Unexplained pain

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"Tay, you look stunning", Travis told his fiance as she got ready for his game. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself", she winked. Taylor wore a red sweatshirt and black leggings, her hair left natural with minimal makeup. 

Taylor sat with Brittney during the game, and they chatted while the boys played. "Oh, he keeps dropping balls", Taylor complained, sipping her cocktail. "Yeah, that happens to the best of them. Don't worry, he'll find his way out of his rut", assured Brittney, slinging Bronze, her 1 year old son onto her hip. "Well aren't you just the cutest thing", Taylor cooed, playing with the baby's feet, causing him to giggle. "He is giving me severe baby fever right now", Taylor complained. Suddenly, Taylor felt a small pain in her lower abdomen, but her period was about to start, so she brushed it off, taking it as a pre-period cramp. "Maybe it's a sign that you and Travis should start trying", Brittney coaxed, nudging her friend. Taylor sniffled. "We have. For about seven months, and still nothing", she said in a lower, sad voice. "Oh, i'm so sorry Tay. I didn't know. I shouldn't have said that", apologized Brittney. "No, it's ok. You didn't know. Plus, on the bright side, it comes with sex almost every other night", Taylor said, a half smile. Throughout the game, Taylor continued to feel small pains in her abdomen, but they were never bad enough that it made her flinch or cry out. But it was bad enough that it was starting to get annoying and happened every twenty minutes.

"Hey beautiful", Travis said as he engulfed Taylor in a hug as she met him outside of the locker room. "Hey Trav. You did so good today", Taylor said, hiding her face in her Big Yeti's chest. "Thanks baby. But we barely won. We've got to get our defensive coordination oiled out in practice", Travis said, making Taylor give him a confused look. "You speak a different language, Trav", Taylor laughed, taking his hand as they walked out the door. 

That evening, they sat on the couch, Taylor in Travis's arms as they re-watched Travis's favorite football movies. Taylor found these pretty boring, but since Travis won, he did get to pick and she wasn't surprised with his selection. Taylor was curled beside Travis, her head lying on his chest as her eyes were drifting closed. But every time Taylor was near sleep, that sharp pain would wake her up. "Everything ok? You're usually asleep 15 minutes into my football movies. I miss my sleeping Taylor", Travis said, bright eye meeting bright eye. "Yeah, just some pre period cramps", she said, snuggling further into him, finding an excuse to put an arm on her painful abdomen. "I'm sorry", he sympathized, kissing her head. "Want a hot pack or some pain meds?", Travis asked, playing with her hair. Taylor thought for a minute. "Could I have a hot pack please?", she asked. "Of course baby", Travis said, getting up.

He returned in about 5 minutes, a hot pack in his hands. Taylor was curled up, hands on her uterus area. "Baby", he sympathized. "It hurts Trav", she said, looking up at him. Travis sat against the couch, his legs extended on his custom long couch. "Here", he said, gently uncurling  her and, with her help, setting her in between his legs. Taylor took a sharp intake of breath. "Shh, I've got you baby", Travis comforted, used to her period routine. She was known to have painful cramps during her time of the month. "There baby", Travis comforted, lifting up her shirt and the top of her sweat pants to place the hot pack. Taylor sighed, sinking into Travis. "Thanks", she mumbled. "Of course", he answered, pecking her head. 

But 5 minutes later, Taylor's body clenched in pain, her grabbing his thighs in the process. After the cramp was done, she relaxed in his arms. "Oww", she said weakly. "I'm so sorry baby", he sympathized, never seeing her in this much pain. He was starting to get worried. "Are you sure it's just cramps and nothing else?". "Yeah, that's all it could be", Taylor mumbled sleepily. "Ok", Travis answered, still not completely convinced yet. 

Five minutes later, Taylor started sobbing, mumbling that the heating pack wasn't working, so Travis used a technique that he rarely used but always kept as a backup just in case. "Shh, love. I've got you lovey. It's ok", he comforted. She sniffled, her body clenched. 

Travis removed the heating pack from her abdominal area, pressing his big hands to the painful area. He began massaging the tissue. Taylor sighing in the process. "Does that feel good?", Travis asked, kissing her cheek. "Mhmm", she moaned in pain. "It helps", she mumbled. 

Travis continued to massage her uterus area, worried about Taylor. This wasn't normal at all for even plan B to not work. When he saw Taylor moan in pain again, he knew that this wasn't your ordinary period cramps. It was something more serious and needed to be treated by medical professionals. "Tay", he said, cautious. "Yeah", she said tiredly. "I'm really worried about you. You're in a lot of pain and I've never seen you in this much pain, let alone by period cramps", Travis discussed, pressing kisses to her head. "Me too, Trav", she whimpered, tensing up again this time 10x worse. 

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