Mary's Song pt.7

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Travis looked down at Taylor, taking her in one more time before leaving, shutting the door quietly behind him.

"How is she?", Andrea asked, leaning against the doorway to the living room.

Travis shook his head, not sure what to say. "She's asleep", he said softly.

Andrea nodded. "That's good. Poor girl is exhausted".

"I'm really sorry, maam. I really do love Taylor, we just have college coming up and stuff. Well, I should get going. Goodnight", said Travis, leaving out the front door.

Travis, not wanting to go home to face his mother's intense questioning of where he had been, sat on the front porch swing of Taylor's house. The same swing that he and Taylor had rocked as high as they could when they were 7 and accidentally smashed the front window. The same swing that he had found Taylor crying over Drew in, sparking their relationship.

He looked at the dim streetlights, reflecting his mood. Somehow, the gentle swinging of the swing relaxed him. Before he knew it, he felt himself nodding off.

Taylor awoke the next morning, to the faint sunlight streaming through her white bedroom curtains.

She groaned, feeling the dry, crusty tears around her eyes. She rubbed her eyes, sitting up in bed.

Memories of the previous night flashed in her mind. She crumbled back into bed, remembering that she was now single.

Flashes of their relationship spin in her mind, the happy and the sad. The look on Travis's face at 1:58 the night she persuaded him to sneak in when her parents were gone. The words he soothingly whispered in her ear as she drifted off to sleep on his chest. The way he told her he loved her that night could never erase from her memory because it felt so real; like he really loved her. But why did he go away?

Taylor remembered one July night last summer when it rained on them. The rain splashed on the pavement. He had pulled her in for her dream rain kiss from the movies. She could hear his heartbeat through his shirt as his arms comfortingly held her close. That night, she had gone to his house and he had given her a pair of his sweatpants and her favorite sweatshirt of his. They were the most comfortable clothes that she now owned to this day.

Taylor, never in her wildest dreams, thought that they would have a last kiss.

Travis awoke to the sound of the front door opening.

Scott looked at the boy who was sleeping on his front porch. "Excuse me?", he asked, holding his briefcase.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Swift. I must have fallen asleep", apologized Travis embarrassed.

"It's ok. You should probably get going because Taylor might not want to see you right now", Scott said, scratching his head. As much as the fathers hated to admit it, they were both almost as upset about this breakup as their teenagers.

Travis nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Have a good day, Mr. Swift", he said, sprinting to his house.

Meanwhile, Andrea knocked gently on her heartbroken daughter's room. "Taylor sweetie?", Andrea asked softly, opening the door.

Taylor didn't say anything. She just lay there, curled up in bed, facing the wall. No tears fell because she was too sad to cry at this point.

"Dear, I brought you some breakfast. Your dad went out to get donuts from your favorite shop this morning because he knew you were going through a hard time", Andrea said, trying to soothe her daughter. She sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm not hungry", she mumbled, still not looking at her mom.

As if on cue, Taylor's stomach rumbled.

"Sounds like you are sweetie. Here, have a chocolate donut. Those are your favorite. You'll feel better", Andrea stated, holding a plate with a wide variety of donut choices.

Taylor's bottom lip quivered. "Those were Travis's favorite", she said, tears running down her cheek.

"Oh, sweetie. I know It's hard, but you'll get over this. This is only a time in your life, not your whole life. I promise you will heal from this. You'll grow in ways you never imagined possible from this. I'm sure you've learned something from this, right?",, Andrea asked, smoothing her fingers through her daughter's blonde hair.

Taylor turned in bed to face her mom. "I haven't learned anything from this, Mom. If I could go back in time, even if I knew what the end would look like, I would go through this all over again because I love Travis, Mom. I still do and I don't think I'll ever get over it", said Taylor, a few tears escaping.

"Oh, honey", sympathized Andrea, rubbing Taylor's cheek. This girl had really fallen hard, and from what she could tell, so had Travis.

"Who knows? Maybe you and Travis's paths will cross again?", suggested Andrea, reaching down to kiss her daughter's cheek.

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