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"His realization in Crucial moment"

"What happened to my daughter?" Mr. Yoon said. Mrs. Ri told him what happened to Seri so he immediately left his office to check on her daughter to the hospital. "Calm down, Chairman Yoon... She will be okay..." Mrs. Ri said. They're standing infront of the emergency door. Jeong Hyeok is on one corner anxiously waiting for his wife. Mr. Yoon saw Jun Jae standing a far from them and then he look to Jeong Hyeok who still standing and his tears came out from his eyes without any blink. Mr. Yoon approach Jun Jae. "What are you doing here, Jun Jae.." Mr. Yoon said. Jeong Hyeok turn around when he heard Jun Jae's name and he immediately walk fast towards him and grab him on his collar. "Jeong Hyeok.." Jun Jae called. Mrs. Ri and Mr. Yoon are both shocked. Jeong Hyeok push him on the wall and he hold his collar tightly. "You have a face to went here! Look what did you do to her? She's in critical condition because of you!" Jeong Hyeok said and he punch him continuously. Mr. Yoon and Mrs. Ri stop him. "Jeong Hyeok... Oh my god... Stop!" Mrs. Ri said. This is the first time she saw her grandson behave like that. Mr. Yoon stand in between them. "Jeong Hyeok calm down... Tell me what happened?" Mr. Yoon said. Jeong Hyeok clench his fist while giving a death glared to Jun Jae. Jun Jae still on the floor with blood on his mouth and he's wiping it.

"Mr. Ri..." Dr. Bong called Jeong Hyeok. Jeong Hyeok automatically went to Dr. Bong. "How was she? How's my wife?" He asked. Dr. Bong greeted Mr. Yoon and turn back her eyes to Jeong Hyeok. "The twins are both safe... They heart beat are okay and normal..." Dr. Bong said. "Thank god that you're twins are both strong despite on what happened earlier." She added. Jeong Hyeok, Mr. Yoon and Mrs. Ri are release a breath of relief. "How about my wife? I want to see her..." Jeong Hyeok said with nervousness on his face. Dr. Bong take a deep sigh before she speak. "She needs to stay here in the hospital. She's under strict monitoring... I don't know what happened but because of the stress she felt, her  heart becomes weaker. I'm afraid to tell you this but her condition is worsen." Dr. Bong said. She look at to Mr. Yoon. "Chairman Yoon, your daughter's condition right now is just like to her mother. I hope Seri will get through this. If her condition continue like this we need to conduct Cesarian section as soon as possible to take the babies out." Dr. Bong explained. Mr. Yoon felt his knees shaken and Mrs. Ri hold him when he seems he will fall. "What will happened if you conduct it? Will my wife and our twins will both save?" Jeong Hyeok said. Dr. Bong look at to Mr. Yoon who is now trying to control his tears. "I'll assure you that your twins will be save by that. We will put them on the incubator after." Dr. Bong said. "Then what about my wife! Tell me..." Jeong Hyeok shouted. Mrs. Ri approach him and caress him at the back. "Calm down, Jeong Hyeok..." She said. "It depends on the heart and body of the patient, Mr. Ri... Seri told me at the emergency room  earlier to protect and save her twins first than her. She told me to prioritize her twins before she collapsed." Dr. Bong said. Jeong Hyeok cry and punch the wall. "Please... Save my wife... I'm begging you..." Jeong Hyeok murmured. "Dr. Bong please save my daughter... I'm begging you..." Mr. Yoon said. Mr Yoon tears out of his eyes as he recalled the day that his wife passed away.

Seri's mother gave birth early from the expected month. He's with his mistress that time when Ms. Choi called him that his wife rush in the hospital. Dr. Bong do a Cesarian delivery to save the baby but his wife couldn't make it. Her heart beat stop as soon as Seri take out from her tummy.

He went to his mistress to clear the things out and break up with her. He realized that his wife is more important to him especially now that their having a baby. He wanted to do the right things and make up for his wife before his daughter born. But he didn't expect it. His wife died without him on her side. He regret that day and all those years for giving her pain and sadness.

Dr. Bong nodded. "I will do anything for her to pass this crucial moments but please, avoid anything that she can be stress. I also need your cooperation in her situation right now." Dr. Bong said. "I already told you, stress can make the situation got worsen... And be prepared on what might something to happen." She added.

Jun Jae heard it all. His tears running down from his eyes. He regrets what did he do to her. "I'm sorry, Seri... I didn't know about your situation.." He whispered.


Jeong Hyeok still holding his wife's hand. Seri still unconscious and lying on the hospital bed. Dr. Bong and some nurses always check upon her. Her heart beat still weak than the normal but the twins are both fine. Jeong Hyeok caress her face and kiss her hand. "Babe... Wake up... You need to wake up... Your the one who will guve the names for our twins. And you told me that you want to design on your own their room." He said. "So please, wake up... I know you're strong, You're Yoon Seri, right!? No one can beat you..." He added while his tears continue to fall from his eyes.

Mr. Yoon standing in the front door looking at his daughter and Jeong Hyeok. He smile knowing that Jeong Hyeok is on his daughter's side. His tears run down on his cheek while looking at his daughter. He imagine that his late wife suffered just like what Seri's feeling right now. His wife suffered alone, and that's killing him right now. 'Yaebo.... Im so sorry... I'm being a bad and useless husband to you... If I could turn back the time... I will stick on your side and I'll never cheated on you... I broke your heart many times without realising that you're important to me and I love you... I'm sorry... Please guide and protect our daughter.... She's mean a lot to me because you gave me her for me...' In his mind.

Jun Jae still outside the hospital. He's with his car crying and regretting what he did. If only he knew that it will turn out like this because of his selfishness and obsession to her, he will not come near to her. While he's watching from a far, he saw Dan with her black cap and black jacket went inside the hospital. "Seo Dan?" He called. He immediately called Jeong Hyeok but he reject his call. "Fuck! Answer it!" He said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Yoon and Mrs. Ri went outside the hospital to have some talk and at the same time to buy foods and coffee for Jeong Hyeok. Jeong Hyeok left Seri with Hyo Joo, because he decide to went to Dr. Bong to ask about his wife condition. Hyo Joo wiping Seri's face when a nurse came in. "Excuse me, It's time to check on her." The nurse said. Hyo Joo look at to her and she smile. "Arasso..." Hyo Joo said and stood up and step backward away to Seri. The nurse smirked behind her facemask.

Jun Jae continue to press the up button of the elevator as he trying to call Jeong Hyeok but he didn't answer it. "Fuck!" He said as he is panick.

Jeong Hyeok is walking on the hallway to go back to Seri's room when he saw Jun Jae went outside from the elevator. He frowned walk fast towards him. "What are you still here?" Jeong Hyeok said. Jun Jae take a deep breath before he speak. "I know you're mad at me but please just listen to me.." Jun Jae said. Jeong Hyeok gave him a death glared. "Don't you ever try to come near to my wife, Heo Jun Jae... This is my last warning..." He said. And he was about to leave when Jun Jae suddenly speak. "Seo Dan is here..." Jun Jae said. Jeong Hyeok stop from his walk and turn around to face him. "I saw her, I swear..." Jun Jae said. Jeong Hyeok feel suddenly anxious and run fast towards to Seri's room.

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