The Great War

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"Archie, time for bed!", called Travis, his 18 month old son running away from him. "Gotcha!", he said, scooping the boy up and tickling him. "Let's go say goodnight to your mommy".

Travis took the boy to the living room where Taylor sat knitting a baby sweater. She had been stressed with WW2 going on, so knitting was her comfort mechanism. "Someone wanted to say goodnight", said Travis, flying Archie like an airplane so Taylor could give the boy a kiss. "Goodnight buddy, I love you", said Taylor, kissing the boy's cheek. 

Once Travis returned from putting Archie to bed, he came back downstairs. "Hey babe", he said, sitting down beside her on the couch with his arm around him. She had switched the station to the news. The radio said 'THE US HAS ENTERED THE WAR AFTER THE JAPANESE BOMBED PEARL HARBOR EARLIER TODAY. SELECTIVE DRAFTING FOR ABLE-BODIED MEN WILL BE USED.' 

"What's wrong baby?", asked Travis, seeing tears stream down her face. Her newest pregnancy symptom was mood swings. He kissed her cheek, rubbing her 6 month belly. "Trav, that could be you", she sobbed. "Hey, listen. The odds of that happening are slim. There's so many men that are strong like me, don't worry", assured Travis, wiping her tear away. 

"They said that the men they're drafting are going to receive a letter", said Taylor, wiping her tears. Travis nodded. "Even if I do get a letter, I promise I will try my very hardest to make it out of there", promised Travis. "I'll do it for you, Archie, and the baby", said Travis, pressing his forehead against hers as he put his hand on her belly. "Promise?", she rasped out. "I promise", he said, taking her hand and softly kissing her lips. "I love you sweetheart", he whispered. 

Travis didn't want to go to war. He was head over heels in love with his wife and loved being a father to little Archie and was overjoyed that a new family member would be joining them in just three short months. He couldn't imagine if he didn't make it back home and Taylor was left with two fatherless children. She would have to work in the factories, and most likely so would his children. He would do everything in his power to make it back home to Taylor and his children.

"I love you too", she whispered. 

Taylor pulled her head away from Travis's, yawning. "Are you tired?", asked Travis. Taylor yawned. "Today Archie wouldn't stop moving and running around, and neither would this baby", responded Taylor. 

Travis chuckled. "He gets it from his daddy". 

"Oh, so now you think this baby is a boy?" asked Taylor. All along, Taylor had assumed this baby was a boy, but she held on to the small hope that maybe she would have a little girl. 

"Oh, it's definitely a girl. I just know", reasoned Travis. He was on team girl.

"We'll see whose right", said Taylor, slowly standing up with Travis's help. 

"Stairs", she groaned, taking one stop at a time. "I'm right behind you baby", he said, both hands on her waist. 

Taylor changed into her nightgown and laid down in bed, waiting for Travis to join her. She felt a little kick in her belly. "Oh, hi there", she cooed, rubbing the spot the baby kicked. 

"She moving?", asked Travis. Taylor nodded. Travis smiled, putting his hands on her belly. 

"Did you feel that?", Taylor asked. Travis nodded, smiling. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her belly through her nightgown. 

"Goodnight sweetheart", said Travis, pecking her lips. "Goodnight", she replied. 

The next three days went by fast, with Taylor working her tired tail off cleaning dishes, the house, and the messes her young son made. 

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