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Side Story

Ri Jeong Hyeok is getting more nervous while driving heading to Yoon's residence. Seri let out a small laugh and hold his hand. "Yah... Why you need to be nervous, you had his trust now Babe..." Seri said. Jeong Hyeok smile. "Am I too obvious?" He asked. Seri laugh as she nodded.

"Are you sure you didn't want to eat?" Mr. Yoon said. They on the living area of the house. "Appa we already ate dinner. I'm sorry, I went to his office and bought him his dinner." She said. Mr. Yoon smile. "You're just as sweet as your mother, Seri... Please stay like that for Jeong Hyeok." Mr. Yoon said. Seri smile. "Jeong Hyeok thank you for spending time with me on playing golf." Mr. Yoon said. Seri got shocked and look at to her boyfriend. "I also want to say Thank you Chairman for granting my request. I will never forget that day... The day when we first played golf together." He said and he smile. "What's this? Is there anything that I missed?" Seri said. "You're a professional golfer, Huh? Honestly, I've learned a lot from you." Mr. Yoon said. Jeong Hyeok let out a small laugh. "Aniyo, Chairman... I'm still learning..." He said. Seri exchange her glances between her father and her boyfriend. "Being humble like that is a good character of a person. Stay like that Jeong Hyeok." He said. "Kamsahamnida, Chairman Yoon. I will remember that advice of yours." He said. Mr. Yoon smile at him and look at her daughter. "Jeong Hyeok, I trust you because my daughter trust you more than her father." Mr. Yoon said. "Appa!" Seri said. "She's my only treasure so please keep and protect her. I'm praying that your love for each other will be forever. Her eyes is her beauty so please don't make that eyes be filled with hurtful tears." Mr. Yoon said seriously. Seri look at her father. This is the first time she felt his concern and worry to her. "Appa..." She whispered. Mr. Yoon smile at her as he remembered his late wife. 'Yaebo... I'm sorry for all the mistake I've done... Please guide our daughter not to feel the pain and sadness that I caused you before.. I'm afraid that my karma is will be on her...' In his mind.

"I will Chairman Yoon. Rest assured that I will keep and love her as long as I live..." He said. Seri smile as he look at Jeong Hyeok and her heart fluttered. Mr. Yoon smile and look at the two who are seated infront of him. "From now on, call me Appa..." He said. Seri smile widely and hold his hands. "Kamsahamnida, Appa.." Jeong Hyeok said and he let out a sincere smile.


Present days

Seri was back on her unit next to Jeong Hyeok. She's staying here for almost two weeks. Her father agree on it and they both happy. She's busy on Cleaning her unit when Jeong Hyeok went inside. They both know each other's passcode. Jeong Hyeok smile when he saw his girlfriend is busy on organizing her furniture without complaining or asking  a help. He approached her and hug her from behind. "Yah! I'm dirty, Babe... I haven't take a shower yet.." Seri said. Jeong Hyeok plant a kiss on her neck and Seri chuckled. "I'm here... Just be seated and I'll do the rest." He said. Seri smile and turn around to face him. She kiss him on his lips. "Really? Can I rest while you're cleaning my unit?" She said. Jeong Hyeok chuckled. "Yes, Your Highness..." He said and pinch her nose.

Jeong Hyeok is finally done cleaning. He went to her room to check on her. He smile when he saw her sleeping on her bed. He knew that Seri couldn't sleep a lot for the past few days because of the  new project of their company that need to be finish for this month. So he let her rest and he cover her a blanket when her phone suddenly beep. He look on it and saw Jun Jae's message. He look at the his sleeping girlfriend and hesitate first if he's going to open it but he decide to read it.

Thanks for letting me help you last time... It means a lot for me... Take care.

From: Jun Jae

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