Meeting the Family

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"How do I look?", Travis asked as he stood in front of the mirror. "You look good, Trav. Don't worry, my dad will like you, promise", Taylor assured, wrapping her arms around Travis's torso as she pressed a kiss to his back. Travis took a deep breath. "Thanks", he said. 

"Hi Dad!", Taylor exclaimed, hugging him. "Good to see you", Scott said, hugging his daughter back. "And who's this?", Scott asked, even though he knew. Taylor and Travis were on almost every news headline, and Scott was afraid to admit that he read every one of them. "Dad, meet Travis. Travis, this is my dad", Taylor informed, linking arms with Travis. "Nice to meet you, Travis", Scott said, giving Travis an almost bone-crushing handshake. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Swift", Travis said. "Ok, shall we get going to the restaurant?", Taylor intervened, taking Travis's hand as she led him to the elevator. "Sounds good", Scott said. 

"So how long have you two been together?", Scott asked. "Dad, you know", Taylor laughed. "I know, but i'm seeing if Travis can remember", Scott said. "Dad", Taylor complained. "Taylor and I have been together for four months, one week and five days", Travis answered, sipping his drink. Taylor had a look of visible shock on her face. "Babe", she said, impressed. "I've been keeping track", he smiled. "Impressive", Scott agreed. "So, what are your plans for the future, Travis?", Scott asked, taking a sip of his drink. "Well, I'm going to retire from the NFL in a few years, but I want to try to get one more super bowl ring first. After that i'm thinking of being a coach in the NFL or I might just join Taylor on her tour and I might have a side career during this so i'm not completely dependent on Taylor's money. Of course, when we have kids i'm planning on coaching their team, preferably a football team", Travis answered, thanking the waiter when he handed him his plate.  

After they'd paid and said goodnight to Scott, Travis and Taylor cuddled on the couch while they watched Mean Girls. "Are you asleep", Travis whispered to the sleeping figure laying on his chest. "No", she mumbled, readjusting her position. "Are you tired", he asked, stoking her hair. "A little", she mumbled, softly stroking his member through his pants. Travis took a sharp intake of breath. "Wow, I barely even touched it. You must really be horny", Taylor whispered, giving him a flirty eye. "When you've been looking this hot all day, I can't help myself", Travis explained. "I think we're on the same page, Travy", Taylor mumbled. At this point, Travis was fully turned on. She began stroking his now exposed member more harshly, causing Travis to moan. "Oh Tay", he groaned, his member fully extending.  "You like that? The name or this", Taylor whispered, applying even more pressure. "I'm going to finish baby", Travis moaned.

Taylor took this as a sign to stop. "Ok", she whispered into his ear, nibbling at his earlobe. She straddled his lap. "Let's go upstairs", she whispered into his ear. Travis picked her up, both hands cupping her butt. "You're so strong, Travy", Taylor whispered against his lips as they made their way upstairs. Travis reconnected their lips, her tongue slipping through his open mouth. 

Sorry to cut off there it's just that they're real people and this feels weird enough as it is! Tysm for reading<3

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