok smile faded when it seems that there's something happen to Seri base on her father's reaction. "What is it, Abeonim?" He asked.

Mr. Yoon told to him everything. That Seri got inherit her mother's condition. She shouldn't get pregnant because it will cause it to weaken her heart and body.  And there's also a high chance that she couldn't survive just like what happened to her mother.

"So you must get ready, Jeong Hyeok.. We must get ready on something will happen..." Mr. Yoon said and his tears flowing from his eyes. Jeong Hyeok cry when he learned it. He was so happy to know that they will have a baby now but to think that he will loose Seri because of that, he couldn't stand it. "Abeonim... What should I do? I want them both to be alive... I can't live my life with her... This is so frustrating.." He said and his knees are shaken and he bend as he is crying. Mr. Yoon approach him and tap his shoulder. "I know, I feel the same way." He said. "Okay, cry now but you need to be strong especially infront of her... She needs you... She told me that you're her happiness that's why I called you..." He said. Jeong Hyeok cry louder as he clench his fist.

End of Flashback

He gathered all his courage before he open the door. He smile when he saw Seri is sleeping on her bed. He slowly approach her and his tears began to filled again his eyes. He hold her hand and caress her face. Seri woke up from his touch. Her eye smile automatically seen on her face as soon as she saw Jeong Hyeok infront of her. "Babe... You came.." She said soflty. Jeong Hyeok immediately hug her and his emotions burst out. Seri got shocked but she smile as she tap his back. "I miss you... Really miss you..." He whispered. Seri feel a warm water dropping on her shoulder. " I love you, Babe... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..." He added. Seri let out a wide smile. "I love you too... I already forgive you, Babe... I'm sorry if I chose to be alone that day..." She said. Jeong Hyeok seated up on the side of the bed and kiss her hand. He look at her tummy and touch it. "You already know? That we're going to have a baby..." She said. Jeong Hyeok nodded and wipe away his tears. "Abeonim told me..." He said. He kiss her hands amd hold it tightly. "Thank you Babe... For this wonderful gift.." He whispered. Seri smile sweetly. "This is our seed of love, Hyeoky... I'll promise that I gave my all just to protect him while he's on my tummy..." She said. Jeong Hyeok cry and he force his self to smile. "I'm here... Me too, I'll do my very best just to protect you and our baby..." He said. Seri put her hand on her tummy and she smile. "My mini Hyeoky, did you hear it? Your Appa, is here now... He will protect us so please just hold on there, Arasso?" Seri said as her tears started to fall from her eyes. Jeong Hyeok feel that she's afraid of what will going to happen so he immediately hug her tightly. "Don't think any negative, Babe... We will get through this... And soon we will saw his face together... I promise...." He said. Seri felt peace on his words and return a hug to him.

She was right. She needs Jeong Hyeok to gain courage to face her situation right now. She feel his warm embrace and small little kisses on her head. She missed this gesture of him and his manly scent. 'Eomma... I was so scared right now... Please guide me... Guide us... Help me to overcome the pain...' In  her mind.


"What? That's good news! Seri is pregnant!" Cheon Seok said to Mrs. Ri. Mrs. Ri happily tell her the goodnews. "Yes, Jeong Hyeok called me and he told me that Seri is seven weeks pregnant... I'm so excited to see my grandson..." She said. "Come with me, I'll buy cakes, ice cream and bouquet of peonnies. He told me that Seri craving for ice cream and cakes." Mrs. Ri said. "Ofcourse, I'm happy to assist you... Aigoo I envy you..." Cheon Seok said. Mrs. Ri laugh and it will see on her face how happy is she..

Meanwhile, Chan Young and Joo Hee is jumping because of the happiness they felt when Seri called them and share with them the good news. "Aigoo... Our Seri will become a mother now... Can't wait to see her cute baby..." Joo Hee said. "Me too... I'm so happy with them..." Chan Young said. Seo woo went inside and heard their giggles. "It seems you heard some goodnews today? Anyway any updates to Seri? Is she and Jeong Hyeok are okay now?" He said as he putting the beers he bought on the table.. Chan Young hug him from behind. "Yes... And you know what? She's pregnant!" Chan Young said. Seo woo got surprised, "Really? Omo!" He said. And He is happy to hear it and he also celebrating with them.

Yes, Chan Young and Seo woo are now officially dating for two months already. "Let's visit her tomorrow... Aigoo I want to see her..." Joo Hee said. "Okay..." The two said happily.

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