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"Being a fake girlfriend"

Seri with her phone, she's searching for a job. Even Jeong Hyeok paid her because of their agreement, she wants to have a real job and experience being an ordinary employee of South Korea. "This one..." She said when she saw an coffee shop needs a female manager. She send her resume through email and she decide to wait their response before she apply to another. Her phone ring and she saw Seo woo's number registered on the screen.

"Kim Seo Woo.... Waeyo?" She said.

"Are you busy?" He asked.

"I'm not, Waeyo?" She said. "Miss me?" She added.

She heard him laughing.

"Let's go.. my client gave me two tickets in an amusement park..." He said.

Seri loves to go at the amusement park eversince so her eyes got widen and she smile widely when she heard it.

"Really? Yah! Kim Seo Woo you're the best!" She said.

"So why don't you date with me, If I'm the best?" Seo woo said.

"Yah! Aishh! Wait me here at our favorite cafe. I will be there in an hour." She said and she didn't let him finish she immediately end their phone call.

For Seri, Seo Woo is her bestfriend. If she wants to have a boyfriend, Seo Woo is her Ideal type of man. He's caring, sweet and out going just like her. But Seri didn't felt any sparks for him or any other guy whom she met before. Some of those are for annoying her father but in reality, she never had any romantic relationship eversince.

Seri is opposite to some other girls. She didn't put heavy make ups. And she like casual clothes rather than skirts and dresses. She look at herself through the mirror and after that she went outside to her door. "Where are you going? Jeong Hyeok said when he saw her at her front door. "Yah! You startled me, Mr. Ri.." She said. Jeong Hyeok still looking at her. "I'll met a friend today.... Annyeong, Mr. Ri see you later..." She said as she turn around and she was about to leave when Jeong Hyeok suddenly speak. "You can't go today..." He said. Seri turn around to face him. "Waeyo?" She said. Jeong Hyeok scratch his head. "You will come with me today..." He said. Seri got surprised. "To where?" She asked. "Where going at the department store to buy you some clothes and things that will suite you as my girlfriend." He said. Seri look at her wrist watch. "Mr. Ri, Is it okay if let's do it next time? Seo Woo is waiting for me right now... And he expect me to be there." She said and smile awkwardly. "Seo woo? The Boyfie at your phone?" He said. Seri nodded. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "Remember rule number one?" He said. Seri try to recall the rules that he gave to her. "Yes, it's said that I need to be cooperate but you never said that I need to obey you all the time." Seri said. "It's all the same... It's common sense, Ms. Yoon." He said. Seri got shocked. "Yah! Aniyo! To obey is different to cooperate, Mr. Ri..." She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "We had an agreement and this is part of our agreement." He said. "Shall we?" He said. Seri frowned and pout her lips and with her heavy feet she follow him walking towards the elevator. Her phone ring and she immediately answer it. Jeong Hyeok is still browsing his phone while on the elevator but he listens to their phone call.

"Seo woo... I'm sorry but I can't make it today... Something came up..." She said.

"Is there something happened? If you want I can go there and help you tell me where you are." Seo woo said.

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