Why'd You Have To Twist The Knife

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Disclaimer: rape and assault in this chapter and I don't hate Joe I just hate his character in this book(: And in case ur wondering this follows Archer's story line if you know what I mean

"Taylor, I know you cheated on me! Don't lie to me you hoe! How do I even know that that thing is mine!", Joe stormed, a violent look in her eye that shook her to the core. "Joe, I didn't cheat on you! You've just been drinking. Here, calm down", Taylor said, trying to calm him down. "Don't talk to me like that, woman!", Joe shouted, shoving Taylor against the wall. Taylor hit her head hard, part of her vision going blurry for a second. Taylor was too shocked to respond. She wasn't surprised that Joe had hit her, but the great force to her head took her back. 

Shouting and loud bangs followed, but Taylor was in a trance. Her already sore back had hurt before, but the blow against the wall had made it 10x worse. 

Slowly, Taylor curled to her knees, the blow waking the now active baby in her stomach. She tried her best to scrunch up as much as possible, but her baby bump was in the way too much. "Answer my question!", Joe snarled, getting in her face. "Sorry, I didn't hear...", Taylor started but was interrupted by Joe punching her hard in the face. Taylor placed her hands on her bump, trying to shield him from his father's anger. "Joe stop. Please. You're going to hurt the baby, Taylor pleaded, tears streaming down her face, but there was no makeup to smear because this pregnancy had her too tired to do much of anything. "Not until you tell me who you cheated on me with", Joe demanded. 

Taylor's body was racked with sobs, feeling tired and defeated, like there was nothing she could do to protect herself and her baby. "Ok, so you're not willing to talk. I can make you talk", Joe said, struggling to pick Taylor up, throwing her on the couch and opening her legs. "Joe!!!", Taylor screamed, her eyes bawling with tears. Taylor tried to close her legs with all her might but Joe was too strong. "Not until you talk", Joe said, pure hatred in his eyes. 

He grabbed the waistband of her biker shorts, pulling them off, earning him a kick from Taylor. "Don't you dare hit me, woman", Joe hissed, slapping Taylor's leg. Taylor winced, trying to ignore this unavoidable situation, trying to engross herself in the feeling of her baby's kicks and movements. At least her baby boy was ok. Taylor took in a deep breath, trying to calm her heart rate so her baby didn't feel this stress. "Joe, if you're still there, please stop this", Taylor sobbed. "You used to say you loved me but now you assault me and hit me, even while very pregnant with your baby?", Taylor said, trying to reason. 

Joe flat out ignored her, plunging two fingers into her dry hole. Taylor winced in pain, not pleasure. "Joe, stop!", Taylor screamed in pain. "Then tell me or I'll add more fingers", Joe said sternly. "There's nobody else!", Taylor said, letting loose a bone-piercing scream. "Quiet", he commanded. His blue eyes seemed to have turned an evil red, evil simmering from them. His nails dug against the sensitive tissue, Taylor trying to conceal the screams building up inside her. 

As if God had planned it, Joe's phone suddenly dinged, making him pull out of Taylor and open it. "The guys want me to game with them. I'll make sure we finish where we left off", Joe said, and at that, he disappeared into the basement. 

Taylor sat there in shock, but her senses quickly returned, her sitting up as fast as she could and pulling up her pants. She realized that trying to drive away wasn't a good idea, so she called her mom. With shaky hands, a very, very much in pain Taylor stood up slowly, getting her phone. Taylor sat at the kitchen table, resting from the previous events. She clicked on her mom's contact, calling her. "Hi honey", Andrea answered. "Mom", Taylor sobbed. "What's wrong sweetheart?", Andrea asked, concerned. "He...he hit me. He...", Taylor couldn't continue because sobs racketed her body. "I'm already on the way, honey. Stay on the phone with me, will you?", Andrea suggested, audible an engine starting on the other end of the phone. "O..ok", Taylor hickuped. "Is the baby ok?", Andrea asked. "I think so. He's kicking a lot so I don't think Joe hitting us hurt him, I hope", Taylor answered, silently praying that Joe takes forever on his gaming system. 

Andrea arrived very quickly, and knowing her, most likely because she ran all the red lights to get her baby girl. 

A knock sounded at the door, jolting Taylor to her feet, her bag in hand already. "Let's go", Andrea said the second she took a look at her injured daughter. Taylor nodded, relief flooding her as she saw her mom. You never quite outgrow the need for your mom. 

In the car, Taylor sat in the passenger seat, the occasional feel of movement in her stomach being the main source of comfort. "Has he hit you before?", Andrea asked cautiously. Taylor nodded, sniffing. "I was stupid staying in that toxic relationship in the first place. But him hitting me today has been by far the worst because I'm almost full term", explained Taylor. Andrea nodded. "Taylor, you're not going back. You're going to move on, have this baby in a few weeks and be the best mom in the world. But you need to apply for all the rights to him because we don't want this happening to your baby too", Andrea said, being the mom in the situation. "Ok", Taylor agreed, tired. 

And that's exactly what Taylor did. She took her mom's advice, applying for all the parental rights to her baby, Archer, and the judge granted it due to the severe domestic violence. And when Archer was 2, Taylor met someone special who treated her well and loved Archer like he was his own son. And this man's name was Travis.

Thanks for reading this! 

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