Eras Tour pt.8

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"What time does your flight land?", asked Travis with his airpod in while on a call with Taylor. "It should land in about 30 minutes", she answered. Taylor was flying into Kansas City for Travis's game against the Chicago Bears, but she came in on a Friday so she had time alone with Travis first. 

"Ok, sounds great. I need to go to get Willow ready to go, but see you in a little bit!", said Travis. "Bye now", said Taylor. 

"Willow, come here so I can get you ready to pick up Taylor!", called Travis, finding Willow on the floor playing with her dollhouse. "Oohh, dolls. What's her name?", asked Travis, sitting beside Willow and pointing to one of the dolls. "Dats Cat lady, the new one", she answered. 

The doll had blonde hair and looked similar to Taylor, at least for a doll. "Is that right", commented Travis. "We can play this later, but right now we need to get ready", said Travis. Willow followed Travis to her closet as he picked out her outfit. 

He chose a white shirt with two sunflowers on it with a blue sky in the background and a jean-skirt.  

After Travis dressed Willow, he cuddled with her on the couch while they watched Sofia the First together. 

Travis's phone dinged, drawing his attention away from the kid's show. 

Taylor: Hey! I'm about to land if you want to pick me up

Travis: On my way!

"Princess, we have to leave so we can pick up Taylor". "Nooo", she wined, cuddling closer to her dad. Travis was an exceptionally good cuddler. 

"Yes, let's go", said Travis, turning the show off and scooping her up. He put her and his shoes on, heading out the door. 

On the way there, they listened to Shake It Off, Willow's all time favorite. Travis pulled into the downtown airport, the airport that fancy private jets landed on. "We're here!", said Travis, looking back to find Willow asleep in her carseat. 

Travis turned the car off and went to the backseat, slowly unbuckling her so she stayed asleep. He put his arm under her bottom while her head rested on his shoulder.

"Hey Tay", Travis said as Taylor exited the jet. Willow could sleep through almost everything. "Hi Trav", she said, smiling at the sleeping girl. "Someone's sleepy", Taylor commented, reaching up for a quick peck of Travis's lips. "How was the flight?", asked Travis, taking Taylor's hand while a security guard held her bags for her. "It was good. Not too bad", said Taylor, smiling at the sleepy girl as they walked to Travis's car. "So are you here to see me or Willow?", Travis joked. "Very funny. She's just so adorable", defended Taylor. "I know. She must get it from me", teased Travis. "Oh, i'm sure", agreed Taylor, only partly joking. "Don't deny it, you think i'm adorable", said Travis. Taylor nodded looking at the ground. 

Afraid he offended Taylor, he squeezed her hand softly. She smiled up at him softly.

In the car, Willow was still asleep, her head leaning against the side of her carseat. Travis's hand was placed in her inner thigh, rubbing it softly. Taylor leaned her head against the window, tired as she held the hand Travis had on her thigh. "Are you tired?", he asked. She nodded. "Yeah. The last time I slept really good was when you stayed over", admitted Taylor. "I don't know if I should feel bad for you or incredibly honored", said Travis. 

When they got back to Travis's house, security left Taylor's bags at his house and headed to the hotel that Taylor had reserved for them. 

"I like your house Trav", said Taylor as he carried an awakening Willow. "Thanks", he grinned, seeing his daughter rub her eyes while she let out a bit yawn. "Good morning girlie", he said. Willow cuddled back into Travis's neck, Travis kissing her cheek. "She's precious", said Taylor, trying not to get baby fever. 

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