Football Baby pt.3/Sadness

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Taylor and Travis lay in bed, enjoying moments of peace and quiet, trying to catch an afternoon nap. Sawyer was asleep in the cot beside his mom's side of the bed, and the girls were hanging out with Jason's kids for the day to give the tired parents a break. "Travis", said Taylor tiredly. "Mhmm", he responded, closing his eyes in peace. "What if the kids miss us and aren't ok", said Taylor worriedly. "Trust me, they don't. I'm sure they are enjoying this break almost as much as we are. Besides, Jason and Kylie wouldn't let anything happen to Lucy or Sailor", Travis reassured. "You're right. They're fine", agreed Taylor, curling up in bed, not bothering to cuddle Travis because they were both too exhausted. 

About half an hour later, Sawyer woke up, his newborn cries filling the room. Taylor groaned, sitting up slowly to pick up her son. "Shh. It's ok baby. I've got you", Taylor said softly, looking down on Sawyer. His cries slowly stopped, him looking at her with his hazel green eyes, just like Travis's. "Baby boy", Taylor said, smiling at him. He did his cute newborn scrunch, being picked up by Taylor. He looked around curiously, making cooing noises. "I love you so much buddy", Taylor said in her baby voice. Sawyer looked up at his mom like she knew all, as if he was absorbing every single word she spoke. 

"Are you a hungry baby?", Taylor asked rhetorically, knowing he probably was. She laid his head on a pillow, lifting her shirt and slipping Sawyer's head of brown hair onto her boob. "There you go", Taylor soothed, rubbing his back, taking in his adorable body. "Easy there Sawyer. That was my job before it was ever yours or your older sisters", Travis retorted, earning him a laugh from Taylor. She blushed. "I didn't even know you were awake", Taylor said, taking a blanket and spreading it on Sawyer's lower body for comfort. "Oh, I saw it all. You cheating on me with another man and then letting him suck your tit right in front of my face", Travis joked. "Gosh Travis. Try to keep things PG", Taylor said, cracking up so much that Sawyer struggled to keep his mouth on her breast, milk spilling out of his mouth. "Oh gosh", Taylor panicked, seeing milk drip off the sides of his mouth and onto her comforter. "Here", Travis said, quickly grabbing a burp cloth and placing it under his mouth. "Thanks Trav", Taylor said. 

The kids came back around 3, both of them bouncing in to see their baby brother whom they missed all day. "Daddy, can I see Sawyer?", asked Sailor. "Not right now, honey. Mommy and Sawyer are taking a little nap", said Travis, scooping Lucy up into the air as she ran into his arms. Lucy giggled, her blonde hair flying as she was thrown into the air, caught by Travis. "Your mommy hates it when I do that", Travis said, smiling as his daughter giggled happily. "Gin", said Lucy, trying to say again. 

As if on que, Taylor walked down the stairs, cradling Sawyer in her arms. He wore a lion sleeper and a black hat, a blue blanket placed on top of him. "Be careful Travis", warned Taylor, seeing him throw the 2-year-old into the air. "Of course baby", Travis said, winking at her. Lucy went to play in the play room and Sailor sat on the couch, waiting for her mom to hand her her baby brother. "Can you say hi to sissy?", Taylor said in her baby voice, refering to the newborn as she handed him to Sailor. Sawyer looked at his oldest sister, kicking his little legs around. "Mommy, he's kicking alot", said Sailor, squshing his little toes gently. "Tell me about it. He'd always do that when he was in my belly", said Taylor, sitting on the couch with a sigh. "You ok baby?", asked Travis. Taylor nodded, giving him a small smile. 

Unable to tell if her smile was real or fake, he moved to sit beside her on the couch, putting his arm around her, kissing the side of her head softly. "Mhmm", hummed Taylor, leaning into his embrace. "You tired Tay?", Travis asked, kissing her hairline softly. "Mhmm, yeah", whispered Taylor. "Go upstairs and take another nap. I'll take care of dinner and feed Sawyer for you and watch the kids", said Travis. "Are you sure you can handle all that?", she asked. "Of course I can", he promised, leaving a small kiss on her lips before sending her upstairs.

When Travis knocked on the bedroom door to tell Taylor dinner was ready, he was not prepared for...

Nice cliffhanger, right? Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it and don't forget to comment or vote! (also the new video Taylor posted on her Ticktock of Travis has me swooning so bad rn send help) Part 2 coming soon

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