Unexplained Pain pt2

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He rubbed her back, kissing her head softly while she groaned in pain. "Tay, I think I'm going to take you to the hospital", Travis said as she collapsed into him. "What, no", Taylor freaked. "I know you don't like the hospital, but I'm worried about you", Travis said delicately, but also firmly. "Will you stay with me the whole time", Taylor pleaded like a child, Travis getting up behind her. "I promise. You couldn't pay me to leave your side", Travis assured, bending down to kiss her head. "Now do you need help up?", Travis offered with an extended arm. "I've got it", Taylor said, standing up only to collapse back onto the couch as pain bolted through her. This was the most painful cramp Taylor had experienced, bringing her to tears. "Travy", she sobbed, curling up. "Baby girl, i'm so sorry. I'm not going anywhere. Promise", Travis said, feeling physical tugging at his heart as he saw the woman he loved in such pain. She only called him Travy when she was horny or in pain. "It feels like i'm dying", she sobbed, her blue red shot eyes looking into Travis's. It was hard to stay strong in that moment because he wanted to start to cry just hearing her pain, but he knew that she needed him to be strong in that moment. "Don't talk like that baby. Now let me carry you", Travis offered, Taylor nodding with her eyes clenched. "Shh", Travis soothed, seeing tears fall from her eyes as she squeezed them shut as pain soared in her body. "I've got you", Travis comforted. "Can you sit up?"Travis asked, making Taylor shake her head no. "OK, that's fine. I'm going to lay you down in the backseat and I'll go grab you a blanket. Does that sound ok?", Travis asked Taylor, her face making it obvious that she had been crying. She sniffled. "Ok", she said. "That's my girl", Travis said, laying her down gently while pressing a kiss to her head.

Travis dashed back, phone in hand with the hospital making them an appointment while spreading a blanket over Taylor. "Love you", he said, kissing her once more before closing the back seat door and starting the car. "We're only 7 minutes away. Hang in there baby", Travis tried to comfort but Taylor was starting to groan loudly and the occasional scream. All she could do was mutter Trav and help me which broke his heart into a million pieces. "I'm so sorry baby. The hospital can help you, but i'm useless", Travis said, his voice catching at the end. She was panting and hot, the blanket now being used as a pillow.

"We're here", Travis said, quickly turning the car off and dashing to the back seat to see Taylor a mess. She had bags under her eye, she was hot and sweaty, and she was groaning in pain, trying her best to keep it inside. "Let's go", Travis said, picking her up bridal style. His heart was racing, fear that something was going majorly wrong inside Taylor and he was helpless to do anything about it. "Uggg", Taylor moaned, squeezing Travis's shoulder and bicep muscle. Travis felt the strength, feeling a small bruise from where his shoulder was. But his pain was not important in the slightest compared to Taylor's.

The hospital staff quickly rushed Taylor back, Travis keeping up, his hand never leaving Taylor's like he'd promised.

"Let's take a look at you, Miss Swift", the doctor said, Taylor's eyes squeezed shut as she took deep breaths while Travis kissed her palm. The doctor took off her stethoscope and placed it on Taylor's heart and once on her stomach. The doctor's face fell into shock, and only Travis noticed because Taylor was moaning out in pain.

She rushed into action, looking at Taylor's blood tests that confirmed her results. "Can I have your consent to touch you real quick?", she asked, but since Taylor was in too much distress, Travis nodded for her, trying to calm Taylor down by soothing her and pulling her hair off of her sweaty face.

The doctor reached two fingers inside Taylor's vagina to measure the width. "Miss Swift, I have news. Your blood tests confirmed that you are in fact pregnant, and when I used my stethoscope, I heard two heartbeats. You're 8 months pregnant and very dilated, so I'm going to transfer you to the labor and delivery wing", the doctor said, writing a quick note and rushing out. "What", Taylor moaned, gripping Travis's hand tight. "But.. those tests I took said I'm not pregnant", Taylor said, tears brimming in her eyes. "Shh, don't cry princess. We'll work this out, but for now, let's have this baby that we just found out about", Travis said, tears in his own eyes at the thought of a baby. "I'm so happy, Trav", she whispered.

Suddenly, the doctor rushed in with two other nurses, all grabbing sides of the bed with wheeles and wheeling her to the delivery wing.

"When you said that 'we're' having this baby, you were fucking wrong, Travis!", yelled Taylor as the nurses stood by, waiting till she could push. "You're doing great, baby", Travis motivated, Taylor giving his hand a bone-crushing squeeze. "Breathe baby", Travis reminded, causing Taylor to take several deep breaths.

"Ok Miss Swift, you're ready to push. When you feel a contraction, push", they instructed, each lifting and spreading apart a leg. "Ahhhh", she screamed, gripping Travis's hand even tighter. "We can see a head. One more push!", they motivated, Taylor letting out one more push before they heard a cry. Taylor fell back against the bed, sweaty and out of breath. "You did so fucking good. You've never been hotter than you are right now, baby", Travis awed, kissing her softly on the lips. "It's a girl!", the doctors exclaimed, cutting the cord with almost made Travis faint. They wrapped her in a blanket and put a hat on her and handed her to her mother to do skin to skin. "She's perfect", Taylor choked, looking at their creation with tears in both of their eyes. "Hi girlie. You're so beautiful like your mama", Travis cooed, looking into her blue eyes.

"Looks like someone's got your eyes", Travis noticed as she lay on a blanket in front of Taylor on the bed. "She's got your nose", Taylor observed, leaning her head on Travis's shoulder. "I'm so happy right now", Taylor explained. "Me too, Tay", he agreed. "Oh, we should probably tell our families", Taylor realized. They both sent out texts to their family, the new baby sleeping in her father's arms after being breastfed. "So you never felt this little one kick around in there ever?", Travis asked, admiring his newborn daughter. "I mean, looking back I think I did a few times, but I think my mental state was that I wouldn't get pregnant, it's all in your head", Taylor explained. "Mhmm. That's understandable". After a few moments of comfortable silence, Taylor spoke again. "I'm so glad that the doctors can't find any effects of me drinking alcohol while pregnant. Had I known, I would have never, but I feel so bad about it. Shit, I drank at your game. I hope she never feels that effect", Taylor said, leaning back in bed to give her tired muscles a break. "Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. You didn't know, and I know that if you'd known you would have never done that. Now let's appreciate that we have a healthy, unnamed baby girl", Travis comforted, making Taylor laugh at the last part.

"We need to come up with a name", she agreed. "Well, my grandma was a huge part of my life, so I've always wanted to use her name Marjorie as a middle name for my oldest daughter", Taylor said, brainstorming. "I love that idea", Travis agreed, repositioning the baby in his arms. "What about the name Navy?", Travis asked. "Oh, that's cute. What about the name Lillian?", Taylor suggested.

Hey guys! I'm doing a pole to see which name you guys like the most or if you have any I didn't mention feel free to comment it<3 If it helps her last name is going to be Kelce not Swift/Kelce though I like the idea I just think it makes a very long last name thats all

1. Lillian

2. Navy

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