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"They met for the first time"

Side story

"You will be a personal assistant of my boss." Chan Young said to Seri. They're on Chan Young's house with Joo Hee. "That's great... You need work for you to live in your new world, Seri. It's a blessing in disguise that her boss need a personal assistant." Joo hee said. Seri drink her wine while thinking of Chan Young suggestion. "So, what your decision, Seri?" Chan Young said. Seri nodded, in the first place she had no choice and she badly need a job for her to live. She didn't want to be a burden to Chan Young and Joo Hee. "Anyway, you didn't want to go back to your father?" Joo hee said. Seri shake her head. "Ani... I'll take responsibility for myself since the day I run away from our house. I want to live my life without anyone dictating me how will I move or breath." She said. But deep inside she's worrying about her father's health. "I'm just a little bit curious why Uncle Jeong Hyo is never try to look for you..." Chan Young said. Seri smirked and drink her wine straight. "Because the image of the company is more important to him. If someone finds out that the heiress of Yoon's empire run away. It's a big impact to his reputation as CEO." Seri said with a sad tone on her voice. "And I know what he's thinking... That it'll be hard for me without him. Without my car, credit cards and his money. And I'll return when life becomes hard. But I won't... "Seri said. "Yah! You and your father is much a like." Joo Hee said.

"Girls... Meals are ready..." Chan Young's mom called them. "Oh, there's also Tteokbeokki for my pretty Seri..." She added. Seri let out a wide smile and she immediately stood up and went to dinning area. "Yah! Eomma... I'm your daughter..." Chan Young said. And they all laughing.


Present day

Jeong Hyeok is waiting for Chan Young at the cafe near at the resort. Chan Young told him that she's with the girl who will applying for the job. While waiting for them, he's trying to guess why Dan didn't call nor text him for the past few weeks. He know she's busy but sometimes he's sulking for not making  a time for him. He's also busy on his work but he make sure that he has a time whenever Dan needs him. He let out a deep sigh and drink his tea. Jun Jae is still on his office doing some paperwork so he couldn't be there.

"Vice Chairman Ri..." Chan Young called. Jeong Hyeok look at her and Chan Young smile and make a bow. "Have a seat..." He said. Chan Young seated opposite to him. "I thought you're with someone today..." He said. Chan Young let out a small smile. "Yes, she's buying some rose outside." Chan Young said. Jeong Hyeok nodded. Jeong Hyeok look outside and his attention caught up with a lady who is buying flowers to a young vendor outside. Her beauty is innocent and her smile is just like a flower that worth it to be seen. "Vice Chairman Ri... Are you okay?" Chan Young said. Jeong Hyeok look at her and got interrupted on his thoughts. "Waeyo?" He said. Chan Young scratch her head while looking at him. "Ah, your face and ears are turning red... Are you having a fever?" She said. Jeong hyeok  avoid her gazed and trying himself to calm. "I don't... I'm just-" He said but he didn't finished his sentence when he saw the lady from the outside is now standing infront of him. "Chan Young shhi... Why you left me outside... Aishh!" Seri said. Chan Young stood up and approach Seri. "Vice Chairman Ri... This is my bestfriend and she's the one I'm telling you that fit for the job. Yoon Seri..." Chan Young said. Jeong Hyeok look at her as he stood up. Seri smile and extend her hand to him. "Annyeong Haseyo... Mr. Ri.. I'm Yoon Seri.." She said with her pair of eye smile. Jeong Hyeok try to remain his face blank. He reach her hand and he smile when he touch it, it's soft and smooth. "Ri Jeong Hyeok..." He said. Seri pull out her hands and smile. "Have a seat.." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri and Chan Young seated next to each other. "Let's have some lunch first... I already ordered some food for us." He said. Seri and Chan Young nodded.

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