Illicit Affairs

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Trigger warning: violence

"Did you have fun tonight?", Travis asked Taylor, putting his jacket around her shoulders. "I had the best time", Taylor said, leaning up to kiss him softly on the lips as they stood on her front porch. When the kiss ended, Travis leaned down, kissing her again except this time passionately. Taylor moaned softly, pulling away before things got too serious.

"You still haven't broken up with him?", Travis asked, disappointed. "Trav, I'm sorry. I'll do it tonight", Taylor promised, taking both of Travis's hands in hers. Travis looked to the side, a little hurt. "I'm sorry baby. There just hasn't been a good time", explained Taylor, squeezing his hands lightly. "It's ok", Travis answered, kissing her fore head lightly before walking back to her car. 

"Who was that?", Joe asked, sitting on the couch as if he'd been waiting for her for a while. "Who", Taylor asked, internally panicking. "That man you were talking to on the porch", Joe said, daggers in his eyes. "Umm", was all Taylor said. She thought hard, not a good excuse coming to mind, so Taylor decided to deflect it. "Who is Emma?", Taylor asked, sitting at the bar stool. "Don't deflect the question", Joe said, sternly. Even though she felt slightly bad about cheating, it was only because she had found Joe in bed with another girl, him not seeing her, so she decided to not let him know she saw them. 

Taylor decided that this was the moment she would break up with Joe. So she decided to come clean. "His name is Travis", Taylor said, but couldn't say more because Joe stood up, slapping her face. Taylor was speechless. "You're a whore. You cheated on me this whole time and I only just now found out about it?", yelled Joe, spitting in her face. "I did not cheat on you this whole time and you know that!", yelled Taylor.

Joe grabbed her, threw her against the wall, and began throwing punches at her. "Stop", Taylor managed, pain shooting through her body. Joe growled, leaving Taylor in tears against the wall. 

The world seemed to buzz,everything in slow motion. But faintly in the distance, Taylor heard the front door slam shut. 

She sobbed softly, feeling weak and vulnerable. But her senses quickly came back, her picking up her phone and calling Travis, her eyes shut, leaning her head against the wall. "Did you break up with him?", was the first thing Travis asked, but he saw her beat up face on the camera, the conversation quickly turning serious. "I'm on my way", Travis said. "Stay on the call for me, will you baby?", said Travis, dashing to his car and turning it on, backing out of his driveway. "Ok", was all Taylor could say because she was in shock and in pain. "I love you so much. I'm going to fix this, promise", Travis said, holding back tears as he saw Taylor hurt and softly sobbing. 

Travis sped the whole way there, pulling into her driveway and opening the unlocked front door. "Tay?", Travis called, searching the house for her. "Trav", he heard a faint, small voice say. 
Travis rushed to the source of the sound, seeing Taylor weak with a bloody nose, leaning against the wall. "Baby", Travis said, trying to keep tears from falling from his own eyes. Seeing Travis save her only made Taylor sob harder. "Let's get you out of here, ok?", said Travis, leaning down to scoop her up bridal style effortlessly. 

Taylor groaned softly in pain, feeling her sore, injured body being lifted from the ground. "I've got you. Let's get you home", Travis comforted, opening the passenger side door to put Taylor in. "Here you go. Easy there", said Travis, making sure she was comfortable and kissing her forehead softly. "Thank you", said Taylor softly, her left eye purple and puffy. "Anytime. But this isn't happening again because you're not going back", said Travis once he had taken his seat on the driver's side. "I don't want to", said Taylor, looking down because she was ashamed at how beat up she looked and how she knew Joe could be violent but kept going back to him. 

Travis reached his right hand over, taking Taylor's soft hand in his. He squeezed it softly, bringing it to his lips to kiss softly. Taylor gave him a half smile, softly squeezing back. She let her tired eyes drift closed, feeling safe and secure with Travis by her side. 

Once they got home, Travis unbuckled and went to Taylor's side. "Can you walk or do you want me to carry you", asked Travis, unbuckling her. "Carry", was all Taylor said groggily. "Of course baby". Travis picked her up, this time so his arm was under her butt and her other arm was on her back. "Let's get you inside", said Travis, unlocking the front door. 

Taylor laid her head on his shoulder, tiredness causing her eyelids to drift closed. He took her upstairs, laying her against him as he sat up in bed. "I'm going to take some of your clothes off to see if you maybe broke anything, ok?", Travis asked, looking for consent. Tears flooded Taylor's blue eyes, avoiding eye contact. She shook her head. "Why baby? I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to try to help you", assured Travis, rubbing her arm softly. Taylor shook her head again. "I'm ugly", she sobbed. "Shh, you're not ugly at all. You're absolutely gorgeous", affirmed Travis, reaching down to kiss her forehead. "So can I?", Travis asked again, softly. Taylor nodded. "Thank you so much baby. I promise I'll be gentle". 

Travis removed her shirt, getting her to sit up for a little. Her left rib was slightly purple, but not purple enough that he was concerned that it was broken or anything like that. "Oh baby", he said softly, touching it softly, causing Taylor to wince slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry", apoligized Travis. "It's fine. It doesn't hurt that much". "How did you get that", he asked, unclasping her bra. "He shoved me against the wall and punched me, but I don't know really. It was kind of a blur", she admitted, feeling Travis gently pull down he leggings. "I'm so sorry you had to experience that", said Travis, kissing her thighs softly. "You seem fine down there", said Travis with a small smirk. Taylor laughed, much to Travis's delight. "You're too much sometimes", said Taylor, smiling. 

Once Travis had examined Taylor all over, he picked her up again, setting her in the bath tub. He poured bubbles into it, the way Taylor loved it, and gentle bath salts to help her muscles heal. "Thank you", said Taylor, looking at Travis sleepily. "I'd do anything for you baby". He continued. "Call me if you need anything". "Wait", she stopped him. "Can you stay with me?". "I'd love to", he answered, stripping naked and climbing in behind her, Taylor's head leaning on her chest. 

He took a washcloth and gently washed her delicate skin, her wincing on some areas and her sighing in others. As Travis washed her, embarrassment fell over her face. Taylor was leaning on him, so that meant that she was leaning on him in private areas, giving Travis a big erection. 

Taylor felt it pressed against her, making her laugh. "Gosh, I'm sorry Tay. I hope you know that I have enough self control to contain myself with you naked, It's just a reaction to touch". 

"Travis, It's fine. Plus, I don't mind", she said, kissing his cheek. 

Taylor relaxed, feeling Travis's gentle motions cleansing her body. He moved the washcloth over her belly, legs, and arms. "I love you", she said softly, relaxation taking over. "I love you too, Tay". 

After the bath, they put on PJ's and made their way to bed, Taylor tucked into Travis's chest. "Mhmm, I love you. Thank you for saving me", Taylor mumbled. "I'll always save you. Love you too". Travis kissed her forehead softly, taking in her soft, delicate skin. 

Hope you enjoyed it! don't forget to comment or vote!<3

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