Family Life

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"How are you feeling baby?", asked Travis, entering the bedroom holding a sleeping toddler in his arms. Taylor lay in bed, curled up with her 3 month baby bump "I've been better", Taylor said, trying to keep it positive. "I'm sorry baby", he sympathized while running his fingers through her hair. "You're doing great. I know it's not easy being pregnant with two little boys to take care of". "You don't say", she mumbled sleepily. "I'll be right back after I put Boaz and Maverick to bed", Travis said. "Looks like you already have one sleeping", Taylor quipped, seeing her adorable 1 and a half year old son asleep with his head perched on Travis's shoulder. "Yeah, Boaz was a sleepy one for sure", he agreed, blowing her a kiss before exiting the room. Taylor sighed, putting her hand on her small bump, eyes closed in exhaustion. She'd been having trouble falling asleep because of severe morning sickness. She hated whoever named it morning sickness, because for her it was more like 24/7 sickness. 

Travis took the sleeping boy through the hall, entering the dark nursery. It was still set up as a nursery because he was still in a crib and in diapers. Boaz had peed in his diaper, so Travis gently laid him on his changing table, making sure he didn't wake him up. But Boaz could sleep through almost anything because he had a 4 year old older brother. "Shh", Travis soothed, seeing him shift in his sleep. 

Carefully, Travis unbuttoned his onesie and took the old diaper off, attaching the new one. 

Luckily, Boaz remained asleep the whole time. Travis put a red firetruck sleeper on the 1 year old, laying him in his crib with a kiss. "Love you bud", he called, turning the white noise on before closing the door behind him. 

Travis went to check on his sick pregnant wife again, but found her curled up in bed, a hand on her bump fast asleep. He smiled, grateful that she was getting sleep while resisting the urge to scoop her up and cuddle her. 

"How's it going bud?", Travis asked his 4 year old son as he tossed up a balloon into the air. The balloon said 'Happy Birthday Maverick', because Maverick had recently celebrated his fourth birthday. It was Paw Patrol themed, definitely a huge shocker to many. 

"Good", he replied, catching the balloon. 

It was only 7:30, but Taylor was exhausted because of the baby and Boaz always went to bed early. "What do you want to do bud? We can play catch in the back yard, watch a show, or something else", Travis offered. 

Out of both of their sons, Maverick reminded Travis the most of himself, but Boaz was only 1 so he had some time, but not only did he look exactly like Travis, but he acted like him too. Maverick had Travis's hazel green eyes and brown hair color, but he got Taylor's hair type so it was styled into short curls.  

"Can we play catch?", asked Maverick. "Of course bud!", Travis encouraged, picking the boy up with one arm while slipping both of their shoes on, heading to the back yard. 

Because Maverick was only 4, they didn't play catch with a real football, so they used a small orange Styrofoam one instead. At four years old, Maverick had quite the little arm. He could throw a spiral most of the time, and his average throw was about 3 yards. 

"Good throw buddy! You're doing so good", encouraged Travis. "Thanks", he gushed. 

After they finished playing catch, Travis gave Maverick a quick bath and put him in his Batman PJ's. 

"And they all lived happily ever after. The end", Travis said, finishing reading the boy a bedtime story. "Can you read one more?", Maverick pleaded. "No buddy, it's time for bed. It's 8:30, and it's getting late. I should go check on your mama soon". "Daddy, why is mama sick?", the boy asked curiously. "The baby makes her sick sometimes. You and Boaz did that too when you guys were in her belly", Travis answered, brushing through his curls. But whenever Taylor did that to Maverick, it calmed him down better than when Travis did. Boaz was one hundred percent a mommy's boy, but Maverick was kind of still deciding. He was fifty fifty. 

"Oh", Maverick responded, yawning. "Goodnight Mav, love you", Travis said, reaching down to kiss his forehead. "Can Mommy say goodnight?", wondered Maverick. "No, I'm sorry bud. But i'll tell her you say goodnight", confirmed Travis. "All right now, bedtime bud", Travis said, pulling the covers up. "Sweet dreams", he called, turning on his stary nightlight and shutting the door. 

"Tay baby?", Travis called as he opened his bedroom door. He found Taylor with a miserable look on her face as she sat up in bed, both legs hanging off, moments later throwing up all over her legs. "Travis", she whimpered. "Shh, it's ok baby. Let's get you cleaned up", Travis said, giving her a trash can to finish in. Once she finished vomiting, he took her vomit covered sweat pants off and helped her to the shower. "I'm sorry, Trav", she mumbled as she leaned against him in the shower, his arms around her. "For what baby? You're carrying our baby girl right now, something that I owe you for 3x, and taking care of you is something that I love to do. Soon, we'll have a girl. Say goodbye to little football and baseball onesies, and say hello to pink and flowers and a variety of clothing styles. Tay, you'll be the cutest little girl mama out there", Travis said, making Taylor smile at the thought. They both looked down to her small bump, Travis squatting down to look at it. "Hey girlie!", he said to Taylor's belly. "I was just telling your brothers about you. I think they're excited", Travis said with a smile, sealing the one way conversation with a kiss to her belly. "Trav, you're going to spoil this little girl so much. She's already got your wrapped around her finger and she just recently developed her hand", Taylor said smiling, reaching up to peck his lips. "You're right Tay. Now let's get out of the shower before we get all gross and pruny", suggested Travis, them drying off. 

Travis put on a pair of panties and one of his over-sized tee shirts on Taylor, her comfort outfit, and rubbed her back softly, kissing her head until she fell asleep. Travis looked at his sleeping girls, smiling thinking about the bright future ahead of their little girl. 

Thanks for reading! You thought I was going to publish Might As Well Be Drunk, which I definitely am going to either later tonight or tomorrow night, but I just got this inspo so I had to write it before I forgot(: <3

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