Eras Tour pt.4

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"Daddy will miss you so much princess". Travis hugged his daughter tight while he dropped her off at his mom's house. "Wuv you daddy", she said in her sweet voice. "I love you too sweetie", he answered, kissing her cheek. "Have fun with Grandma", said Travis, setting her down to hug his mom. "Good luck", she whispered. Travis smiled blushing a little. Donna knew that he was going on a date in New York but she had no idea that it was with Taylor Swift. 

"Hey beautiful", Travis said on the phone while he rode on one of her private jets. "Hi", she giggled giddily. "How have you been?", he asked. "I've been good. But I should probably go soon so I can start making dinner". 

"You're making dinner? You shouldn't have", he said, smiling. "I had to. Plus, I love cooking in my free time", she explained. "Really? That's nice. I can't cook that good at all, in fact, I struggle not to burn toast", he said, blushing a little. "Really? Well, that's ok. Maybe I could teach you sometime", Taylor suggested. 

A beeping sound came from Taylor's side of the phone. "That's the timer on the oven. I should probably go now. See you soon!", she said. "Bye now", replied Travis. 

Travis laid his seat back and dozed off, being lulled by the sound of the plane's engine. 

Soon, he woke up and realized that they had landed. He picked up his bags and exited he plane, entering the limo waiting for him. He was used to fancy things because of his job, but he had never felt so important or had such nice service before. 

He soon arrived at Taylor's penthouse, passing security and nervously knocking on the door. "Hi!", Taylor exclaimed. She wore a short mini dress that was white with black heels. Her hair was left to its natural beauty. Her makeup, of course, consisted of her signature red lipstick. 

She hugged him because she was a big huger, and luckily, so was Travis. "Nice place you have", commented Travis, looking at the homey abode. "Oh, thanks", smiled Taylor. She led him to a candlelit dining room with delicious food on the table. "This looks delicious", said Travis. He was talking about Taylor and the food. "Thanks", she giggled. Travis pulled her chair out for her, her taken aback by his gentlemanly gesture. "Thank you", she said. "Of course beautiful".

He called her beautiful all the time which helped her  insecurities almost vanish. 

Travis took a bite of the steak, the flavor melting in his mouth. "Taylor, this is amazing", he said. "Thank you. An old family recipe". 

Taylor reached over the table to scoop herself some mashed potatoes, showing some cleavage. Travis wasn't the kind of guy to stare at a woman's breasts, but from the little he saw, he liked it. "I know I've already asked this a dozen times, but how's Willow doing?", Taylor asked. "She's doing great. She's staying with my mom while i'm gone, so she's probably getting spoiled so badly right now", said Travis, smiling thinking about his little daughter. "All grandmas are the same. But you know what's even more annoying than spoiling grandchildren? When your mom continually asks you if you're pregnant. She even asked me about it three months after I broke up with Joe, it was wild", said Taylor. Travis laughed. 

"Yeah, I know the feeling. Before I had Willow that was like all my mom asked me". Travis thought for a moment, not wanting to turn Taylor away but he was genuinely curious. "Not trying to pressure you or anything, but do you want kids?", Travis asked, nervously eating a bite of mashed potatoes.

Taylor smiled, making Travis's heart start beating again. "Yes, of course I want kids. All my friends have little babies or kids and they're so stinking cute. I just need to meet the right person and find a point in my career when I can settle down while they're a baby", said Taylor. "That's good. Not trying to be creepy or anything, but you'd for sure have a cute baby", said Travis. He internally punched himself, realizing how misleadingly creepy that sounded. Taylor laughed. "Why thank you. You have a pretty cute baby yourself", said Taylor. "Yeah, Willow's a cutie", agreed Travis. 

They chatted at dinner then after Travis helped Taylor clear the table, they settled on the couch for a movie. "I thought that Legally Blonde sounded good. Are you ok with that?", asked Taylor. "Sounds great, thanks", agreed Travis. 

About 15 minutes into the movie, Travis scooted closer to Taylor. He began to wrap his arm around her. "This ok?", he whispered. Taylor nodded, smiling. 

She lay her head on his shoulder, his arm softly rubbing her arm. Taylor felt so cozy and small with Travis. She had a handful of exes that were a few inches taller than her, but this height difference she could get used to. 

He lay his head on top of hers, softly kissing her head. He didn't even realize he did it, but luckily she didn't seem to mind. In fact, when he kissed her head, she nuzzled closer to him, putting a hand on his thigh. 

When the movie had about 30 minutes left in it, Taylor felt her eyelids getting heavy and was struggling to keep them open. She couldn't put her finger on the reason for this, but she trusted this man already. 

Eventually, tiredness gave in and she closed her eyes, breathing softly. Travis smiled, seeing her eyes closed. "Sleepy girl", he mumbled quietly. He kissed her head once more and took her completely into his arms, her head laying on his chest as he leaned back on the couch. Taylor groaned softly but then settled back down. 

Travis stroked her back softly, feeling her soft, delicate skin. He played with her beautiful dirty blonde curls, pressing kisses to her forehead. 

The show was over soon, but Travis didn't want to wake her up, so he turned the TV off and dimmed the lights with the fancy remote. 

He wasn't planning on staying the night, but sleep and the feeling of now wanting to wake such a beautiful creature won, and he found himself drifting off to sleep.

Thanks for reading! Part 5 should be out no later than Thursday! <3

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