The Plane Ride

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travis awoke to the alarm on his phone beeping at him, quickly turning it off so it didn't wake taylor as she slept peacefully beside him with their legs intertwined. one of travis's favorite things to do was to wake taylor up, though it was a challenge sometimes and she usually was grumpy. he started by tucking a stray blonde lock of hair behind her ear. he delicately placed a few kisses on the space behind her ear. she stirred, moaning in her sleep but settled back down in seconds. travis smiled, his eyes sparkling as he looked at his sleepy girlfriend. they were up late the previous night partying, and they both were exhausted but travis never got tired of waking her up. "good morning, baby", he whispered, reaching down to rub her inner thigh. 

taylor groaned, stretching slightly and peering her eyes to focus on travis. she gave him a pouty lip. "what is this face for?", travis asked, reaching down to kiss her temple before getting out of bed. "you woke me up", she said in a sleepy voice, yawning as she slowly sat up in bed, processing what was going on. "well it is time to get up", travis reasoned, slipping a pair of grey nike sweatpants over his boxers. "but i'm still sleepy", she whined, leaning her head back against the headboard of the bed. "I know baby. Here, put these on and we're already packed so we can leave for the plane once you're dressed", travis said, tossing her a bra, some some black sweatpants and one of his  chiefs hoodies. "thanks", she mumbled. "wait were's the shirt?", taylor asked. travis held back laughter as he said "babe, you're already wearing a shirt". "oh", she mumbled sleepily. "you really are tired", travis commented riskily. "mhmm", she mumbled, putting the sweatshirt on and rolling out of bed to put the sweatpants on. 

she walked to the bathroom, brushing her blonde hair, applying a little mascara, and to brush her teeth. "ready to go?", travis asked, poking his head into the bathroom. "yep, she replied, slipping the mascara stick back into the container and zipping it away into her makeup bag. "you look beautiful", travis admired, kissing her cheek while they shared a brief embrace. "don't lie, trav. I look like a wreck", taylor laughed. "no, you look cozy. there's a difference", travis said, picking up the bags as they made their way out

on the plane, taylor sat beside travis while they enjoyed coffees on the flight. travis, noticing taylor's look of being somewhere else, placed his hand on her thigh, snapping her back to reality. "you ok?", he asked quietly, looking at her with his caring hazel eyes. she nodded, taking hold of the hand that was placed gently on her thigh. "tired", she answered, interlocking their fingers. travis nodded, taking his hand away from her and replacing it with the other one and wrapping his arm around her, inviting her to snuggle into his chest. she gave his hand a squeeze as a way of saying thanks, laying her head in the crook of his neck. travis's arm hairs stood up at the feel of her hair brushing against his neck, making taylor smile. before travis knew it, soft, sleepy breaths sounded from taylor, making a stupid grin appear on travis's face.

thank you so much for reading I might update in a few weeks. I would if I could but my parents blocked wattpad from our wifi so the only time I can update is at my grandparents house ): 

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