Four's Company

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Travis pulled Taylor into his arms, swaying her side to side gently. It was 7 AM on a hot July morning. Travis had to wake up early for work, but Taylor usually didn't wake up this early except their three year old daughter, Hadley, had woken up and jumped on her parent's bed.

Taylor took a deep breath, breathing in her husband's scent. "Can you stay?", she whispered.

Travis sighed, kissing her head. "I'm sorry baby. I would but I have to go to the office, I'm sorry sweetheart", sympathized Travis.

Taylor was a stay at home mom by choice, and she loved it, but it brought along many stresses. For one, being a stay at home mom, your job is never over. It lasts all day and all night, 24/7.

"I've got to go Tay", said Travis softly, rubbing her back softly.

"No", muttered Taylor, hugging him closer.

"I'm sorry baby. When I get back from work I'll watch the kids. I'll try to get home early", soothed Travis, pulling her lips to his softly.

"I love you", he said once they pulled apart.

"I love you too", she responded, dreading spending another day catering to her children's needs. If only it were winter. Then at least her oldest, Lucy, would have been in school, giving her one last child to look after.

"Bye Hads baby. Be good for your mommy today, ok?", said Travis, kissing Hadley's head as she sat in her booster at the kitchen table, eating her breakfast.

"Bye Daddy", Hadley smiled.

"Oh, almost forgot", Travis smiled, going up to Taylor. He wrapped his arms around her torso, bending down and pulling her shirt up a little, revealing her little belly. Taylor was 4 months pregnant with their fourth child.

"You be good for Mommy today, too. Don't make her get sick today again", he said, kissing Taylor's belly. Taylor smiled, running her fingers through his buzz cut.

"Love you baby", Travis called, grabbing his briefcase and pecking Taylor's cheek once more before rushing out the door.

Taylor sighed, sitting down beside her daughter at the table.

"Can I have purple blankie?", Hadley asked, referring to her purple baby blanket.

"Not now honey. You need to finish your food first so you don't get her dirty", answered the girl's mother.

"No! I want it now!", stormed Hadley, kicking her little feet against the chair.

"Hadley, stop kicking the chair right now. I said you could have purple blankie after breakfast and I'm not going to change that rule just because you are mad". Taylor always hated having to lay the law out for her kids. She felt bad seeing them cry and get mad when things didn't seem fair to them, but she had to teach them that life wasn't fair.

Hadley persisted on throwing a tantrum, buckled in her booster-high chair.

"Hadley Abigail, no ma'am. One, two, three", said Taylor sternly, counting down on her fingers.

Hadley continued to throw a tantrum, so Taylor took the food from her tray and set it out of her reach.

Taylor sighed, seeing the food on Hadley's plate that looked so good but she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it down.

"Mommy", a small voice called behind her. Taylor turned around to see her 5 year old son, Rhett, standing in his truck PJ's.

"Good morning buddy. How did you sleep?", Taylor asked, holding her arms out for the little boy.

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