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"In the Restaurant"

Side story

Mrs. Ri is happy when Jeong Hyeok told her that Seri finally said Yes to him. She can't wait for the day that Seri will visit her. But at the same time she felt anxious when she heard some news about Mr. Heo and his proposal to Mr. Yoon. "Please make me an appointment to Chairman Yoon. I need to talk to him as soon as possible." She said to her secretary. She will not just sit back and watch while Mr. Heo try to play dirty tricks.

Although Jun Jae and Jeong Hyeok are best friends, Mr. Heo and Mrs. Ri is rival in business. Mrs. Ri propose an arrangement marriage to Mr. Yoon's daughter because all she wanted is to have her grandson a good and kind wife. While Mr. Heo wants to have control to Seri and to her assets when he becomes his daughter in law.

"I won't let that happened, Heo Jun Pyo..." She said. For Mrs. Ri, Seri deserve to have a good husband that will love and take good care of her.


In Jeju Island

Seri and Jeong Hyeok are walking at the seashore under the moonlight. Jeong Hyeok hold her hands and put it inside his pocket. "You're weak in cold weather, don't you?" He said. Seri laugh. "Yah... I love winter but my body is get easily cold in this season." She said. "You want to go inside?" He said. Seri shake her head. "Aniyo... I'm fine... I love what we're doing right now. To walk under the moonlight with the man who I really love." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile. Seri sneeze and her nose and cheeks are turning red. "Maybe we can do this again in spring but for now let's go inside. Let's look for a place to eat." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri chuckled. "Arasso..." She said.

Seri chose an Italian restaurant near the hotel. They went inside and Jeong Hyeok choose to sit on the table near the balcony where you can see the night view of Jeju island. "Is this your first time here in Jeju?" Seri asked. "Ani... We went here when I was in college.." He said. "We?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her, "I'm with my friends that time.." He said. Seri nodded. "How about in this restaurant?" She asked. "This is my first time here..." He said. "how about you, Babe?" He asked. "This is also my second time here at Jeju. And this restaurant is my father's favorite. We ate here before when I was ten years old." She said. "I remember he told me that this is the place where he got proposed to my mother." She said. Jeong smile. "So that's why you bring me here... This place is memorable to you." He said. Seri nodded. "Yes but I like the lobster pasta here that's why I brought you here." She said and she let out a small laugh. Jeong Hyeok chuckled.

"Jeong Hyeok?" Dan said. The two got startled when they saw Dan. "What are you doing here?" He said. Dan laugh, "Oh, relax... I just went here to unwind and I hope I can move on and I saw this restaurant then I saw the both of you." Dan said. "Can I join you here, I'm all alone and it's akward to eat here all alone." She said. "No... I'm sorry but I don't think it's right to for you to eat with us." He said. Dan remain her smile and try to control herself. "You're so cruel, Jeong Hyeok... C'mon we're also friends before we had a relationship..." She said. "Dan.." He said. Seri hold his hand, "It's okay let her be..." Seri said. "You can join us, Dan... have a seat but  is it okay to you that I'll take the seat next to my boyfriend?" She said. Her instinct is Dan is trying to annoyed her that's why she said it. Dan smile, "Ofcourse..." She said. Seri is about to stand up but Jeong Hyeok immediately went to her side.

"This island is so damn beautiful..." Dan said. Seri let out a small smile while Jeong Hyeok keep his blank face. "Yah, you remember Jeong Hyeok when we first went here... Yah! We both mesmerized by the beauty of Jeju." She said. Seri look at him and she recall his answer earlier that he went here with his friends. "So this island is both memorable to us..." Seri said to Jeong Hyeok. "That's great... We had a similarity..." She said. Jeong Hyeok try to read her mind but Seri hold his hand under the table to assure him that she's okay. Jeong Hyeok smile. Dan get annoyed because it seems that Seri didn't get affected at all.

The food are finally served. Seri with her puppy eye is so excited to taste the food. She immediately take a spoon of lobster pasta, "Babe... Try it... I told you it's my favorite because it's so delicious." She said. "Are you trying to kill him, Seri?" Dan said and snatch the spoon on her hand. "Dan.." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri got startled. "He's allergic to lobster... You didn't know it?" Dan said. Seri got shocked and look at to him. "I'm sorry I didn't know... " Seri said and she call the waiter. "Let's order for you." She said. "No, it's okay... We some food here..." Jeong Hyeok said. The waiter approach them and Seri is about to speak when Dan speak first. "Can we order Tomato Pasta. And please can we have  blanche spinach with olive oil and lemon  for side dish, it's his favorite." Dan said. Seri slightly feel envy and annoyed to herself for not knowing his favorite. Dan look at her and she make fun at her from inside. "Are you okay?" Jeong Hyeok whispered. Seri let out a small smile. "I'm fine..." She said. "Excuse me... I'll go to washroom.." seri said and she immediately stood up and walk towards the bathroom. Dan smirked when it seem Seri got affected.

"Are you excited to eat your favorite food here at Jeju?"  Dan asked to Jeong Hyeok. "Dan... You don't need to order it because in the first place, where here for my girlfriend and I want to know more about her and her favorites..." He said. "I know what you try to do Dan... We're over and accept the fact that I love her." He said. Dan smile faded. "You're so mean, Jeong Hyeok... Why  It so easy for you to have another one? You love me for a long time, Jeong Hyeok." Dan said. "Yes... I loved you for a long time but you still  get to cheat on me... Ask yourself why we end just like this. But Dan, to make it clear... We're over and I have no plan to get back to you and Seri, she's not a rebound... She's the girl who I never ever let go no matter what happen... I'm willing to fight for her." He said. Jeong Hyeok stood up and carry Seri's coat and bag. "Enhoy your food... I'll take her to another place..." He said and he left her alone. Dan cry when Jeong Hyeok left and her anger ups towards to Seri.

Seri look at herself through the mirror and trying to remain calm herself. "Yah Yoon Seri... It's okay... It's normal that she had a lot of knowledge about your boyfriend, ofcourse... She's his ex..." She said as she washing her hand on the faucet. She fix her make up and hair before she went towards the door. Her eyes got widen when she saw Jeong Hyeok standing infront of it. "Babe... What are you doing here?" She said. Jeong Hyeok pull her to hug her. Seri smile and feel his warm hug. "We're only just started to get to know each other, Babe... So please don't get affected by it." He whispered. Seri hug him too. "I get envy on her and that's killing me... But thinking that I have you now and I can hug you just like this... It makes me feel better." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and smell her flowery scent.

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