Unexplained Pain pt3

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"Ready to go home?", Travis asked his girls in the backseat. Taylor wore an oversized chiefs hoodie and sweats, still tired from giving birth. "All set", Taylor called, smiling at Travis as he smiled at her from the reirview mirror.  "I love her outfit", Travis complimented, pulling out of the parking lot. "Thanks. I'm so glad that Blake has good taste in baby clothes, she will forever be my lifesaver", Taylor said, rubbing her sleeping daughter's cheek softly. "You're a cute mama", said Travis, gazing as his fiance embraced motherhood with such ease, with only an hours notice. 

Taylor got out of the car slowly, being helped by Travis because her ab muscles were still so sore and tender. "Thanks", she said, smiling at him. "Anything for you", Travis said, kissing her temple. 

"So our family is waiting for us inside, right?", Taylor asked as Travis got the baby carseat. "Yep, that's the plan", said Travis. 

"Tay!", Blake said, embracing Taylor as they entered their house. "Oh my, she's precious!", Blake said in a hushed tone. "What's her name?", she asked. "Her name's Navy Marjorie Kelce", Taylor said, smiling as her baby girl stirred in her sleep. "Can I hold her?", Blake asked, applying hand sanitizer. "Sure", Taylor smiled, bending down to unbuckle Navy from her carseat. "Hi sweet girl", Taylor  cooed, kissing her head. 

They sat on the couch, Taylor handing the newborn to Blake. "Where's the rest of the family?", Taylor asked. "They decided to give you some space, but Donna is coming later", said Blake, admiring the baby. "She has your eyes, but has Travis's hair color. But only time will tell if she takes after your curls, Tay", Blake smiled. "I need another one of these", said Blake, snuggling the baby. Taylor laughed. "Good luck convincing Ryan", said Travis. He and Ryan had bonded over their significant other's friendship. "Yeah, he's stubborn. I'll tell him that it could be his boy, but he says he is fine having all daughters, but I wouldn't mind adding a son, but five kids seems like way too many kids", Blake said, patting the baby's back as she began to fuss. "She's probably hungry", Taylor said, Travis standing up to get a pink burp cloth from the diaper bag. "Thank you", Taylor said, placing the burp cloth on her shoulder while she put on her cover up, taking a fussy Navy from Blake. 

Travis watched as Taylor pulled Navy to her breast, Navy immediately stopping her fussing and making loud eating sounds. "Sorry guys. I guess miss princess here was hungry", Taylor said, laughing at how loud her daughter was sucking. 

Suddenly, Ryan opened their front door. "Hi Tay", he greeted. "Hi", Taylor smiled. "What's up man", Trav said, shaking Ryan's hand. "Nothing much. But you guys, wow, you've got some explaining to do", Ryan said, taking a seat. "Where should we start?", Taylor asked Travis. "Well, it started by one thing: sex", Travis answered, knowing that would earn him a dirty look from Tay. "Travis Michael Kelce", Taylor said, eyeing him. "Well, i'm not wrong", Travis defended. "Well you didn't need to say that", she explained. "You're right sweetie, i'm sorry", Travis apologized, still finding humor in her reaction. "Anyways, moving on from Travis's completely unnecessary details", Taylor said, moving Navy to the other side. "I began feeling pains in my abdomen area, but shooed them off. They got progressively worse, so bad that Travis had to carry me to the car and I had to lay down in the back seat. We got to the hospital, and they said I was pregnant and in labor. Long story short, here's miss Navy Marjorie who we are very glad is healthy and loved", Taylor summarized. "Wow. That must have been scary. Did you ever feel her kick or feel nauseous?", Blake asked curiously. "Yeah, I did throw up a few times but I shooed it off as just nerves and yes, I did feel movement but girlie wasn't very active, but when she was I just assumed it was bowel movements or something like that", Taylor explained. She felt Navy pull away so Taylor re-covered her boobs and took off the cover up, burping Navy in the burp cloth. "And you gained no weight and had no bump?", Blake asked. "No, well I gained a little, and there was a slight bump but the reason I didn't have a bump really is because she grew so far back". "Trav, can you take  her please?", Taylor asked, handing the baby to her father. "Of course", he replied, gently holding the baby like Taylor had taught him, not like a football but old was seem to reappear, and he found himself holding her with his two large hands, similar to how he held a football. "Trav", Taylor laughed. "I've got it", Travis said, readjusting  Navy and cradling her correctly. "Good job", said Taylor.

After Donna had left and Navy was in bed in the bassinet for the time being, Taylor took a quick shower while she could, slipping into one of Travis's tees and PJ pants. "Goodnight Tay", Travis called, encircling her in his arms. "Goodnight. And by the way, you get up with her first", Taylor yawned, closing her heavy eyelids. "Of course", Travis said. "I love you", he whispered, kissing her head goodnight.

Thanks for reading! Sorry it's short and not the best): i wrote it while the kids I was babysitting were in bed and one of the kids couldn't sleep and saw me and I made something up like I'm doing homework lmao. Anyways if you did like it don't forget to vote or comment, and if you have any ideas lmk bc i love getting requests(:

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