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"Unrequited Love"

Months later

Seri struggle to walk because of her tummy is bigger now. She always felt extremely exhausted and her back pain. Dr. Bong always went to their house to check on her. But sometimes Jeong Hyeok took her to the hospital when she feel extreme pain and fatigue.

Just like now, Seri is lying on the bed while looking at the view outside. She can't move because last time she did household chores, she got bleeding. Every month Jeong Hyeok worries more and more. Seri becomes more weak while his twins grow bigger inside of her. Her face look so pale and sometimes she couldn't barely walk because her pregnancy is too sensitive.

Jeong Hyeok look at his wife from the door. He knew that Seri got bored at their room but she have to because it's too risky for her and to their twins if he let her do what she wants to do. He approached her and gave her a medium box. Seri look at him with puzzlement, "What's this, Babe?" She said. Jeong Hyeok smile, "Open it..." He said. Seri excitedly open the box and saw a crochet tool set and embroidery set. "I know you got so bored right now. But be patience for now, Babe..." He said. Seri smile and look at him. "I'm just frustrated that I couldn't do what a wife should do. I can't cook for you, can't take care of you..." She said. Jeong Hyeok hold her hand. "That's okay, you don't need to pressure yourself... I'll understand. You can cook and take care of me when our twins born." He said and smile on her. Seri smile faded. "What if there's no next time, Babe? I'm so afraid... What if I can't make it... Everyday my body becomes weaker and..." Seri said. "Babe... We're in the middle of your pregnancy and your still can make it... Please, don't think any negative thoughts... We can make it... I'm here... You and our twins can make it..." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri hug him and Jeong Hyeok feel her anxiousness. He must stay strong for her and he must hide his worry for Seri to be strong.


Dan's manager is so frustrated on what happened to Dan. Jeong Hyeok wins the case against her so her manager paid the charges. "See, what happened to you? You keep on hiding..." Her manager said. Dan gave her a death look. "Waeyo? You still have a face to be mad at me! Yah! Seo Dan! I'm the only one who still with you in times like this so you better don't look at me like that!" She added. Dan stood up, "You're also the one who ruin my life... I lost Jeong Hyeok because of you... I need to remain single while in competition and now look... He's with someone else now..." Dan said as she was sobbing. Her manager smirked. "Don't blame me for your mistake, Dan... Because of your greed that's why you end up being like that. You cheated on him and now look! See what happened." Her manager said. "You want him to wait for you while having an affair with someone else... You think I didn't know it..." She added. Her manager stood up and walk passed through her. "If I were you, forget about him and moved on... Jeong Hyeok is now happy with someone who deserve his love and loyalty." Her manager said and left her alone in her room. Dan cry as she was looking at the door. "Aniyo! I can't let him go... Yoon Seri! You're the one who should vanished in his life not me..." Dan said.

Meanwhile, Jun Jae is infront of Jeong Hyeok and Seri's house. He went there almost everyday to see Seri but he couldn't find the courage to face her and Jeong Hyeok. He smile while having a day dream that Seri is his wife and his the father of Seri's child but the reality hit him when he saw Jeong Hyeok hug Seri from her behind. He got furious when he saw how sweet the two is. How Jeong Hyeok touches Seri and how Seri smile and look at him.

Minutes have been passed he decide to leave but he saw Jeong Hyeok went outside with his car and left. Jun Jae thought that this is the right time to talk and see Seri. He immediately went outside from his car and walk towards the gate.

Seri is on the living area when the doorbell ring. "Hyo Joo..." She called. Mr. Yoon sent Hyo Joo to their house to assist her. Seri and her father trusted her so much that's why they didn't hired new nanny for Seri.

Hyo Joo went outside to check who is it. "Annyeong Haseyo..." She greet. Jun Jae smile. "Annyeong Haseyo... Can I talk to Yoon Seri..." He said. "You mean, Mrs. Ri... Can I know your name?" Hyo Joo said. Jun jae clench his fist when he heard the word 'Mrs. Ri'. "Heo Jun Jae..." He said. Hyo Joo look at him and remember what Jeong Hyeok said to her. "I'm sorry but I couldn't let you in... Mr. Ri told me that you are not allowed to talk to his wife." She said. Jun Jae frowned and he immediately push the gate and Hyo Joo startled. "I want to see her.." Jun Jae said. "I'm sorry but please.. leave now... Mrs. Ri is resting today..." Hyo Joo said and try to stop him. Jun Jae look at her and he insisted. He push Hyo Joo and immediately walk towards the main door. Hyo Joo couldn't stop him so she immediately pick her phone to call Jeong Hyeok.

Seri heard the commotion and she stood up to check on Hyo Joo. She was about to open the door when Jun Jae open it. Seri got startled to see Jun Jae infront of her. "Heo Jun Jae..." She said. Jun Jae look at her and saw her in pale face and her weight lessen. Jun Jae immediately hug her tightly and Seri eyes widen to her surprise. "I miss you.." He whispered. Seri try to release on his hug but Jun Jae hug her tightly. "Jun Jae please... You're not allowed to be here.." Seri said. Jun Jae clenching his teeth and try to control his himself. "Let me go please...." Seri said. Jun Jae release her from the hug and look at her. "I want to see you and talk to you but Jeong Hyeok never allowed me to." He said. Seri look at him. "Because he's my husband... He has all the rights to do that." She said. "So please, forget about me... You see, we're married now and I'm pregnant. Jun Jae, forget about me... You only hurting yourself... I'm happy with him." She said. Jun Jae look at her and try to touch her face but Seri take one step backward. He really wants her and he's having a hard time to let go of her. "Hyo Joo can you assist him outside, he's leaving.." Seri said when it seems Jun Jae still looking at her with those wistful eyes. "I need to rest now, Jun Jae... You better leave now.." She said. Seri is about to leave when Jun Jae stop her and hold her in her arms. "I can't, Seri... I want you.. I turn my back from my bestfriend because of you..." He said. Seri try to remain herself calm as she trying to release her arms to his hold but Jun Jae tighten the grip. "Yah! Stop it... Mrs. Ri is pregnant.." Hyo Joo said and trying to help Seri. Jun Jae ignored her and he pull Seri to went outside. "What are you doing? Let me go, Jun Jae!" Seri said. "Let's talk... I want you to listen to me, Seri..." Jun Jae said. Seri started to feel panicked. She try to pull herself

nd stop him but she's too weak right now and Jun Jae is much stronger. "Please.. let me go..." She said but Jun Jae didn't listen and he pull her and walk towards to his car. "We can't talk if you're like this, Jun Jae... please..." She said. Seri feel her abdomen tighten. "Jun Jae! Please you're hurting me..." She said. Jun Jae force her to go inside to his car but Seri insist. "Jun Jae please... Stop..." Seri said when she feel that the pain continue to grow more on her abdomen.

Jeong Hyeok immediately make turn his car when he received Hyo Joo called. And he got mad when he saw Jun Jae forcing his wife to go inside the car. He immediately went outside and run towards them. He gave Jun Jae a hard punch. "Heo Jun Jae! I told you to stay away from her..." Jeong Hyeok said. He is about to pick and punch again Jun Jae when Seri grab his arms. He look at her and saw her in blood on her legs. "Babe... Our babies..." She said. Jun Jae saw it too and he feel panicked too. "Yoon Seri..." He said. Jeong Hyeok immediately carry his wife. "Babe... Hold please... Let's go to the hospital, Arasso?" He said. Jeong Hyeok look at to him. "I will kill you if something bad happened to my wife and to our babies..." Jeong Hyeok said. Jun Jae got shocked. "What did you do?" He said to himself. He look at the blood at the ground and he shook his head. He realized what he did is wrong. He never let his obsession to her control him. "I'm sorry, Seri..." He said.

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