Your New Girl Is My Clone pt.2

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Eventually, Taylor fell asleep. She awoke to the sound of Vivian's baby monitor going off. She groaned, rolling over to cuddle with Travis for a little before her day began but was met with a cold, empty side of the bed. Realization crept up on her.

She sighed, taking her retainer out and getting the fussy baby from her crib.

"Good morning sunshine", she said gently, taking the baby from her crib and kissing her cheek, exiting the bedroom.

James exited his room with tired eyes.

"Good morning bud", Taylor said, hugging the boy with one arm.

"Let's get some breakfast then we need to start to get ready for Uncle Ross's wedding", said Taylor, heading downstairs with her two children.

She made simple eggs and toast for her and James, then eating a quick breakfast before heading upstairs to change. Taylor got James ready first, putting him in his ring bearer outfit. The bride and groom chose for the ring bearer to wear a white short sleeved button down shirt, a light pink bow tie, and light jean colored dress shorts. To tie the outfit off, he wore the same colored suspenders. She combed his dirty blonde hair back with simply water and a comb, wearing Vivian in her baby wrap.

"Look at you handsome", said Taylor smiling at her son.

"Like Daddy?", he asked proudly.

Taylor faked her smile. "Yes, just like daddy".

Next Taylor put a show on for James and took Vivian to her room. She dressed the baby in a simple white onesie that she would wear under her dress, not wanting her to ruin the dress with spit up or something before the wedding started. But Taylor did put a white cute bow in her hair and cute, laced dress socks. , laying the dress beside Vivian on the playmat.

Taylor wore a calf-length light pink, flowey dress with a v neck, curling her blonde locks. On her feet, she wore white heels.

Taylor felt anger burn inside her as she drove to the wedding. How could he? Sure, she had no evidence that he cheated, but that didn't make her feel any better.

She got to the wedding, picking up a dressed up Vivian and holding Jame's hand as they crossed the street together, looking stylish.

Several people were already there, helping set up.

"Taylor, how are you?", Ross asked, his beautiful bride beside him.

Taylor forced a smile. "I'm great. You look great by the way", she said to his bride, Ashley.

"Oh, thank you", smiled Ashley.

"Look at you, handsome", said Ross, bending down to Jame's level.

Ross smiled, holding his hand out for James to high-five.

She saw Travis from across the room, pretending he wasn't there.

She shifted the baby to her other hip, engrossing herself in fixing James's hair.

"Tay", Travis said, wearing a suit, Taylor's weakness. He always polished up real nice in a suit, looking especially attractive and put together.

Taylor avoided eye contact, smoothing her hand through her daughter's blonde hair.

Sensing the tension, Ross and Ashley picked up James and brought him to another part of the room so Taylor and Travis could have their space.

"Baby, I'm so sorry", Travis said, taking Taylor's hand into his, her not pulling away.

"What do you want Travis?", Taylor asked, using his full name. She always called him Trav, Travy, Baby, Babe, Honey, or Travis's personal favorite, Daddy.

Vivian cooed happily, swinging her little legs with her finger in her mouth, seeing her daddy.

"Hi princess", Travis said, taking the baby in his arms as she reached for him, Taylor handing her over to him.

"I'm sorry it looked like that last night. Tay, I love you so much. So much that last night away from you physically hurt. I would never, ever cheat on you, sweetheart. Ever. And that's a promise. I know I screw up a lot, but I would never cheat. You mean so much to me", he said, pulling a now crying Taylor into his arms.

"Then why did that woman call you Travy?", sniffled Taylor, wiping her eyes.

"Long story short, I didn't know she would be here. She is one of Ashley's bridesmaids, but she is also my ex-girlfriend, Maddie, who I dated for a few months after college. But she got drunk last night and tried to make a move on me, but I told her no and that I was married to the beautiful, talented, and wonderful Mrs. Taylor Alison Kelce. So she backed off", explained Travis, smoothing his hand over Taylor's curves.

"Oh. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions like that. I guess I was just lonely, it just being me, a toddler, and a baby last night", reasoned Taylor, resting her head under Travis's chin, on his chest.

"I'm sorry you were lonely last night. But let me promise you one thing, you won't be lonely tonight", he said, grinning and winking at her.

"Travis Michael", she warned, not wanting to start another public make out session.

"Oof, that full name really does something to be Tay", he joked, leaning down to kiss her lips softly. Taylor kissed back, putting her hand on Vivian's back and the other on Travis's cheek.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment or vote! Sorry for the short chapter, part three coming soon and don't forget to comment ANY oneshot ideas, I loved whoever suggested that podcast one bc that was a lot of fun to write. Thanks!<3

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