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Side Story

"I told you... There's no good if you play fair, Jun Jae... So, what's your decision? They're engaged already and sooner Seri will get married to him." Dan said. Jun Jae clench his fist and drink his beer. Dan smirked and she touch him on his shoulder. "Jun Jae..  fight for her... Who knows when Seri sees you making an effort while Jeong Hyeok is away, maybe she will see you as a man.." Dan said. Jun Jae look at her. "She's just a girl like me, when Jeong Hyeok couldn't fulfill her needs... She will try to look for it with someone else..." Dan added. She put up her glass and then she smile, "cheers?" She said and she toss her glass to Jun Jae's glass. Jun Jae let out a deep sigh. "So what's your plan?" He said. Dan play her glass and then she smirked. "I'll go to Hongkong to.follow him.. And you, just stay closer to Seri. I'll try my best to lure Jeong Hyeok... And you, it's up to you if you wanna comfort her when my plan is successful." She said. Jun Jae look at his phone and his wall screen is Seri, the stolen shot of Seri take by him. Dan rest her chin on her hand and look at him. "Waeyo? You didn't want it? Okay, If you're enough to fantasizing her in your mind.. go ahead. We'll not me, If I we're you... I'd rather to steal her so I can hold her while fantasizing her..." She said.


Present days

Seri look at the suitcase and plane tickets on the table. Jeong Hyeok is totally prepared and ready for his flight. She felt sad but she try to hide it as much as possible. She was playing her engagement ring on her finger as she lay down on his bed. Jeong Hyeok went inside and saw her.  He let out a force smile as he approached her. He lay down too on the bed and hug her from her behind. "I know your not okay, Babe.." He said. Seri smile and hold his hand. "I will miss you..." She said. She felt his kiss planted on her hair. Jeong Hyeok turn her around to face him. He caress her face while looking at her. "Babe... I'm sorry I need to be far away from you for three months. But I promise I'll update you everyday..." He said. Seri smile. "Babe... Can I stay here on your place while your away.?" She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and hug her. "Ofcourse..." He said. "Babe... Please avoid sleeping in your office, Arasso? Make sure you only sleep here in our place." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri chuckled.


Two weeks after

Jeong Hyeok was so exhausted for doing some paperwork on his office. He couldn't sleep nor eat because he needs to study the marketing strategy to gain more clients and also the financial statements of said hotel. His head rested and he try to relax his mind. He pick his phone and look at Seri's photo on his screen. He check her social media account for an update and he guess it right, Seri had a post na hour ago.

'Tons of work... 😓 I miss you..'

He smile and immediately call her. But she didn't answer. "You're busy too... I miss you too.." He said and he let out a deep sigh. There's a soft knock at his door. "Vice Chairman Ri...  The new model will arrived soon." The secretary said. He told to marketing director to hired a new model for hotel's campaign. "Arasso... I'll be there in a minute." He said.

Meanwhile, Seri forget to eat her lunch because of some works she need to be done today. She's busy on typing on her laptop so she didn't notice Jun Jae went inside to her office. She was so startled when someone put a lunchbox and ice coffee on her table. "You skip your lunch again, Ms. Yoon." He said. Seri let out a small smile. "I'm not hungry... But thanks anyway..." She said. Jun Jae look at her. He open the food and took a spoon of it and he try to give it to Seri. "What are you doing?" She said. "You can continue your doing. I'll feed you..." He said. Seri look at him and she gently push down the spoon. "No, it's okay... You don't need to do this.." She said. Jun Jae smile faded. "Jeong Hyeok is so lucky to have you Seri... And I envy him." He said. Seri let out a deep sigh and she try to ignore him. Jun Jae look at her hand with the engagement ring on it. "Seri... Can we go back to the times when  we we're friends?" He said. Seri look at him as she try to read his mind. She smile. "Ofcourse... And that's the only thing I can offer you, Jun Jae..." She said. Jun Jae let out a force smile. "Thank you... So we're friends?" He said as he extend his hand to her. Seri look at him and she accept his hand. 'Yoon Seri... Maybe this is better way to get closer to you...' In his mind.


In Hongkong

Jeong Hyeok was so shocked to see Dan infront of him. "Seo Dan?.." He said. Dan smile in flirty way. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Vice Chairman Ri, Ms. Seo Dan is our new model for our company campaign. She's famous here in Hongkong so luckily, she said yes to us to be our model. " The marketing Director said. Jeong Hyeok let out a deep sigh. "You didn't inform me about this..." He said to his staff. "I'm sorry but you told us that it's up to us who will hired to be our model." He said. Dan approach him. "Yah! Vice Chairman Ri... It seems you got so worried to be your model? Waeyo?" She said. The staffs look at them. They knew about Seri being his girlfriend. Dan let out a fake sweet smile. "We're college friends... Don't be mistaken..." She said to the staff. "Excuse us.." He said. "We need to talk.." Jeong Hyeok said and pull her outside the room. Dan smirked and follow him.

"What are you doing?" He said. Dan rolled her eyes. "Hey, calm down... I only try to help you... Your staff told you already... You need me for this campaign so I'll help you..." She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. Dan approach her and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Jeong Hyeok... I can help you all the way..." She whispered. Jeong Hyeok gently take off her arms. "You can cooperate to the marketing team about your job. If you have questions approach them not me." He said and he left her on the stair exit. Dan smiel faded and she got annoyed. "Let's see how can you control yourself not to fall on my trap, Jeong Hyeok." She said.

Jeong Hyeok annoyed as he went back to his office. He let out a deep sigh. His phone ring and he smile when he saw it was Seri.

"Babe... How are you?" He said.

"Im fine... But there's so many work to catch up today. How about you, Babe?" She said.

"I'm also fine and busy for the campaign of our hotel. Have you already eaten?" He said.

"Yes... I miss you..." Seri said.

"I miss you too... Babe.. " He said.

"Are you still working?" He asked.

"Ani.. I'm heading right now to Halmeoni... She wants me to sleep there tonight.." She said.

Jeong Hyeok smile and happy knowing his girlfriend and his grandmother are can get along together.

"Thank you, Babe for spending your time to Halmeoni... Be safe on your driving, Arasso?" He said.

"Arasso..." She said.


Author's note

Sorry guys for delayed upload... Been busy this week... I'll try to upload more.... 🤗❤️

Love lot's,

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