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Towards the end of Travis's game Taylor had been feeling some cramps in her lower abdomen, but they were no worse than period cramps. But they slowly began to get worse, and Taylor was trying to hide it from Travis. 

Travis, however, noticed this, and placed his hand on her thigh gently, calming her slightly. "Everything ok?", he checked while they were at a red light. "Yeah, probably just some pre- period cramps", Taylor assured Travis, giving him a small smile. This was acquitte for Travis, who continued the drive like normal. 

After they had finished dinner and the movie and were getting ready for bed, the pains continued to get worse. Travis was in the shower, and Taylor lay in bed, clenching her fists in pain. The pains were about 5 minutes apart, and they were torturing Taylor. Her frame was shacked with pain and it was beginning to become unbearable. "Travis", she whispered weakly, hoping maybe he would hear her, but the shower was so loud. 

"Tay, what's wrong?", Travis asked, seeing her in such pain and her eyes clenched tight, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Trav", she whispered, seeing him in just a towel covering his lower body. "Baby, you're going to the hospital. This isn't normal", Travis said, slipping some boxers and sweats on quickly. 

He tried to help Taylor up but she was in too much pain to walk, so Travis began carrying in a cradle position but switched to putting her in an upright position, her legs straddling his waist. "Shh, baby. You're ok", Travis said, scared himself but put his emotions away for Taylor's sake. 

One pain was so bad that Taylor let out a medium scream and clutched Travis. This really made Travis realize how bad the pain was for Taylor, and he jogged to the car, laying her down in the backseat, shutting the door with a kiss on her head. 

"Travis", she sobbed, clutching her middle. "I'm so sorry, baby. Just hang in there for me, ok?", Travis asked. Taylor let out deep breaths, trying to calm down. "I think it's my appendix", Taylor said softly. "Well figure that out when we get there", Travis said. He was having an internal panic, realizing he forgot to call security and he was pulling into the hospital parking lot. She would be on the front page of every magazine imaginable. "Travis", she wailed, calling him back to present. "Coming, baby", Travis said, parking the car in a nearby space and rushing back to the back seat to pick her up. "It hurts so bad", she wailed, not caring how loud she was at this point. "I'm so sorry, baby. Were here, so you'll be ok soon", Travis said, half lying. He had no idea why she was in so much abdominal pain. 

Taylor was quickly rushed back, leaving Travis to fill out paperwork quickly before rushing back to Taylor's side. "Ok, miss Swift. Let's see what's causing all this pain", a doctor said, putting an ultrasound to her abdomen. "But there's no baby there", Travis informed her, making sure the doctor knew she wasn't pregnant. "Oh, we use this machine for many things, not just pregnancy", she informed, applying some gel to Taylor's stomach and putting a machine up to it.

The doctor's face quickly fell, in shock. "Oh my", she mumbled, zooming in closer to the screen. "What is it?", Travis asked, his hand in Taylor's stroking her sweaty face softly. "Well, I can't say I've seen one of these myself ever but I've heard of these. Miss Swift, you're pregnant and you've 9 cm dilated. The reason you've never known is because it's called a cryptic pregnancy. They're extremely rare", the doctor said, still in shock. She turned the screen so they could see the baby. "What", Taylor said through the pain, clutching Travis's hand. "There's a baby inside me? That's my baby?", Taylor asked panicked. "Shh, Taylor. We'll sort this out. I'm here and I'll never leave", Travis comforted. "I'll alert the OBGYN right away and we'll have a room ready in 10 minutes max", the doctor said, sprinting out the door. 

Tears started to form in Taylor's eyes, making Travis cup her face. "Shh, I know this is scary, but we can do this together", Travis said, kissing her temple. "We don't even have a nursery ready", she said in shock. 

After 2 more hours of labor, Taylor was told to push the final time and relief immediately overcame her tired body. "It's a girl!", the doctor called, handing her her crying baby. "Hi, baby girl", Travis said, kneeling down so he could see her face. "You're perfect", Taylor whispered, kissing her head. Taylor finally got the newborn to calm down and the baby opened her eyes. "She has your eyes, Tay", Travis whispered, marveling at how he was a father. "They're beautiful", Taylor cooed, the baby laying on her bare chest. 

"Oh, we should tell out families", Taylor said, almost laughing at how extremely rare their situation was. "Oh, yeah. Oh, and by the way, you did amazing, beautiful", Travis said, reaching down to peck her lips. "Thanks", Taylor said, kissing back softly. The sleeping baby stirred in her sleep, making a soft noise that made both her parents stop what they were doing to look at their beautiful creation. "Just texted them a picture of her. We should decide on a name", Travis said, scooting his chair closer to his fiance and sleeping newborn. "I've always liked the name Vivian", Taylor suggests, pulling a loose piece of the blanket around the newborn. "That's a beautiful name", Travis says, stroking the newborn's cheek softly. "So we agree on that name?", Taylor checks. Travis nods. "Yes, I love it", he agrees. "Ooh, what about Finlay as a middle name after your mom?", Travis suggests, moving a piece of Taylor's hair off her forehead that stuck there from sweat. "Trav, I love it. I love you so much", Taylor says, stroking his hair. "Love you too. So we've decided? Vivian Finlay Kelce? That is, of course, if you want her to have your last name?", Travis says, kissing Taylor's cheek. "No, I think it sounds better with your last name. And it's not like I have to carry on my family's last name because we have Austin", Taylor reasoned. Travis nodded. "You're so beautiful", Travis admired softly, kissing her lips. "Can you get Vivi so I can go to the bathroom?", Taylor asked, trying to sit up. Travis nodded, taking the sleepy girl from her mommy, causing her to start to try to cry. Taylor hesitated for a minute but was shooed by Travis to just go. 

"Shh, Vivian. I love you so much and I've only known about you for less than a day", Travis said, cradling the newborn as Vivian looked at her dad with her big blue eyes. "You look a lot like your mommy", Travis said, as she gripped his finger with her little grip. "Woah, quite a grip there. Are you going to be a football player like your old man here?", he joked, kissing her head. 

Vivian was fully engrossed in her father talking, absorbing every little thing he said. "You owe your mommy a lifetime of cuddles because you should have seen what she just did for you", Travis said, walking around the room with Vivian. Vivi stuck her little tongue out slightly, being adorable. Taylor leaned against the door frame, smiling while she watched her little family. 

Thanks for reading!! I picked Vivian because it's my middle name and it's all I could think of but hope you liked the chapter<3

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